Chapter 853 Acting (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Huo Ran sneered, this old fox, knowingly asked, if he hadn’t taken the initiative to find something, he would have been lazy to see him.

But Huo Ran wasn’t that overkill. After all, he was begging Li Longting to be a grandson, and he was right.

Thinking of this, Huo Ran whispered softly: “Director Li, my TV series was rejected, why?”

“Really? Who would dare to refuse Huo’s TV series? You wait, I will ask immediately.” Li Longting picked up his mobile phone and yelled at him.

This poor acting skill is really bad, because from the beginning to the end, the screen of the mobile phone has not been bright.

However, if you see it through, you don’t know how to break it, and 920 itself can’t be opened up. Just watch Li Longting direct and act.

It took five minutes before Li Longting put down the phone, looked at Huo Ran, and smiled: “Brother Huo, you go back first. I already know what’s going on. You will send the TV series over tomorrow, and I will review it personally. There will be results within a week.”

When Huo Ran heard it, this Li Longting really regarded himself as a fool, for a week?

Presumably a week later, it was just a random reason to prevaricate it. At that time, it would not be a waste of time to delay myself for a week, and I would not be fooled by this.

“You don’t have to act in front of me, Li Longting, let’s talk about what you want.” Huo Ran asked straightaway.

“Brother Nan, this is what you want to say, what can I want? I am only responsible for our Jiangcheng entertainment circle. I like to watch your “Sword”, but my brother doesn’t like it.” Li Longting No longer conceal it.

Looking at Huo Ran, there is no fear at all.

Since Huo Ran has been able to clarify the words, what else can he hide? Everyone opens the skylight and speaks, hello, he is good.

Luo Luo’s expression sank, looking at Li Longting, it really was a public revenge, but he had no way to refute him. The fate of the TV series was in the hands of Li Longting.

Now Li Longting has already picked up the words clearly, it is very simple, Laozi is embarrassing you, what can you do?

“Director Li, are you sure you really want to do this?” Luoluo took out (bcbh) to collect it. The meaning was obvious. She was recording.

A cadre like Li Longting was afraid of being recorded, and as soon as the accusation was accurate, as soon as Luo Luo came out with his mobile phone, he knew what it meant, but Li Longting was not worried at all, or even took it seriously.

This is abnormal. Is it possible that Li Longting has reached the point where he is not afraid of the sky? This is more than that.

“Miss, you should know where this is. This is my office. Do you think it can be recorded?” Li Longting smiled.

Luo Luo opened the recording, and it was all the sound of electromagnetic fields. How could this be possible, looking around.

“You don’t need to look for it. This room is made of special materials. Your equipment is not enough to look at.” Li Longting smiled.

It turns out that the walls of Li Longting’s office are made of special materials. There is a strong electromagnetic field inside that specifically interferes with recording equipment. So no matter what Li Longting says in this office, he doesn’t worry, because you can’t record at all.

Of course, these electromagnetic fields were not specially prepared for Huo Ran, but were prepared by the previous leaders to facilitate private transactions.

Huo Ran saw that Luo Luo’s tactics were not working well, and it was troublesome now, can’t you beat him?

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