Chapter 854 Bullying others (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

In the corner of the office, a camera was installed, let alone hitting him, I am afraid that he was pulled out by the security guard before he could hit him.


Taking a breath, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads!

Thinking of this, Huo Ran looked helpless and shook his head: “Director Li, say ~, what do you want.”

“I want you to get out of the entertainment circle!” Li Longting no longer had the politeness he had before, revealing his face-hole.

After all, he and Li Longye are brothers, and Huo Ran doesn’t give Li Longye face, just doesn’t show him in front of him, this kind of person can’t get used to it.

“Do you think you have this ability?” Huo Ran raised his eyebrows, his eyes were no longer soft as they were before, and they became very sharp, looking at Li Longting.

It’s just that Li Longting doesn’t care about Huo Ran’s eyes at all. He has been in the audit department for so long, and he has climbed to this position. Who hasn’t seen him? How can he care about a Huo Ran.

“Director Li, I think you can pay attention to your words, and I can sue you.” Luo Luo didn’t want to let it either.

“Then what are you waiting for? Go?” Li Longting told himself that he didn’t care.

Luo Luo couldn’t say anything angry.

Huo Ran can see that Li Longting doesn’t want to negotiate at all, just tells you directly and is targeting you.

It seems that if you want to make Li Longting change, you can only find his black history, although Huo Ran doesn’t want to do that.

“Come on, Sister Luo.” Huo Ran pulled Luo Luo up.

Since there is no chance to talk, staying here is simply a waste of time.

“Walk away, Huo Ran, don’t think about it as long as I’m here!” Li Longting’s voice came from behind.

The lobby director of the Audit Department looked at Huo Ran’s gray-headed face, and knew what was going on. Just relying on him? Frighten him, it’s okay to frighten him, and he was against his boss, and he was so beautiful.

“Isn’t this Huo Ge? Why did he leave so soon.”

If you want to leave, where is the lobby director willing to put it? Huo Ran just pretended to be forceful with him, pulling like two to five to eighty thousand. Now that he is so humiliated, he still can’t avenge him or something.

“Get out of the way, the good dog doesn’t stand in the way, you know?” Huo Ran looked at the lobby manager and didn’t save him a bit of face.

Kairan hates this kind of people the most in his life, and it’s not worthy of respect at all to do things that are arrogant.

…Please ask for flowers………

The girl who was reviewing next to her looked at the lobby manager, then at Huo Ran, and couldn’t help laughing. They are all Huo Ran fans. If they weren’t afraid of losing their job, they would all have to go up and curse.

“Are you a scumbag of the entertainment industry with your face?”

“What to pretend, I won’t give you a review, don’t you have to stand up?” When is the lobby manager being scolded so directly by others? Or in front of his subordinates, how can he hold his face.



Almost without warning, the lobby manager let out a scream, it turned out that Huo Ran stepped on his foot.

Seeing the lobby manager lingering on two chairs, he chuckled and pushed him away and left.

Sending Luo Luo back, she can’t control this matter, not only Luo Luo can’t control it, but also Wang Yongjiang and Feng Liang can’t control it. If they can handle it, they won’t tell herself.

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