Chapter 953 Do you want to do it?

Huo Ran looked at Li Longye’s expression, and his eyes flashed: “You can go, the money stays.”

Huo Ran is not stupid. Even if there is only fifty thousand in the box, he does not intend to give it to Li Longye for nothing. If Li Longye is not here to sign, he will not be able to take a penny.

“Aren’t you cooperating? Yan Jinxin, don’t you want it?”

“It doesn’t matter whether you want it or not. If you want the money in the box, sign the contract. If you don’t want the money, you can go.

After Huo Ran finished speaking, he took out the contract, which he printed out in the same way that Li Longye had terminated the contract with him before. Qianqian also had a record of that contract in it, which he had prepared long ago.

Yan Jinxin was taken aback. When did Huo Ran prepare the contract, she didn’t even know how could this be? How could Huo Ran’s confidential work be so good? Even she didn’t know what it was.

977 Li Longye glanced at Yan Jinxin, why didn’t she tell herself about such an important matter? If she had told herself earlier, she could prepare a Yin-Yang contract, but what should I do now? If I don’t sign, Huo Ran won’t sign for himself, but if he signs, isn’t it the termination of the contract with Yan Jinxin?

To be honest, Li Longye doesn’t care about this artist, but the relationship between Yan Jinxin and him is different from others after all.

“What? Mr. Li, you are such a big boss, so you don’t mean to say nothing, right?” Huo Ran smiled.

Yan Jin’s heart is so anxious, she is afraid that Li Long will sign the contract. If he signs the contract, won’t she plan for so long? It won’t be a thankless thing then, maybe it’s her own I lost my job.

“You can’t sign, Mr. Li!”

Seeing Li Longye’s hesitation, Yan Jinxin couldn’t help it anymore, no matter whether he was acting or not, he got up and said.

Wang Shiya raised the corner of her mouth and smiled. This Yan Jinxin thought how deep her scheming was. It turned out that it was nothing more than that. It’s okay to be clever. When it comes to a critical juncture, she also trembles.

“Jin Xin, what are you talking about?” Huo Ran asked deliberately. Looking at Huo Ran’s expression, it seems that I really didn’t hear what Yan Jinxin said. When it comes to acting, Huo Ran is not a loser. There are four people in this room, three of them. Actor, who is worse than anyone else in acting?

“No, it’s nothing.” Realizing that he was out of shape, Yan Jin sat down hurriedly.

Li (bcbh) Long Ye squinted his eyes, he was weighing the pros and cons, five million is not much, not even as much as Yan Jinxin’s worth, but the problem is that if you give up this opportunity, you don’t know when you can get Huo Ran out of anger. These five million are Huo Ran’s.

By the way! I can completely terminate the contract with Yan Jinxin first, get Huo Ran’s money, and then sign a contract with Yan Jinxin. If you do this, you will just waste a few days of time. For other things, you won’t suffer a loss at all.

Thinking of this, Li Longye’s mouth raised a smirk.

“By the way, President Li, once the contract is terminated, Royal Sky Entertainment can no longer sign with Yan Jinxin. This is also a clause to prevent you from regretting.” Huo Ran reminded.

Huo Ran thought of everything Li Longye could think of, and Huo Ran thought of everything Li Longye could not think of.

Originally, Li Longye picked up all his pens, and when he heard these words from Huo Ran, he put them down again. Isn’t this a bullshit? Five million, so I let myself give up Yan Jinxin.

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