Chapter 399 Change the evil and return to the right (see monthly ticket for full order)

Xia Ziwei and Jin Suo were finally stopped by the guards of the palace and ate behind closed doors. When Yixing Yueshan wanted to go back to the inn and think about other ways out, she saw the little swallow who was doing art and cheating on the street.

Because of her mother’s upbringing from her childhood, Xia Ziwei is determined to persuade Xiao Yanzi to “change evil and return to the right”.

At this moment, a gangster wanted to grab the burden of crape myrtle. It would be Xiao Yanzi who rescued crape myrtle. In this way, the two little girls helped each other once, and because of this, the two had a simple and beautiful friendship. friendship.

The first episode ends here.

“Huh? It’s over?”

“Good-looking and good-looking.

“Lelejiang’s acting skills have improved a lot. The little swallow she created is vivid and so cute.”

“The little princess Zhu Jiayu really played the princess, 66666.

“Ah, only one episode a day~, bad review.”

“Satisfy, update every day.-Better than weekly drama.”

“It feels like the first episode is just foreshadowing. The plot should unfold and become more and more attractive-right.


“Look forward to +1”

“Looking forward to +10086”

With the previous group ridicule on Weibo, at least half of the fans of film and television dramas are locked in Golden State Satellite TV or Golden State TVapp to watch this “Returning the Pearl Princess” at this time.

And the hot topic about “The Princess of the Pearl” has been updated on Weibo.

Among these topics, all praise and follow up.

This is actually only part of it. Some Golden State middle-aged and elderly people who don’t know how to use the Internet and rely on traditional TV accidentally watched this drama and nodded their heads in praise.

You must know that although the original series of “Returning the Pearl Princess” has mixed reviews on the plane of the earth, it is a drama that can continue to be broadcast for 20 years and affect generation after generation.

The difference in praise and criticism on the earth plane is because the earth’s entertainment industry is more diversified.

But it’s different in the world of Huo Ran.

In this world, “Returning the Pearl Princess” is definitely a series with the most sophisticated plot.

In the costume drama, it is still stuck in simple fights and killings, flying over the wall, and the mystery of life experience suddenly appears. Elements such as heterosexual sisters with different personalities are a good and attractive theme.

Although the success of “The Princess of the Pearl” was expected by Huo Ran, Huo Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Search for keywords, glanced at Weibo related topics, all praises and reminders, and no bad reviews

Hey, there are really bad reviews.

…Please ask for flowers………

Huo Ran’s expression was stagnant, and he looked at the Weibo.

“After watching “Return the Pearl Princess”, I know what garbage is.”

No brain black, there is no reason for black, just to get some refreshing feeling on the tongue.

Uh, or it doesn’t count as words, it’s all about satisfying yourself with online texts.

I took a look at this Weibo’s publisher who turned out to be Zhai Benben. Huo Ran couldn’t help but couldn’t help crying or laughing.This guy, he was beaten so badly in the face by himself.

Do you buy a navy to support yourself?

Huo Ran subconsciously clicked on the comment area, and when he saw those comments, he was immediately happy.

“Hey, congratulations, Director Zhai has finally realized that he is rubbish.

“Director Zhai has realized that he is going to be promoted to immortality…”

“People are about to die, and their words are good.”

“The prodigal son will not change his money. Come on, you can. In your next life, you must be a filmmaker who is qualified to lift Huo Ran’s shoes.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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