Chapter 849 Make a movie (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Who can withstand such a Huo Ran? Not only is he handsome, has a sweet voice, and has a good body, but he is also meticulous in his mind. He thinks about you everywhere. I don’t like such a man, who do I like?

Sitting opposite Huo Ran, he looked at Huo Ran happily.

“I, is there anything on my face?” Huo Ran asked, touching his face.

“No.” Su Xiaoyu hurriedly sat upright.

Although Dian didn’t let Su Xiaoyu drink, he took a sip by himself.If Su Xiaoyu was drinking, who would drive?

After eating two skewers of barbecue, the boss did not bake it well and it was all battered. He put down the barbecue, wiped his mouth, and said, “Xiao Yu, didn’t you have something to do with me? What’s the matter.”

“It’s okay.”

“It’s okay, why are you looking for me?” Huo Ran was dumbfounded.

What a thought, Su Xiaoyue started to feel wronged when she said this, ~ tears were about to fall.

Looking at Huo Ran: “Can’t I find you if I’m okay? It’s been a long time since you played with me. Fortunately, you said last time that you have time to take me to play. It just didn’t work if you just had a meal. ”

With a look of helplessness, looking at Su Xiaoyu, he has been too busy recently, and he hasn’t made time at all.He is also tired, and that’s it. He hasn’t figured out what Liu Hong and Wang Chenxi are doing together. Woolen cloth.

Moreover, Wang Chenkun also disappeared recently. His side was very quiet, even quiet and terrifying, but Huo Ran didn’t know that Jiangcheng was very quiet on the surface, but it was indeed surging in the dark, and a big storm was waiting for him.

After eating with Su Xiaoyu for more than two hours, the little girl drove Huo Ran back contentedly and went home. Luo Luo had already gone to rest.

Huo Ran closed his eyes and listened to the melody. This song, the title of the song is called the first love song, the prelude is very soothing, it is the type that Huo Ran likes, and this song, to be honest, is not difficult, but the lyrics are Singing should be very simple.

After only listening to the first few sentences, you can hum and sing the rest of the content. This song does not have the affectionate one written by Liu Hong. It is used as the album’s title song, which is a bit far-fetched.

But as a prelude, it is the best. It can be a good pavement for the back, from superficial wounds to strong sadness, to completely impress the readers.

In fact, the album that Huo Ran wants to make is different from the disc. The album he wants to make doesn’t have the function of skipping songs, and they are all played in order.

In coordination with a micro-movie, with the movie to play the song, so that fans and friends who buy the album can go to the theater to make a movie just like watching a movie.

…Please ask for flowers………

With Huo Ran’s current ability, there should be no problem. He can let Qiandu load his acting skills, and then work with Wang Shiya to perform a micro film. As for the director, aren’t they all ready-made? Or professional, money ? That’s not even a problem, Liu Piaopiao still has 150 million.

Yes, just do it!

Huo Ran hurried to knock on Luo Luo’s door, knocking for a full minute. Luo Luo stood at the door with his eyes closed, because he couldn’t open his eyes: “If something is going on, I ignore it and leave.”

“Sister Luo, I will use my album to make a movie first.”

“Pat” Lolo closed the door listlessly.

Huo Ran regrets, is his idea so bad? It’s so bad that Luo Luo has no interest at all!

Bang! The door was suddenly opened.

“Huh!” Lolo almost screamed.

Ten minutes later, Luo Luo and Huo Ran sat on the sofa and looked at Huo Ran dumbfounded.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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