Chapter 395 Relevant departments (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“One sentence or two is not clear. If you are not busy, come to the Tianyin Building at Fuxingmen. I will wait for you at the Xibian Tea House on the first floor.” Kong Jing said.

Because of the unknown reason, it is rare to listen to Kong Jing’s seriousness. She didn’t have the thought of joking with herself, so she didn’t dare to delay, so he called a car and went straight to the address Kong Jing said.

It wasn’t until he got out of the car that Huo Ran was surprised to find that the tea house that Kong Jing said was just across the road from the national film and television review agency. “Five Eight Zero”

The name of the institution is self-resolved and cannot appear in the text. Of course, it is not important. It will still be referred to by the four words “relevant department” in the future.

Huo Ran’s mind immediately gave birth to a guess-is it related to his own web drama project?

This tea shop named “Xibian Tea House” has a small facade, but the decoration is very elegant. When you walk in, you will find that there is a cave inside.

“Sir, do you want someone or?” the receptionist asked Huo Ran.

“Well, it’s a lady with the surname Kong.” Huo Ran found that he couldn’t find Kong Jing at a glance, so he answered the receptionist’s words.

When the voice fell, a small sliding door opened in the attic. Kong Jing grinned and beckoned to herself.

“No, I’m looking for it.” Huo Ran smiled friendly to the receptionist, and then went up the stairs.

Entering this small elegant room, only Kong Jing was found.

After sitting down on the cushion opposite Kong Jing, Kong Jing poured tea for Huo Ran and said, “The web drama project is about to be completed. It should be ready for review in advance.”

When I heard that Kong Jing was really doing something about the web drama, Huo Ran was sitting in distress, subconsciously looking in the direction of the relevant department.

When Kong Jing saw Huo Ran’s action, she had already guessed what he was thinking, smiling on her forehead, and immediately said, “Of course, you also know that if you find the buyer in advance and submit it for review through the buyer’s relationship, it will be more efficient. .”

Zhiran naturally knew about this a long time ago, nodded slightly, and then asked with a smile: “It’s not like “The Promoted Concubine”, no one buys it, right?

Kong Jing smiled faintly when she heard the words, and put the tea bowl in front of Huo Ran with both hands.

Zhiran also quickly took it with both hands.

At this moment, Kong Jing bends her body sideways, holding something, and saying, “That’s not enough. There are about a dozen buyers of the first round of exclusive broadcasting rights. I call you over to let you take a look. Make a decision after consideration.”

After that, Kong Jing took out a piece of paper and handed it to Huo Ran.

Huo Ran took the paper and printed the names of the buyers, the quotations, and the promised deadlines for the review. Sure enough, fame is very important in this business.

The situation of the network drama project is much better than that of “The Promoted Concubine”.

These buyers are not only available online and offline, but they dare to quote and promise to pass the review date before they have seen the finished product. This is obviously the result of the promotion of the “Da Zi Fei Promotion Plan”.

However, after scanning a circle, Zhiran still showed a dissatisfied expression: “They are all second, third and fourth line websites or TV stations.

“This Tianyuan video with the highest traffic has less than 20 million users. These TV stations are also small cities with a population of less than 2 million.”

Kong Jing knew what Huo Ran’s subtext was, and couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile: “Satisfy you, 1.7 those giants and big TV stations, don’t dare to put Bao on you, after all, “Big Concubine Promotion Plan” does have it. A lot of things without a bottom line.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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