Chapter 897 Haven’t come back yet (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“I haven’t come back yet.” Liu Hong also looked at Nawang, Huo Ran both came back, and Li Chaoyue hadn’t come back yet?

“Let me see!” After giving all three keys to Liu Hong, Huo Ran ran away.

Wang Chenkun looked at Huo Ran, who was running away, and then looked at Liu Hong. The secret path has come. They can’t continue to leave, but they can go back the same way. Now Huo Ran and Li Chaoyue are not there. This is not worthy of being eliminated. Is it? It seems that this time I am my last chance.

He ran in the direction Li Chaoyue ran, but couldn’t find Li Chaoyue’s trace. He ran to the clock. Only then did he find that Li Chaoyue was kneeling behind the clock, holding the key, twitching all the time.

Huo Ran was shocked, he knew that Li Chaoyue was scared, but a normal person, wouldn’t that be the case?

In fact, Li Chaoyue is no longer a normal person. After experiencing the humiliation and threats of Wang Chenkun, his heart has long been distorted, coupled with his natural motion sickness, fear of shaking things, at this time on the desert island Broke out together.

“Chao Chao, are you okay, [?” Huo Ran wiped the sweat from Li Chao’s forehead and found that Li Chao’s face was defeated.

“Huo Ran, me, I’m going to die!” Li Chaoyue held the key.

Is this condition a heart disease?

Not only Huo Ran, but even the car guide is not good at secrets. Now all the channels have been removed, and the rescue team simply can’t make it.-Once Li Chaoyue has any accident on the island, the program team will take full responsibility. And it’s not just a matter of responsibility, the car guide himself can’t pass his own level~!

Huo Ran doesn’t know medical skills, but looking at Li Chaoyue’s pale skin, it should be related to the heart.

“What should we do about this situation?” Huo Ran asked Qianqian, and he panicked too.

After all, this is not an ordinary situation. Judging from Li Chaoyue’s appearance, the problem should be serious, not an ordinary minor problem.

Listening to Qianqian’s answer, what does this mean? Running on his back, okay?

Huo Ran believes in Qianqian. For so long, Qianqian has not deceived himself, and Qianqian’s accuracy rate is very high. If you don’t believe in Qianqian, who else can you trust?

Since Qianqian said it was okay, it was okay.

Put away the key, and left with Li Chaoyue on his back.

“Huo Ran, leave me alone, I’m sorry, let me die here.” Li Chaochao cried.

At this time, there was no live broadcast. The microphones and cameras were all turned off. Only the car guide could see Yi in the conversation between them.

“Shut up.” Huo Ran yelled irritably.

Huo Ran still believes what Li Chaoyue said. After all, this time has come. Even if it is Li Chaoyue, there is no need to lie to himself, right?

In fact, Huo Ran is not selfish at all.If Qianqian says that Li Chaoyue’s problem is serious, he will never move Li Chaoyue, but since Qianqian says that Li Chaoyue is okay, what can he delay?

Bell Bell Bell!

There was another alarm sound, but this sound was not the alarm sound from the program group, but the sound of the player being eliminated.Could it be that Wang Chenkun was eliminated?

With all kinds of doubts, Huo Ran returned to the place where he was just now. Wang Chenkun and Zhang Shengjie were greeted with pride, and Liu Hong was eliminated.

(Noma Zhao) It turns out that Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun took advantage of Huo Ran’s departure, and swam ashore to grab Liu Hong’s key and eliminated Liu Hong. Although this is a variety show, they can be seen through this incident. Character.

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