Chapter 910 Let you go


Wang Chenkun first made a gesture of silence, and pulled Zhang Shengjie to the bathroom, being careful that the wall had ears.

“Zhang Shengjie, you look down on me too much. You can worry about me so much. To tell you the truth, I have collected all the black material since Huo Ran debuted, and there are still some things that have not been exposed. Think about it today. For such a big live broadcast scene, if the black material of Huo Ran is shown on the background board, does the result make you expect “Nine-Five-Three” to arrive?”

Wang Chenkun said with a smirk.

Seeing Wang Chenkun’s expression, Zhang Shengjie was secretly speechless. This is not a joke. What kind of attention is the superstar of tomorrow? Almost every year’s small fresh meat gathers here, and any episode of the program has more than one billion views. , A random live broadcast has tens of millions of heat, let alone the closing ceremony of the final work.

At this level of attention, if Huo Ran’s black material is played, isn’t Huo Ran over?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shengjie gave a smirk, but he soon returned to normal. This is not so simple. The program is live broadcast. If it is broadcasted here, wouldn’t it be troublesome? By then, it’s not just Huo that will be troublesome. Ran, I am afraid that Wang Chenkun will not be able to escape. Maybe he has to be implicated. If that is the case, his star path will not be numb.

Are you bored?

Of course, Wang Chenkun knew what Zhang Shengjie was thinking. He smiled evilly: “Don’t worry, this matter has nothing to do with you and me, it’s all about the broadcasting director behind the scenes.”

“Isn’t the director unable to get along in the circle like this?” Zhang Shengjie asked worriedly.

“What is the purpose of mixing in the circle? Isn’t it just for money? I gave him money that he can’t use all his life, enough for him to go to Hawaii for a life of ease and comfort. Don’t worry, I just need you to do it. Something!”

Zhang Shengjie heard it, yes!

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, no wonder Wang Chenkun wants to tell himself these things, dare to let himself help him, but this is also right, Huo Ran grabbed his own C position, Wang Chenkun did this, just to help himself Vent your anger?

Thinking about it this way, isn’t it much better?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shengjie gave a smirk, that’s it!

“Kun Kun, please tell me, I will do my best if you want me to do anything. We are brothers. Even if I don’t help others, I will help you.” Zhang Shengjie looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

It seems that he is helping Wang Chenkun, not for his own benefit.

Wang Chenkun snickered in his heart. This Zhang Shengjie was really naive. Although he was foolproof, of course he would be the first to bear the brunt if the East Window incident happened, but this Zhang Shengjie should not want to be clean, no one can run away.

But I thought so in my heart, but I couldn’t say that on my lips. I still looked grateful and said: “Brother Zhang, if Huo Ran is over by the time, don’t talk too much, because if you say too much, you will offend Huo Ran. Let me do this kind of offense. You just need to say that this kind of person is not worthy of being in the entertainment industry.”

When Zhang Shengjie heard it, this was great. Originally, Zhang Shengjie was worried about what Wang Chenkun would do to him. He didn’t expect it to be just such a sentence. For Zhang Shengjie, this is simply 1.7 simple, and to say this, It is not too much, but it will establish the image of a righteous person, why not do it?

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