Chapter 965 Li Longye did that too (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

At this moment, Li Longye was more confident, and he waited slowly for Huo Ran to speak.

In fact, Huo Ran is not wandering around. Although Qianqian found Li Longye’s dark history, he can’t say anything about it, right? You have to find a few important things, and let Li Longye hear it and be scared.

Yes, it’s him!

A message flashed through Huo Ran’s mind. It was really unexpected that Li Longye’s first pot of gold came from this way.

“Nine-Eight-Seven” is nothing more than this kind of thing, Huo Ran cannot say it in public. If it is said in public, Li Longye will never admit it.

Thinking of this, Huo Ran gave a smirk, fell in Li Longye’s ear, and whispered softly: “I didn’t expect that President Li is also a sweetheart. When you work in a bar, how many guests do you have? There is no VIP?”

Everyone present didn’t know what happened, only that after Huo Ran said a word, Li Longye’s complexion suddenly changed. He was no longer as relaxed as before, but became very nervous.

“How did you know?” Li Longye looked at Huo Ran.

Obviously, although I don’t know what Huo Ran said, it is certain that what Huo Ran said is true, because Li Longye is really nervous.

“Do you really think that you have done so cleanly for so many years? I tell you, don’t mess with me, otherwise these stories, one-month entertainment headlines, should be no problem, Mr. Li, what do you think? Huo Ran jokingly said.

Before Li Longye could speak, Li Wei quit. Didn’t he come for nothing this time? Not only did he come for nothing, but he also lost his name.

Before coming, Li Wei was still one of the best lawyers in Jiangcheng, but after he came, he was scolded by Luo Luo, and finally had a chance to catch Huo Ran’s pigtail. Huo Ran still whispered? Can this work?

“No, say it out loud. If you don’t say it out loud, I won’t believe it.” Li Wei said loudly on a row of tables, regardless of Li Longye’s face.

Huo Ran shrugged, pretending to be embarrassed: “At first I thought I would stop talking. I didn’t expect your company’s lawyers to ask me to say it. If that’s the case, I will say it.”

“In 1978, our President Li was in the bar

“Wait!” Li Longye jumped up angrily, interrupting Huo Ran.


Almost without warning, Li Longye slapped Li Wei in the face with a slap, and was not used to it at all. Shengsheng beat Li Wei back. Li Wei is a barrister anyway, how can he tolerate himself being beaten by Li Longye. Don’t speak?

“Do you dare to hit me? Wait for my lawyer’s letter of warning!” Li Wei stepped on his foot angrily..

Li Longye didn’t dare to be angry, he was really afraid of angering Huo Ran. If Huo Ran tells these things, his reputation is not a problem. Huangtian Entertainment’s share price may have fallen by dozens of points. A loss of hundreds of millions of dollars, no one will bear the loss like this.

“Remain, I actually came to make a joke with you today. Don’t take it seriously, I’ll go now!” Li Longye left after speaking. He saw Wang Chenkun at the door and didn’t speak. He turned his head and walked away.

Luo Luo was stunned, what the hell was going on, what did Huo Ran know, and why did he scare Li Longye like this?

1.7 “What do you know?”

“I won’t tell you.” Huo Ran gave a smirk. In a short time, Li Longye didn’t dare to show his teeth and claws with him.

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