Chapter 954 Just irritate you

Regardless of his relationship with Yan Jinxin, just looking at Yan Jinxin’s acting skills, it is more than five million.

“If this is the case, I will not sign.” Li Longye said firmly.

“Really not sign?”

“No sign! I, Li Longyehua, just don’t want your five million, starved to death, jumped from here, and didn’t sign.~” Li Longye patted the table.

It’s just this shot of the table. It’s so handsome. You can’t see the traces of time corroded on him at all. Man, it’s just this kind of courage that is charming.

Seeing Li Longye patted the table, Huo Ran shrugged, put away the contract, got up and pulled the box: “Since you don’t sign, it’s fine. I thought the boss of Huangtian Entertainment was a person, but I didn’t expect it to be a problem. You In this life, I will be trampled by Huo Ran.”

“Shiya, let’s go.” Huo Ran took Wang Shiya’s hand and was about to leave.

“Wait!” Li Longye stopped them.

Kai Ran understands Li Longye’s character too well, that is a person who wants to face and suffer. If he can be mixed with him, the most important thing is face. If he is like someone of his generation, Li Longye can still accept it, but Huo Ran and Huo Ran and He is not a peer, even a junior.

Without boasting, Huo Ran was promoted by Li Longye. Without Li Longye, who knew who Huo Ran was? Huo Ran said that, could he bear it?

For a company as big as Huangtian Entertainment, let alone one Yan Jinxin, even ten Yan Jinxin can afford it.

“What? Manager Li, we are very busy. Even if you have time for small talk, we don’t have that time.” Huo Ran joked.

“What did you mean by what you just said?” Li Longye’s neck became thick and he looked at Huo Ran fiercely.

“What’s the point of me? You have to leave, poor Jinxin, and even with a Confucian husband, what can I do with such a cowardly proprietress?” Huo Ran’s words were not obscure, and he opened the skylight and said. Bright words.

Yan Jinxin was startled. It was too obvious what Huo Ran meant by this. Does he already know his purpose?

“Mr. Li, let’s”

“Shut up!

Without giving Yan Jinxin time to finish speaking, Li Longye interrupted her directly, and Li Longye was now shivering with anger.

The old man is like this, he can deal with the superior people he thinks, but like Huo Ran, he doesn’t have a serious person at all, he doesn’t know what to say, and the blood pressure of Huo Ran’s gas is up. .

…Please ask for flowers………

“Don’t you think Yan Jinxin dare not terminate the contract?”

“You just don’t dare. If you dare, you won’t be inked here, but don’t worry, I won’t look down on you. After all, people are old and useless.” Huo Ran smiled. .

The most worrying thing now is Yan Jinxin. It’s all right now. The bureau he set up has put himself in.


Now Yan Jinxin’s situation is very unfavorable. She didn’t expect Huo Ran to see her strategy long ago. She is still stupidly laid out. She actually entered Huo Ran’s game and she didn’t even know it.

What Huo Ran gave to Li Longye was a poison. No matter what the purpose of signing the contract, as long as the contract is signed, it must be fulfilled. Now Yan Jinxin belongs to the young actor who has just filmed a drama. Huo Ran passed by, and Li Longye must use it in order to belittle Huo Ran.

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