Chapter 911 Righteous people (see monthly ticket for full order)

“it is good!

There is no need to think about it at all, and Zhang Shengjie agreed, this matter, who does not promise who is a fool!

“It’s settled, Brother Zhang, after today, Jiangcheng’s world will be me and you, no!” Wang Chenkun realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said: “From now on, Jiangcheng’s world will be yours alone.”

“Eh! Kun Kun don’t say that, we brothers have to support each other.

To a certain extent, Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun are both the same kind of people, both of whom like to be jealous of others, but Zhang Shengjie is not as insidious as Wang Chenkun.

12 pop!

The sound of the door being pushed open came in, frightening Wang Chenkun, and hurriedly saw that it was not someone else who came, but Huo Ran.

Seeing Huo Ran, Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun were taken aback and looked at each other. After confirming that Huo Ran did not hear their conversation, they were relieved.

He hurriedly smiled and laughed: “Huo Ran, why are you here?”

“It’s nothing. The show is about to start in five minutes. The car director asked us to go back and wait, as if we have to sing.” Huo Ran was expressionless, he did not hear anything just now.

“Oh, this way, we will go back soon!” Zhang Shengjie hurried out.

He knows more than anyone else, but Wang Chenkun didn’t plan to go out. Looking at Huo Ran, the corner of his mouth raised a wicked smile.

Zhiran didn’t even understand what was going on, Wang Chenkun could laugh like this, and those who didn’t know thought what was wrong with him.

“Huo Ran, I really congratulate you for actually sitting in the C position.” Wang Chenkun smiled.

Although his tone was very polite, his expression was very joking, and even his expression was not what congratulations should be at all.

But Huo Ran was not surprised at all. He was used to it. If Wang Chenkun really treated him well, he would not be used to it. That’s good, at least Wang Chenkun didn’t hold back anything bad.

“Dianran, why don’t you speak? I’m congratulating you.”

“What can I say to you?” Huo Ran shrugged.

Since Wang Chenkun has this attitude, Huo Ran really has nothing to say to him, so there is nothing to say.

Seeing Huo Ran leaving behind, Wang Chenkun smiled evilly.

“Welcome everyone to the graduation ceremony of tomorrow’s superstars. Next, let us welcome four tomorrow’s superstars!”

Although they are all called graduation festivals, the essence is completely different. The graduation ceremony of Emperor Entertainment is to select the championship, while the superstars of tomorrow are simply the same variety show as the fan meeting.

According to the appearance order set by the car director before, they are Li Chaoyue, Zhang Shengjie, Wang Chenkun and Huo Ran. The four also sang their hottest songs on Tomorrow’s superstars.

Of course, Huo Ran!

The whole scene was filled with Huo Ran’s lights. Compared with Huo Ran’s fans, the other three fans were slightly shabby. Apart from the sporadic calls, there were only sporadic lights.

Li Chaoyue and Wang Chenkun are okay in 957, but Zhang Shengjie is angry. What is the reason? The champion does not have as many fans as the third place, and the third place is still C.

However, I felt upset, but did not show it on his face. He still looked happy, posing for the camera.

The host, Xu Ran, who is also the host of the live broadcast of tomorrow’s superstar, Xu Ran can be regarded as a righteous person. At that time, he also complained about Huo Ran’s elimination.

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