Chapter 394 No one will buy it

Some people may say that the above words are a bit exaggerated. No matter how busy Huo Ran’s schoolwork is, he won’t be too busy to lose contact. How busy an acting student can be.

But you must know that any teacher will especially like the kind of students who are like a blank paper in many aspects, but are very easy to learn, because teaching such students, the future students will have more of them. shadow.

Huo Ran is basically a piece of white paper that is extremely easy to learn in their eyes.

That’s all, Huo Ran is still in this summer vacation, disturbing the film and television circles in China, although they do not necessarily agree with Huo Ran’s “Early Concubine ~ Promotion Plan”.

But I have to admit that the awake “Da Zi Fei Promotion Plan” “takes the most thunder against the ordinary thunder” and “with no lower limit to the low bottom line”, using an almost exaggerated method, it has already been crossed abruptly from here. The film and television drama cake controlled by entrepreneurs in the industry-knock the next big piece.

Are you idiots in plots and ridiculous dialogues? My “Daddy Concubine’s Promotion Plan” is more idiotic than you, and more ridiculous than you.

Your bottom line is low, driving quietly? I have no lower limit in “The Promotion Plan of Da Zi Fei”, let you know what “dirty uprightness” is.

Your literary film can’t sit still, criticize me? Your film’s soundtrack, interlude, and BGM quality beat me first.

In short, these Beixi opera teachers hate the film and television market controlled by the capitalists. They need a sharp sword to break the rules set by the capitalists. The sharp sword in their eyes is Huo Ran.

Therefore, after the start of this semester, Huo Ran’s busy schoolwork, which seemed to other students to be extremely miserable, began.

Originally Huo Ran’s acting major had 12 classes a week.

Then, the director of the director department invited him to listen to their class when there was no class.

Then there is the Department of Musical Theatre.

Department of Drama.

In the end, even the Department of Stage Art and the Department of Drama Management came to join in the fun.

It was unsatisfactory to make Huo Ran’s week into 30 classes, but he also rushed to let Huo Ran participate in the intensive correspondence courses they opened on Saturdays and Sundays.

Anyway, Huo Ran was forced to “instill knowledge”, as much as he could.

Although in the view of Huo Ran’s classmates, and even Dai Zheng, Huo Ran, who had to attend thirty-four classes without a break a week, was too hard.

But Huo Ran is always happy.

Huo Ran’s “personal design” in Beixi Opera is not a master of learning, but a “learning idiot”.

Of course, this is the case. Huo Ran still promised Kong Jing that in the future winter and summer vacations and short vacations, he would go to Golden State to help the women’s team shoot various things, but this is not for making money.

…Please ask for flowers………

On the one hand, it is an attempt to apply the knowledge learned in the past, and on the other hand, it can also help Kong Jing.

In the entertainment industry, business ability is always more important than book knowledge. Applying what you have learned is the criterion for judging whether Huo Ran is an outstanding student of Beixi opera.

The monotonous and unchanging study life can be taken away in one stroke.

The heat and the cold are coming, and it’s another new year.

In the freezing cold of Kyoto, Huo Ran finally successfully completed the final exam for this semester.

Walking out of the examination room, Huo Ran suddenly remembered that he had received a WeChat message from Kong Jing in the morning: “I am also in Kyoto. Call me back when you finish the exam. I have something to do.

After a short ringing tone, Kong Jing answered the phone: “Have you finished the exam? Is there anything else?

“Well, the exam is over. It’s nothing. Sister, what’s the matter with you?” Huo Ran asked.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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