Chapter 871 Set foot on a desert island (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

But this year the program team changed their minds. Because Huo Ran and Wang Chenkun are not in harmony, they definitely don’t want each other to survive smoothly. They will definitely try their best to eliminate them. Therefore, this year increased competition elimination.

Werewolves will attack them every three hours. The number is one at a time. Only by unplugging the werewolf’s signal receiver can they be considered as defeating the werewolf. If the werewolf pulls out their signal receiver, they will be eliminated. .

With this setting, not only the werewolves can attack, even among the players, they can also attack each other, which can increase the visibility of the program.

Wang Chenkun smiled secretly, this setting is unknown to others, but does he know that money is not spent? Li Longye has spent so much money, how can he not buy the new rules of this show?

Car guides will not sell their shows, but there are too many people who are short of money

“Do you have any objections?” The car guide looked at the crowd and asked.

“Since there is no objection, please step on the red line.” The car director stepped away.

Five people stepped on the red line, waiting for the car guide’s announcement.

This time the reality show is no longer what it used to be. The five people and Qi Qi live together for 72 hours. This time the reality show is a real desert island survival!

“Tomorrow’s superstar survived on a desert island for 72 hours, start now!”

In the blink of an eye, the five people have already set foot on the desert island. Once they entered the desert island, the five did not attack each other at first, but divided their camps.In the end, Zhang Shengjie decided to be a lone wolf and Wang Chenkun decided to be a lone wolf. Liu Hong and Li surpassed a group of three.

The three groups are separated, and Huo Ran relies on memory to find a place to stay.

In fact, it is not a memory. This deserted island was built by capitalists for fun. In the four corners, there are accommodations. The three of Huo Ran went all the way to the west and quickly found the accommodations.

When I arrived at the lodging point, I found out that there was a clock here with a countdown of 72 hours.

Liu Hong sat on the ground, her size, and she really embarrassed him after walking for such a long time. Sitting on the ground panting heavily, Liu Hong didn’t move, and Li Chaoyue didn’t move.

In fact, Li Chaoyue originally wanted to be a lone wolf. Who would be willing to be burdened with Liu Hong? Liu Hong just listened to music, but nothing else.

Isn’t this no way? Who wants to collect Wang Chenkun’s money with himself, must stay with Huo Ran?

Huo Ran glanced at the two of them and didn’t move. What a pity! What do you do with this stuff? Only wood, straw and rope.

Wood and straw Huo Ran knows what it does.

Upon closer inspection, there are still eyes on the wood, which seems to be used for fixing, but Huo Ran is not a carpenter, so he can’t.

The three of them stared at each other with big eyes.

“My old Liu can’t!” Liu Hong finished speaking, lying on the ground, basking in the sun.

“Neither can I, Xiao Li!” Li Chaoyue also lay on the ground.

For a moment, Huo Ran regretted it. You wouldn’t be okay. Are you not busy at all? What kind of teammate is this? 933

In less than two minutes, Qianqian already has detailed steps. Huo Ran is closed. The above steps are really detailed, and more importantly, there are detailed pictures and texts.

It’s all right now. You can build a house without them.

According to what Qianqian taught himself, Huo Ran first found a sharper stone, and then found a piece of wood that was not bad, and tied the stone and wood together with a rope. In this way, it can be used as a shovel and an axe.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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