Chapter 900 The last gate of heaven

He stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, really pricked! Huo Ran couldn’t stand it, but in order to find out the truth, what else could he do?

I gritted my teeth and turned my heart! Move away!

As soon as I stretched out my hand, I felt a rush of warmth in my hand. Needless to say, there must be bleeding. Li Chaochao followed, and Liu Hong wanted to help, but the rules did not allow her and she had no choice.

Zhang Shengjie and Li Chaoyue didn’t stretch out their hands, looking at Huo Ran, they felt that Huo’s “Nine-Five-Zero” was a bit silly: “Does this thing work for you? Without the key, we won’t go out at all!”

“Yes, yes!”” Zhang Shengjie agreed.

“You either shut up or help!” Huo Ran squinted, looking at Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun, and said angrily.

At this time, Huo Ran’s eyes were no longer soft, but they became very sharp, which scared Wang Chenkun. It was this look. Wang Chenkun was defeated by this look countless times.

Now that he saw this look, Wang Chenkun was empty again. He didn’t dare to speak, stretched out his hand, and subconsciously helped Huo Ran to hold the thorns. His hand was cut and he didn’t dare to say anything.

Zhang Shengjie looked at Wang Chenkun, he hadn’t figured out what was going on yet, why did Wang Chenkun help?

But at this juncture, Zhang Shengjie couldn’t say anything. He stretched out his hand to help Huo Ran, and quickly moved the thorns on it, and what came into his eyes was a horse gourd cover.

It must be a pity, is this horse gourd cover the intersection of escape?

To be honest, the average idol star is very resistant to seeing the horse gourd cover. After all, they are idol stars and have auras on their bodies. Of course, they can’t bear this.

But now, I can’t be so disgusted. According to the tips of the car guide, the road to heaven is destined to be full of thorns. It looks like this should be here, but it is really not a star and a half from heaven, it is hell. .

Huo Ran hesitated for a moment, but decided to go down and take a look.

Open the lid, there is sludge underneath, but faintly, you can see a lid, jump down, open the lid, and you see a passage, of course, not the sewer, but because of a passage leading directly to the villa.

It seemed that this was the end of the game. Seeing Huo Ran walking, everyone also walked over. In less than ten minutes, they had already reached the end, with a silver gate in front.

The lights on the walls on both sides suddenly turned on.

“Congratulations, you have entered the final test. The next is the final test. Open the gate of heaven. There is no prompt in this level! There are only three chances, three failed attempts, and the game is over, you will all be eliminated” the voice of the car guide once again Rang.

Everyone looked around and was still thinking about what’s going on. Huo Ran had already gone to the door. What surprised him was that this door had a keyhole and four keyholes. Could it be that the four keys were used for it? Who opened this door?

This is not right. If the key is really needed, why is there a combination lock in the center of this door?

He took a sigh of relief. This reality show was made like a room escape. When he goes out, he must be asked to add money. How many brain cells do you have to kill?

1.7 But I think so in my heart, and I can’t complain like that. Since there is a code lock, there must be a code. Next, it’s time to find clues by yourself.

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