Chapter 952 Acting again (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

“President Li is polite. In my heart, you have always been my boss.” Huo Ran smiled.

When Li Longye heard what Huo Ran said, he was even more satisfied. Who is Huo Ran?

That was domineering and defiant. At the beginning of the nearest company, he regarded him as a dad. He didn’t know how to be grateful, and now he would be polite to himself. How could Li Longye be unhappy?

However, Li Longye didn’t forget what the purpose of his visit this time was. He came to cheat Huo Ran for money. That suitcase was his real purpose.

“Huo Ran, you don’t need to talk about the polite words between you and me. I think we know each other and we just need to get to the topic.” Li Longye’s conversation turned.

He still remembered what Huo Ran said after cheating his money. This time, he had a chance to retaliate, so he had to come back.

Huo Ran’s face turned straight, Wang Shiya also became nervous, as if she was afraid to talk about this issue. This expression made Yan Jinxin more relieved. They thought that Huo Ran was really hit.

But thinking like this in my heart, I couldn’t show it on his face. Seeing Yan Jinxin crying, Huo Ran also showed a distressed look.

With this expression, Li Longye’s heart became even more compelling. This box of money will soon be in the bowl.

“Huo Ran, although our relationship is good, Yan Jinxin has also spent a lot of our company’s hard work after all. As long as you make proper compensation, I will terminate the contract with her. How about, “?”

“Okay! I have all the money ready.” Huo Ran didn’t hesitate at all, pulled over to the box and patted it.

Li Longye was sorry, and he didn’t even talk about the price, so he just gave himself a box of money? It seems that Yan Jinxin not only infused himself with drugs, but also gave Huo Ran a fool.

After all, Li Longye is a businessman. He has seen no amount of money. Naturally, he will not show any excited expressions. He waved his hand and pushed the box back. In fact, he wanted to judge how much money was inside by the weight of the box. Push, there is a spectrum, it is indeed all money, estimated from the weight, five million.

“How much is it here?”

“fifty thousand.

Huo Ran is telling the truth, he doesn’t want to lie, because if this matter is lying, isn’t it a fraud? Wang Shiya’s bag is always recording.

This is not an ordinary meal. If Li Longye sue himself for this in the future, he must have evidence to prove that he did not lie.

“Just fifty thousand?”

“It’s only fifty thousand!” Huo Ran said seriously.

Huo Ran wants to say that there is five million in it. Maybe Li Longye still doesn’t believe it. Since it is fifty thousand, there is a spectrum. This is Huo Ran’s character. With his character, how could he give himself five hundred without complaint. What about 10,000? If you say it is 50,000, maybe he will feel more comfortable in his heart. I really didn’t expect that Huo Ran is also a person who lied to himself.

Thinking of this, Li Longye gave a smirk: “. “Fifty thousand is fifty thousand, I agree, hehe!

After finishing speaking, he deliberately pulled the suitcase to the suit.

“Okay, since I also agreed, you have nothing to say, Huo Ran, I will do this for you if I go.” After Li Longye finished speaking, he pulled the box and got up and was about to leave, but Huo Ran stopped him.

(Nuo Zhao Zhao) “What’s the matter? Huo Ran, we brothers are in this relationship, you still don’t believe me?” Li Longye raised his eyebrows, his face was unhappy, so long, who would dare to stop him Li Longye? He is blocking others.

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