Chapter 924 Now it’s time for a stall (please ask monthly ticket for full order)

From the bottom of their hearts, they also hate people like Xiaojie, who are so young and unlearned, they come out to do such things for money.

Don’t look at them as old customers, but one size fits one size. This group of people despise him, despise him, and spend money on him. It’s just a fun, and nothing else.

“You look at people, you are a talented woman, and then look at you, what is it, male and female, a man, and also draw eyeliner, bah, disgusting!” The eldest sister continued to curse.

From the face of the eldest sister, you can see a face of justice, ~ a person of justice.

“But Sister Qiao, didn’t you still say that you liked me last night-did you?”

“Isn’t that yesterday?” The eldest sister replied angrily.

Huo Ran saw that this scene was too embarrassing. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Fortunately, this place is full of rich women and has no fans of his own. Otherwise, if he is recognized here, wouldn’t it be too embarrassing?

Thinking of this, Huo Ran took Wang Shiya to leave, but was held back by Xiaojie.

I saw Xiaojie hugged Huo Ran’s thighs tightly, staring at Huo Ran fiercely: “You can go, but you can’t even take him away.”

When Huo Ran heard this, isn’t this kid crazy? What kind of person is this person to be so thick-skinned. I want to use Kai Xiaojie, but Xiaojie is like a dog skin green medicine. Can’t get rid of it.

“You let go.” Huo Ran shook his leg.

Xiaojie gave the people around him a color, which means to let others take off Huo Ran’s mask, because Xiaojie always believes that Huo Ran wears a mask because he looks ugly, as long as Wang Shiya sees that Huo Ran is an ugly monster. , That’s it.

The people around him are familiar with Xiaojie. You can know what it means when you look at Xiaojie’s eyes. Taking advantage of Huo Ran’s carelessness, he secretly took off Huo Ran’s mask.

But because the finger cover was too long, a blood hole was drawn on Huo Ran’s face.

The audience was in an uproar!

Not only because Huo Ran’s face was injured, but also because he was Huo Ran.

“Sure, it turned out to be Huo Ran!” The people around started shouting.

Huo Ran is now the most popular star in Jiangcheng. From the eighty-year-old aunt to the five-year-old children, they all know Huo Ran. Who would have thought that Huo Ran would appear in front of him at this time.

Wang Shiya covered her mouth and looked at Huo Ran.

Feeling the heat on her cheeks, Huo Ran touched her face, blood stuck to her hand, Wang Shiya hurriedly took out the paper and band-aid from her bag.

…For flowers…………

Seeing that Huo Ran’s face was bleeding, the boy slumped to the ground. This time, he got into trouble. Who is Huo Ran?

A top star with 30 million Weibo fans. He looks so handsome, but he eats with his face. Now his face has been scratched by himself. How much can he pay for it?

If you sell yourself, you can’t afford to pay it. This is all over, can you only spend the next life in prison?


Xiaojie held Huo Ran’s thigh, and the kid held Xiaojie’s thigh: “Brother Jie, you asked me to do it. You can’t ignore me.”

“Fuck off, who asked you to do it? I didn’t do anything, you don’t want to spit people!” Xiaojie ignored his affection and kicked the kid away.

Xiaojie is not stupid, but Huo Ran’s face, if it doesn’t leave scars, it’s okay. Once it leaves scars, then it is not something that can be settled by tens of millions. In front of money, what brothers do you need?

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