Chapter 899 Not a reality show anymore

Now Liu Hong could not persuade or talk. According to the rules, she was already dead. She could only watch four people scuffle together, but there was no way.

Now it’s no longer a reality show, it’s just real people, what everyone really looks like.


Li Chaochao was panting, he could beat Wang Chenkun hard, and he was a fat beating against Wang Chenkun.

“Countdown, one hour!” The voice of the car guide sounded again.

Everyone slumped to the ground, and now there were only three keys left. The vibration had not ended yet, and there was one hour left in the countdown.

The four separated, Huo Ran lying on the ground, looking at the sky, he had no choice but to wait to be eliminated, what else could he do? There was nothing he could do.

“The road to heaven is destined to be full of thorns. What you see may not be the truth.”

This sentence was originally what Liu Hong wanted to say, but Liu Hong has now been eliminated, so he changed it to a car guide~ and give the next hint.

Although this section is not live, but this section has to be edited to the later stage, so this section is very important and it is also a test of the program-group skills.

When people are forced to desperation, they will show their true potential.

The car director is waiting until the real champion comes out. This champion was chosen by him.

Zhiran sat on the spot, took a breath, looked at Liu Hong, although Liu Hong could not speak, but her eyes were full of encouragement, and that look seemed to say, Come on, Huo Ran!

Turning his head, Li Chaoyue also looked at himself: “Huo Ran, it’s up to you!”

Yes, rely on me. I am the captain of this team. If I give up, who else can do it?

Let it die and live!

The rest of the light swept away, looking at Wang Chenkun and Zhang Shengjie who were sitting on the ground. If three of them were scattered on the ground, without a word, they strode up and kicked the three keys into the lake.

He was betting that if these four were just smoke bombs.

“Stop the vibration!” The car guide used the walkie-talkie to direct the staff on the deserted island.

This time Huo Ran guessed it correctly. If these four are the organs that initiate the shaking of the desert island, they are not important clues at all. The desert island is man-made, and the entire desert island is full of monitoring equipment. Master their every move.

“Countdown, 45 minutes!”

The voice of the car guide sounded once, and in the last 45 minutes, Huo Ran got the prompt for the second game.

Full of thorns? But where are the thorns?

When Liu Hong saw Huo Ran close his eyes, he secretly said that the real Huo Ran came back. Only Huo Ran who closed his eyes is the truly serious Huo Ran. From countless previous experiences, Liu Hong has long established this. .

…For flowers…

At this moment Huo Ran closed his eyes and gave everyone hope again.

Among the people present, Wang Chenkun probably knows Huo Ran best. Every time Huo Ran closes his eyes, it will be like opening a plug-in.

Quickly searching on the map, I saw Qianqian marked a red circle on the ground.

“What does it mean?”


With a big wave of their hands, Liu Hong and Li Chaoyue followed directly. Wang Chenkun hesitated and followed.

Liu Hong knew the ending, and Huo Ran didn’t go wrong.

“Countdown to 30 minutes!”

The scene that comes into view is indeed full of thorns, and these thorns are obviously placed in the later stage, that is to say,

The purpose of these thorns is to hide something.

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