Chapter 795 Wang Chenkun’s black material (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

It’s just that the tune of the song is too high, even the initial tune is higher than Huo Ran’s voice.

Throughout the night, Huo Ran was practicing this song, but he still didn’t get any results. It wasn’t until early in the morning that Huo Ran fell asleep. After only an hour of sleep, Liu Hong’s knock on the door awakened Huo Ran. Huo Ran did not expect that Liu Hong came so early, and thought he was here to check his homework.

“Huo Ran, I have something to do today. I may not be able to come back if I go on a business trip outside of the country on “August Three”. If you leave, remember to lock the door for me.” Liu Hong said.

Hearing this, Huo Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Although he praised Haikou, he did not practice well in one night. Since Liu Hong didn’t come to check his homework, it would be fine.


As soon as he spoke, Huo Ran was surprised by his own voice. Is this his own voice? Not only Huo Ran, but even Liu Hong was shocked, because Huo Ran’s voice became hoarse.

“Did you practice all night last night?”

“Yeah!” Huo Ran nodded without speaking. Every time he swallows, his throat hurts terribly.

This is terrible! Liu Hong secretly said that it is not good. When a singer is most taboo, overuse of his voice is the most taboo. Under normal circumstances, the singer will train the endurance of his voice in advance when he has a concert, but Huo Ran is not like this. He hasn’t before. Trained.

In fact, Huo Ran hasn’t sang a song for a long time, and suddenly sang it all night, can his voice not be red and swollen?

After listening to Liu Hong for a whole night, he obviously developed a breath. Since he is tired, take a break and eat some lozenges. He returned to his room and took a few lozenges to Huo Ran. I asked him a few more words, feeling uneasy, and called Luo Luo.

No matter what time, as long as Huo Ran is by Luo Luo’s side, Liu Hong can rest assured, after all, Luo Luo is Huo Ran’s agent, and everyone in the world may harm Huo Ran, but Luo Luo will not.

After sending off Liu Hong, Huo Ran was about to come back to sleep, and there was another noisy knock on the door, and Luo Luo came again!

This time, there was really no way to sleep. Huo Ran rolled his eyes. There was no trick at all. It was hard to sleep.

However, Luo Luo was still heart-warming. He brought himself porridge and didn’t talk to himself. Of course, Luo Luo brought not only the porridge, but also what Huo Ran wanted most, Wang Chenkun’s black material!

Luoluo guessed well. Wang Chenkun had a lot of black material. After spending 200,000 yuan in the package, he got the information. After that, Luo Luo also went to verify the authenticity of the news, and it was indeed true. Where is Ran

“Of course, I want to remind you that you’d better not break the news. Wang Chenkun is not you. Once these things are known by the media, his life will be over. It is not a bloody hatred. We don’t need to smash other people’s jobs.” Lolo finished.

Huo Ran nodded. Although he wants to complain, he has not yet reached that point. He has this thing in his hand. Tomorrow, he will talk to Wang Chenkun, and let Wang Chenkun not provoke him in the future.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people!

Huo Ran also believes that with these things, as long as Wang Chenkun is not a fool, he won’t be bothered by his own hemp.

“There is another bad news. Although I don’t want to tell you, only you can solve this matter!”

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