Chapter 896 The last 30 minutes (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Thinking of this, Huo Ran turned the clock. As expected, the clock really moved. Not only did it move, but it moved very smoothly.

It seemed that it was not a lap. Because the base of the clock was very loose, Huo Ran kept turning for ten laps before stopping.


Immediately after that, the dial fell, and in the center, there was a key, but what was the key for?

“What can the key do!” Huo Ran rolled his eyes.

For the entire desert island, Huo Ran stayed here for three days and didn’t even see a keyhole. What is the key for?

12 When Liu Hong saw that Huo Ran was a little relaxed, he pushed his glasses, but he couldn’t relax, because it was not time to relax. What Huo Ran found now was only a part of the clues.

“Huo Ran, there is more than one clock on this island, right?” Liu Hong reminded.

Yes, on the map before, it showed clocks in four places. Since I have a key here, I must have a key in other places.

“Beyond, let’s separate, one person and one side, teacher.”

Before Huo Ran could finish speaking, Liu Hong interrupted him: “I will wait for you here.

“it is good!”

In fact, Liu Hong’s words are of ulterior motives, because the final location is here. As long as you are here, after Huo Ran finds the key, you have to come to yourself, which is tantamount to helping Huo Ran.

When Wang Chenkun saw Huo Ran and the others ran out, he looked regretful. What does this mean? Is it giving up? The bridge is here, what else can he do?

Zhang Shengjie is also very worried. He is more popular than Huo Ran. If this reality show loses to Yong Ran again, he will have no chance in his life.

“Don’t worry, Huo Ran can’t get out.” Wang Chenkun said.

“How do you know? Now we can’t get out, we can only pray that Huo Ran won’t work anymore.”

“No need to pray, I tell you, Huo Ran is a trash, he has no ability at all.” Wang Chenkun looked impatient.

Boom, boom!

The island began to vibrate violently, as if it were an earthquake, some of the unreliable trees that had been buried had already collapsed.

This desert island is man-made. Underneath the island is a powerful vibration device. It is used to imitate earthquakes. Although it is not a real earthquake, people are still on the desert island. It is still in this situation. It is easy to think confused. People may even panic.

After running away, Li Chaoyue felt the violent vibration from the ground, and lay directly on the ground. It took a while before he realized that it was a reality show.

This is the reason why the superstars of tomorrow are coming for more than three months, because after each show is finished, there will be a long recovery period, which is unavoidable.

But even so, fear cannot be overcome by ordinary people.Li Chaoyue originally didn’t want to move, but when I thought, Huo Ran was so good to him. If at this time, I can’t help him, then I am too sorry for him. , In fact, Li Chaoyue motion sickness, especially afraid of this kind of environment, 947 but for Huo Ran, he did it.

This earthquake device was activated by Huo Ran. This is also the setting of the program. No matter who is the first to find the escape key, this mechanism will be triggered.

Spoiled in madness, I soon collected the other two keys, but I couldn’t see Li Chaoyue after eating and eating.

“Master, what about transcendence?

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