Chapter 925 This is love

Thinking of this, Xiaojie loosened his thigh and ran out of the people secretly while no one was looking at him.

“Isn’t this Huo Ran? Is she your girlfriend?” The big sister continued.

Huo Ran regrets, how should I answer this?

Say no, the trouble will be big, what is Wang Shiya’s status? That is everyone, she must have come to play, and she came to him again, can’t you say that Wang Shiya is her own boss?

“Nine Six Three”

If you say yes, the trouble is not small. Luo Luo couldn’t explain the level, and it was easy to misunderstand. Huo Ran now can be regarded as a dilemma, and there is no way at all.

“It’s my girlfriend. The two of us are joking, and we don’t know why we came here.” Huo Ran smiled. He didn’t have a celebrity and didn’t care about the wounds on his face.

In order to increase the authenticity, Huo Ran also took Wang Shiya and kissed Wang Shiya on the face.

Wang Shiya looked happy. She thought it was true, and the corners of her mouth were filled with happiness. Someone had already taken a good photo. This is amazing. The hero and the heroine of the fairy sword turned out to be CP.

Waved with everyone, Huo Ran pulled Wang Shiya out of the bar, let go of Wang Shiya’s hand, and let out a long sigh. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, he would have some ill-informed stuff.

Who knows, Wang Shiya took the initiative to take Huo Ran’s arm. That action was so affectionate and looked so green.


Zhiran looked at Wang Shiya’s appearance, and needless to say, this girl took it seriously, but she couldn’t say that this was her own bad strategy.Isn’t that losing Wang Shiya’s face?

“What’s the matter?” Wang Shiya thought Huo Ran was going to reject her, her eyes filled with expectations, for fear that Huo Ran would reject her.

Looking at Wang Shiya’s expectation, Huo Ran finally didn’t say the sentence that was just a joke.

After thinking about it, maybe I can really start a relationship with Wang Shiya.

“How did you go to this bar just now? Fortunately, I don’t worry about you. I followed it out, otherwise you know how dangerous it is?” Huo Ran asked with concern, locked his car, and Huo Ran got on. Wang Shiya’s car.

Hearing what Huo Ran said, Wang Shiya breathed a sigh of relief, and her strained heart was also let go. For a moment, she was really afraid that Huo Ran would say everything was a joke.

Since Huo Ran didn’t say it, it’s better. It seems that for such a long time, it is not his unrequited love. Huo Ran is also in crush on himself.

“I’m here because Yan Jinxin comes here often,” Wang Shiya said.

When I heard Yan Jinxin, he suddenly reacted, yes! Wang Shiya came out to find Yan Jinxin. Does Yan Jinxin often go to that bar? But how did Wang Shiya know that Yan Jinxin would be here?

However, Huo Ran did not ask in the car. He found a midnight snack. You still have to talk about this kind of thing while eating.

Originally, Huo Ran wanted to go barbecue, but then I realized that Wang Shiya is a lady, and she might not like the nightlife of drinking and eating big meat, so she parked the car to a noodle restaurant.

Both of them were very simple. They ordered two bowls of fried noodles.

“Don’t you drink?” Wang Shiya looked at 1.7 Huo Ran and asked, she is still really happy today, after all, Huo Ran is also her first love.

“Where does anyone eat noodles and drink? Haha.

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