Chapter 855 Secret (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Except for Liu Hong, I am afraid that no one can help herself here. Liu Hong has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Now that she is where she is now, she must have some contacts. At least she must have a way.

When they arrived at Liu Hong’s home, Liu Hong and Liu Piaopiao were having lunch. What surprised Huo Ran was that Wang Chenxi was not there.

I also know how to rush. Every time I come, I can catch up with Liu Hong for a meal. Huo Ran is not welcome, pulling a stool and sitting down.

Liu Hong “Nine 20” and Liu Piaopiao looked at each other. This Huo Ran is really not a person who can hide things. He puts everything on his face. It is really naive. It seems that I have to exercise him. what.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t hide things by your side. Anyway, you won’t cheat him, but in front of outsiders, it’s not enough.

“Huo Ran, why are you looking for us?” Liu Piaopiao asked after eating a large piece of meat.

“Master Liu, Master, my TV series was rejected.” Huo Ran also took a bite of meat and said.

“Isn’t that normal? Change it.” Liu Piaopiao continued.

“How can it be normal? Li Longye’s younger brother refused the trial and clearly told me that it was aimed at me.”

“Ha ha!”

After listening to Huo Ran’s words, Liu Piaopiao and Liu Hong laughed out at the same time. This system is really naive. When this word comes out of his mouth, why is it so funny?

Huo Ran was dumbfounded. What happened to these two masters. They had already encountered such a big deal. How could they laugh out? Huo Ran didn’t know, and didn’t dare to ask.

These two masters are both heavyweights, and whoever cleans up a meal is not something they can bear.

The two fat guys laughed for ten minutes, and Huo Ran didn’t know how they could be so funny.

For a long time, Liu Honghong spoke first, saying: “Your Master Liu and I have already known that your fate is in the midst of this disaster, and we have already arranged it for you.”

Huo Ran is getting more and more confused now, and there is still such a disaster in his fate, when did they learn fortune telling?

“Sure, I didn’t find one person missing.” “Liu Hong continued.

“Well, sister Ji Feo is not here.

The nickname “Jie Mao Jie” was given to Wang Chenxi by Huo Ran. Whoever asked her to give her the nickname “Ji Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei, she and her, she is simply a perfect match.”

“Do you know why she is not here?” Liu Hong continued.

“have no idea.

“Knowing that we have been looking for her for so many days, what’s the matter?”

“have no idea!”

It’s just that I don’t know this second, Huo Ran’s tone has changed. It seems that there is something I don’t know that I didn’t say, it should be about the secret between the three of them.

From Wang Chenxi’s leave, to Liu Piaopiao’s injury and hospitalization, and then the three of them were together. Huo Ran never knew about these things. Before, he wanted to ask Liu Hong, but Liu Hong didn’t want to let herself know.

Looking at it now, it should be time to unravel the truth.

Liu Piaopiao took out his phone

Liu Piaopiao took out his mobile phone and played a piece of habitual music.

Liu Hong pushed his glasses, adjusted the bow tie around her neck, and pointed at Huo Ran with her fingers: “There is only one truth!”

Well, it turned out to be a fattened version of Conan.

But Huo Ran didn’t interrupt. What Liu Hong wants to say is what he wants to know the most now, why would he interrupt?

It turns out that from the beginning of 1.7, Liu Hong knew about Li Longting’s appointment, and she guessed that Li Longting must be embarrassed by Huo Ran’s new TV series.

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