Chapter 956 It’s done (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

In order to please Li Longye, he ran back to pit Huo Ran cleverly. Huo Ran could accept these things. The only thing he couldn’t accept was that Yan Jinxin actually attacked Luo Luo. This was already illegal.

Because Luo Luo never offends Yan Jinxin from beginning to end, this is what Huo Ran is most unacceptable.

However, Yan Jinxin also got the retribution she deserves. In a short time, Jiangcheng’s entertainment circle must have no place for her. If he didn’t send him to prison, it was already Huo Ran’s greatest gift.

“Get up.” Huo Ran let out a breath.

When Wang Shiya saw Huo Ran’s expression, the secret path was not good. She was too familiar with the awake expression. This is Huo Ran’s relieved expression. This Huo Ran is very good at everything and has a good head. If you don’t make it, let it go, but he is so generous, he may not be able to get back the same treatment.

Yan Jinxin also knows what kind of person Huo Ran is. He has such a good attitude towards him, and he must forgive himself. Thinking of this, Yan Jinxin was delighted: “I will return to the company in the future, me.”

“You misunderstood, I just don’t want you to kneel. You know, I am like this. No matter how others treat me, I can forgive him, but you have touched my bottom line. It doesn’t matter, but why do you want to do it to Sister Luo? Can you tell me?” Huo Ran’s tone was calm.

“It’s not me, it was Wang Chenkun who did it. I am a victim!

Originally, Huo Ran wanted to give Yan Jinxin a chance. As long as she honestly admitted her mistakes, she would forgive her, but she didn’t expect that Yan Jinxin would still shirk responsibility at this time. It really made Huo Ran look down on her too much.

Since she didn’t realize her mistake, she had nothing to tell him, and got up and left.

Seeing Huo Ran leaving, Wang Shiya was relieved. She was really afraid that Huo Ran would feel soft. If someone like Wang Shiya really forgave her and let her return to the company, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of impact within the company.

Walking out of the Regent Hotel, Huo Ran did not embarrass Yan Jinxin. He also settled the bill. Looking at Yan Jinxin’s appearance, it didn’t look like he was carrying money. This is the best Huo Ran can do.

“Huo Ran, when did you know that Li Longye would definitely give up Yan Jinxin?”

Sitting in the car, Wang Shiya drove the car, Yan Jinxin’s matter was finally resolved, and the two were in a very good mood.

“I’m not a god, I don’t know that Li Longye would be so impulsive, I guessed it, haha!” Huo Ran laughed, “Actually, I am also a genius in the negotiation world.”

“What shall we eat? Hot pot, Western food, and

“Stop eating, I have to go home early. Sister Luo stays alone for a day. I am not very relieved.” Huo Ran said.

“Oh!” Wang Shiya was very disappointed, but is she a savage type?

Sending Huo 980 to Luo Luo’s home, Wang Shiya also went home.

Luo Luo was wiping the floor. He hadn’t wiped the floor for four or five days. Now Luo Luo has almost recovered. There was nothing wrong with it, but Wang Chenkun took too much calming medicine.

Even if Huo Ran knew nothing was wrong, he couldn’t help feeling distressed when he saw the bruise on Lolo’s arm.

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