Chapter 872 Alert (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

In the live broadcast room at this time, the car guide looked at the screen and nodded secretly. This Huo Ran really has two brushes, and it seems that he has done his homework.

A little fresh meat can do so well without the help of his teammates. No wonder people dare to start their own company? They rely on their own ability.

“Huo Ran, come on!”

“Huo Ran, come on!”

On the barrage, cheering news flew out, and occasionally wanted to scold Liu Hong and Li Chaoyue. Liu Hong didn’t care, and Li Chaoyue didn’t know how he made money now.

It took a full two hours for Huo Ran to build a prototype, and the straw has not yet been laid.

Although Qianqian was there to help, Qianqian didn’t help. After all, Huo Ran had to close his eyes and watch the next step, otherwise it would be easy to make a mistake.

Liu Hong was yawning and she fell asleep. She didn’t have any hope at first. Anyway, she was fat and was not afraid of pits, so she could just sleep like this. But as soon as she opened her eyes, she was convinced by Huo Ran.

Isn’t this just the shelf of a house?

At this moment, Liu Hong’s interest also got up, and he went up to hand Huo Ran the straw. Li Chaochao saw that Liu Hong had done it, and he was too embarrassed not to do it, so he followed.

The more the merrier.

Huo Ran worked very slowly alone, but the three of them worked very fast together.

In half an hour, the house had been built. Although there were no walls around it, and it was all piled up with straw, it was still out of the wind and rain.

As for Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun, they have already prepared a very exquisite house.

She yawned and sat in a small house just enough for three people to lie down and sleep.

“Huo Ran, I really can’t see it. You still have this income. When did you learn it?” Liu Hong smiled, her voice a little dry, and rubbed her noisy.

“Are you thirsty? Master.” Huo Ran asked with concern.

It was very hot on the desert island. Liu Hong was already fat and worked here for the whole afternoon. Can he not be thirsty? There is enough sweat on her body.

Another sound of alarm.

Not far away, a werewolf appeared.

Control Ran was startled at first, and then regained relief. Thinking of the car guide, whether it was day or night, every three hours, there would be werewolves attacking. He glanced at the countdown, which happened to be 69 hours.

It’s really punctual!

But Huo Ran is not afraid of this. The two big lords on his side are also afraid that he is a werewolf. Besides, this werewolf is only to increase the effect of the program, and will not fight hard with him.

On the werewolf’s head, a green feather was inserted, which seemed to be a signal receiver.

“Chao Chao, let’s pull the hair off his head one by one.” Huo Ran looked at Li Chao Chao and said.

You can’t let Liu Hong do this kind of thing by herself, right? Even if Liu Hong is a man, with a stupid body like this, he can’t be allowed to do it.

Who knows, after hearing this, Li Chaoyue actually covered his signal receiver and waved his hand quickly: “You go, I’m not going, I don’t want to fight a werewolf.”

Huo Ran’s jaw almost lost his breath. When is this? Li Chaoyue is still like this.

However, Huo Ran didn’t have much time to blame Li Chaoyue. After all, the werewolves were getting closer and closer. If they continue to quarrel, I am afraid that none of the three of them can run away.

Huo Ran quietly detoured the back of the house before the werewolf had no idea.

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