Chapter 398 Pan him (see monthly ticket for full order)

These people’s unreasonable sarcasm makes it difficult for the fans of “Da Zi Fei Promotion”, Huo Ran or Kong Jing or even the fans of the girl group to argue.

Because once they argue, these people will reply, “You are only allowed to brag about him, and we are not allowed to tell the truth?”

Even more like Zhai Benben and Chen Jian, colleagues who have a bit of animosity with Huo Ran, speak even less mercilessly. “The internet mob is terrible, are you all brain-dead fans, or are you a navy with how much money?”

After all, before Huo Ran’s new creation, Huo Ran’s supporters didn’t have much words to defend each other, and had to scold each other.

Just when Weibo became a language battlefield for Huo Ran’s supporters and opponents.

Huo Ran finally updated Weibo.

It seemed to be a question.

“Someone in the world slander me, evil me, deceive me, how to deal with it?”

Huo Ran’s supporters of 580 saw such a question and commented below.

“Punish him!”

“Fuck him!

“Rub his face on the ground.”

Then, Huo Ran himself answered this question and put it on top.

“Just bear with him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more days, you just look at him.”

After this self-response appeared, there was a short pause in his comment area.

Then there are crazy likes and reposts.

And a uniform comment “Stay a few more days, you watch him.”

Then these Huo Ran supporters (bcbh) really ignored these people who attacked Huo Ran.

These people are even more furious and continue to criticize and scold them online, but the more they scold, the more they feel that they are clowns.

Because Huo Ran’s supporters will comment on a squinting smile under their verbal abuse.

It’s like looking at a silly…

At eight o’clock in the evening on February 1, Jingxiang Entertainment, and the women’s group members in the opposite Wangcheng International, all quietly stopped what they were doing, or turned on the TV to switch to Golden State TV, or took it. Get out of your mobile phone or tablet and enter the Golden State TVapp.

While enjoying the rich supper provided by Kong Jing for each person, while staring at the screen in front of him unblinking.

“I still can’t be separated from you, I can’t be separated from you, your gentleness is the biggest waiter in my life~” After the opening song sung by Zeng Lianshun with the incomparable expression, the feature film finally began.

The title of the film “Returning the Pearl Princess”.

The picture gradually brightens, in a very lively ancient street.

Among the onlookers of many people, Little Swallow, played by Lu Lele, was sitting in a proud man guarded by a group of officers and soldiers, poking out his head and beckoning to the crowd triumphantly.

Outside the crowd, Zhu Jiayu, who plays Xia Ziwei, has a bleak expression on her face.

“Miss, don’t look, Xiao Yanzi is a liar, you believe her too much.” The girl who dressed up next to Ya Fan was the Golden Lock played by Lin Qinyao.

Xia Ziwei, played by Zhu Jiayu, bit her lower lip when she heard the words, but in the end, she shook her head.

As the camera turns, time seems to flow backwards.

The unaccompanied Xia Ziwei took her Jin Zuo and the token left to her by her mother, planning to go to the capital to find clues to her biological father. She knew that her father was the Emperor.

On the way to the palace, she saw the female thief Little Swallow who had just finished making a fuss at Lord Liang’s mansion.

Seeing this girl of the same age as her, Xia Xia Ziwei felt sympathy, so she helped Xiao Yanzi avoid being tracked by the officers and soldiers, and then they separated.

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