Chapter 957 I want to sign with Wang Chenkun (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

“I’m back! I plan to leave in a few days.” Luo Luo smiled.

“Do you want to go abroad?”

“Of course, I have already found the school. When I will come out again, it is not just the agent. At that time, I will be the big boss, and then I will come back to work for you.” Luo Luo put down the mop and looked at him. China is slowly looking forward to it.

Huo Ran sat on the sofa, looking at Lolo, a little disappointed: “Should I still go?”

“If you don’t want it, I won’t go, haha!” Lolo said half-jokingly.

Huo Ran smiled awkwardly and did not speak. In fact, what Luo Luo said this time was true. As long as Huo Ran said a word, she would not leave. It was just this sentence that Huo Ran could not say.

Seeing that Huo Ran didn’t speak, Lolo sat down and looked at Huo Ran. He hesitated, but still didn’t say anything.

What happened today, Wang Shiya has already told Luo Luo in Gang オ, and Huangtian Entertainment has officially announced the termination of the contract with Yan Jinxin, but Luo Luo still wants to know how Huo Ran wants to go next, after all, Luo Fan Media is She founded it with Huo Ran, and she didn’t want the company to decline after she left.

“Huo Ran, what are you going to do next, [?” Luo Luo turned around and asked, always struggling with the question of whether he could go, it really made the atmosphere too stiff.

“Sister Luo, I plan to sign with Wang Chenkun.”

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Luo really regretted it.It turned out that she thought Huo Ran would say something unbelievable, and then she would have a good chat with him, but unexpectedly, Huo Ran scared him with just one mouth. Yes, sign Wang Chenkun? Isn’t this signing a dad back?

Let’s not talk about the personal relationship between Wang Chenkun and Huo Ran, let’s talk about Wang Chenkun’s temperament, which is similar to that of Huo Ran’s previous days at Huangtian Entertainment. Signing such a person back, isn’t it a bullshit?

Whether it’s on tomorrow’s superstars or reality shows, don’t forget about formal occasions.Even if it is a small occasion, Wang Chenkun will see Huo Ran with a meal.Now let two people have a company, don’t they have to be noisy every day?

Huo Ran looked at Luo Luo’s expression and knew what Luo Luo was thinking and what Luo Luo wanted to say. He quickly said, “Sister Luo, Wang Chenkun has been corrected. This time, he has already apologized to me. And the attitude is very sincere, I believe he is willing to apologize to you, I think we have to be forgiving and forgiving.”

“I’m not asking him to apologize, Huo Ran, you have to know that the company already has Li surpassed it. If you sign with Wang Chenkun, do you know how much it will cost?”


This question, Lolo really asked Huo Ran, who signed the contract, isn’t it only the signing fee? When Li Chaoyue was signed at that time, it seemed that there was no cost, it seemed that only Li Chaoyue’s production cost.

Luo Luo sighed: “. “Don’t think that there is only production cost. Do you know what Wang Chenkun’s reputation is now? It is much worse than when you first broke the photo door. You signed him at this time, it is useless.

“You have to spend a lot of time and money to launder him. You have Teacher Liu Hong to help you, and you have works.

“If you sign Wang Chenkun and bring your watch for a long time in the future, you can’t do anything, you can only wash him off. I say that, do you understand?

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