Chapter 923 It’s you who scolded (please ask for monthly ticket)

“Miss Sister, you are so beautiful, do you want me? I don’t want money.” The two young men surrounded Wang Shiya in a flattering manner.

Wang Shiya is very disgusted with this kind of man, who has arms and legs, what’s wrong with doing something? I have to do this kind of profession.

“Go away.” Wang Shiya frowned, secretly asking for trouble.

“Who are you going to get away, shit, if I don’t hit you, do you think I have a good temper?” A young man was obviously tempered, pointing to Wang Shiya’s nose and opening his mouth to curse.

Huo Ran secretly said that it was not good, and hurriedly threw away the tank sister’s hand and rushed up.

The young man was about to hit Wang Shiya with his hands. He waved his hands in the midair of 960, and was suddenly held back. He turned his head and saw that a young man was still holding him. This works? Who is not a man of temperament.

have to!

“Boy, get out of the way, or I will let you mix up with you here!”

Of course, this kid regarded Huo Ran as the same person as him. In fact, this young man is really not a general, in this bar, he is regarded as the boss.

If arranged according to the seniority of the brothel in ancient times, he is the oiran of this bar. On weekdays, he is naturally arrogant and domineering.

Wang Shiya turned her head and took a look. Although she was wearing sunglasses and a mask, she also recognized it.Huo Ran came here, and her eyes flashed a little moved. At the critical moment, Huo Ran had to show up. Such a man is. A man worth entrusting his entire life.

“Clean your mouth.” Huo Ran shook off the young man’s hand and took Wang Shiya into his arms.

This action generally proves that she is mine. If it is put in a normal, or replaced with a normal person, then it is time to look for the next target.

But Xiao Young is not an ordinary person, he is the oiran here, how could it be because of such a shame?

Some people left, but he didn’t mean to leave. He gritted his teeth, as if the cake he was looking at had been taken away, staring at Huo Ran fiercely, and said: “Who are you, dare to steal me? people?”

“Who is yours?”” Huo Ran was not to be outdone.

Seeing Huo Ran quarreling with the oiran here, the old customer service around (bcbh) got up and gathered around, Huo Ran swept away, okay, these big sisters are really fatter than the other, except for the scary Besides, Huo Ran did not find any adjectives for the time being.

Seeing everyone around him gathered around, Xiaoyoung became even more frantic.

When I swept away, I knew that these people are my old customers. Maybe I want to make myself a 20% discount. I am not afraid of Huo Ran anymore. Huo Ran has a domineering look.

“Boy, if you are acquainted, go away now, otherwise these people will sit on you alone, and you will be crushed to death.

“get out!

“Just that, don’t look at what you are.”

Around, the two big sisters directly scolded, but it was not Huo Ran who scolded, but the young man.

The young man is dumbfounded, what’s the matter? These people are all their own old customers, how could they not help themselves, but instead help Huo Ran? This is too abnormal.

Looking at the group of old customer service in disbelief, he pointed to his nose: “Big sister, did you admit the wrong person? I am Xiaojie, I am Xiaojie!”

“Yes, you are the one who scolded you, shameless things!”

This group of big sisters can be regarded as people who love and hate.

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