Chapter 850 Something went wrong (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

To be honest, Huo Ran’s idea is really too advanced. Before Huo Ran, let alone no one has done this before, even if they have no idea.

The most avant-garde way is to shoot the title song of one’s own album into a ten-minute MV, but no one has ever dared to do this before. The frontline is very big.

According to Huo Ran’s album, five songs and five songs are about twenty-four minutes long. Even if it is a ten-minute interval, it will take seventy-four minutes of “Nine, Two, Two,”.

This does not belong to the category of micro movies, and it is not far from a real 90-minute movie.

If this is an album, it’s OK. Many people will buy it and listen to it after buying it. No statistics are involved.

But once you enter the movie theater, this is related to the box office. If you enter the movie theater, it will affect the sales of the album. This is a choice.

This is a music movie. I am afraid that no one will be patient and listen to and watch a 90-minute music movie.

Luo Luo hasn’t spoken all the time, and Huo Ran doesn’t know what he thinks, does he support himself or not?

This is his first album. Huo Ran wants to be different from others and break the rules.

“Sister Luo?” Huo Ran asked tentatively.

“Huh?” Luoluo came back to her senses. She supported Huo Ran. This is a business matter, but the method may need to be changed: “Huo Ran, we should change our mindset. The movie and MV should not be released at the same time. We have to separate Come on, make the movie first, and put all the five songs of this album into the movie as the theme song and episode.

Then, taking advantage of the popularity of the movie to release the album, I did not agree to make the album 90 minutes.

After listening to Luo Luo’s words, there are only eight characters in the system, which is reasonable and convincing!

Otherwise, it had to be Lolo’s brain. Why didn’t he think of this. If Huo Ran thought about it before, it would be very difficult.

I have to find a movie script suitable for the song, because the purpose is to highlight the song itself, but I don’t need it now. I just need to shoot a fine sad movie and grab the audience’s attention.

But in this case, the investment will be even greater. The cycle of making movies is much longer than that of TV dramas. Movies are not cut, but movies are made. This is completely different.

Once this is done, it will take at least half a year.

When it comes to time, both Lolo and Huo Ran are silent. It took six months to prepare an album, which is not an exaggeration, but Huo Ran can’t wait now.

Half a year later, it is estimated that the filming of “Sword” is finished. Although the idea is good, it doesn’t take that long.

“In a few days, Li Chaoyue’s single is released, and then you prepare the album. The album needs to be a normal album, and then you see the sales. If the sales are high, you will prepare the movie. How about?” Luo Luo asked.

Bell Bell Bell!

Before Huo Ran could speak, the phone rang. When I looked at my contact, it was Feng Liang. He raised his head and looked at his watch. It was past twelve o’clock. Feng Liang is still up at this time, so why are you looking for yourself?

“Director Feng, what’s the matter?” Huo Ran said politely.

He respects Feng Liang very much now, not only because Feng Liang helped him, but because of Feng Liang’s status.

“Huo Ran, something has happened!” Feng Liang said anxiously.

Huo Ran 1.7 Listening to Feng Liang’s tone, you know that things are not trivial, this is not a joke, who is Feng Liang?

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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