Chapter 794 Fairy Sword Theme Song (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

When Liu Hong swept his eyes, he knew what Huo Ran was thinking, a smirk on his face: “Boy, haven’t you blown up balloons lately?”

Upon hearing Liu Hong’s words, Huo Ran smiled!

He really got it right. Huo Ran hasn’t blown a balloon for more than a month, so his current breath is much weaker than when he participated in Tomorrow’s Superstar before.

According to Liu Hong’s expectation, Huo Ran’s current breath should be able to control this song perfectly. Since his face is embarrassing, then needless to say, he must not practice well.

Thinking of this, Liu Hong’s heart flashed with disappointment. Liu Hong is not Huo Ran. She doesn’t have the golden fingers of Qiandu. She writes songs, and it can’t be written in five minutes. This SSS+ golden song, Liu Hong is full. It took more than ten days to write, plus later revisions, add up before and after-Liu Hong did this month.

In other words, after Liu Hong knew that Huo Ran was going to make a film, he had already started to help Huo Ran write a song.

This is also the reason why the Chinese music world is gradually declining. Nowadays, the Chinese music world is full of saliva songs. There is only one reason. That is because the saliva songs seem to use some Internet nouns, or find a simple melody, as long as you catch it The popularity of this time period can be popular.

It’s just that it is not real gold, and it can’t stand the test of time. Over time, saliva songs will be forgotten by people, and golden songs can always be circulated. The difference is that golden songs take a long time to produce. Slobber songs are not used. In the face of time, current singers are used to choosing the easier ones, while ignoring the difficult ones before.

“Master, give me this song, don’t worry, I can conquer him tomorrow.” Huo Ran nodded while looking at the lyrics in his hand.

“Tomorrow, there is only one day? Huo Ran, I gave you this song, but you don’t have to worry, just inform you that you can sing well when you are recording a TV drama song.” Liu Hong unexpectedly treated it because It’s so easy to talk, or Huo Ran may be the only one who can make Liu Hong lower his demands when facing music.

Of course he knew this. Liu Hong didn’t say that. Fortunately, he was even more embarrassed when he said that. That is Liu Hong, who claims to never discount music! As his disciple, Not to let him lower this standard.

“Trust me, sir! I said it’s okay, it must be okay.” Huo Ran’s eyes were very firm.

…For flowers.

Every time Huo Ran said these words, there was always no way to refuse, and Liu Hong did the same. Looking at Huo Ran’s eyes, Liu Hong actually believed him.

“Well, you also pay attention to rest.” Liu Hong nodded and left Huo Ran’s room.

Huo Ran nodded and looked at the lyrics in his hands. Huo Ran had never heard of this song before. He looked at the melody on it and tried to hum the melody of the song.

What surprised Huo Ran is that this song, whether it is lyrics or melody, is a perfect match with his own “Sword”, it is a match made in heaven!

The grandmaster is the grandmaster. Even if Huo Ran spent so many days with thousands of degrees, he couldn’t find a very suitable song, but Liu Hong could write it out. Needless to say, this song must be the theme song of “Sword”.

“Obviously you love me too” Huo Ran tried to hum.

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