Chapter 966 There is only one way

I can also save a lot of trouble. In any case, Huo Ran still has to avoid a head-on conflict with Li Longye. Bi Jing Li Longye’s Huangtian Entertainment is one of the largest companies in Jiangcheng. As long as it does not conflict with him, it will not Hurt yourself.

When, when, when!

There was a knock on the door, it was not someone else, it was Wang Chenkun. He had been waiting for a long time, and he had been waiting for Li Longye to leave.

Luo Luo’s one is Wang Chenkun, shook his head, this Huo Ran really intends to sign Wang Chenkun, when can I change his mind?

“Sister Luo, Huo Ran.” “Wang Chenkun came in and bowed to the two first.

Luo Luo was taken aback, is this Wang Chenkun? Why is it so polite, it is not the previous Wang Chen 12kun at all, but Luo Luo is not sure, who knows if Wang Chenkun pretended to be? Regarding the signing of Wang Chenkun, Until now, Lolo did not agree.

Even if Wang Chenkun really changes, Luo Luo does not support this contract, because the purpose of the company’s existence is not to do good deeds. The meaning of the company’s existence ultimately appears in the form of income, even if it is a company. No matter how prosperous it is, but if you are losing money, you are not a qualified company.

Now the choice of Luofan Media is obvious. If you sign Wang Chenkun, you will lose money. If you don’t sign, you can continue to maintain the status quo.

At this moment, Meng Yao and Li Chaoyue both came back, watching Wang Chenkun also come, for a moment, but there were no illustrations. Looking outside, Luo Luo did not close the door.

Huo Ran did not dare to speak, looking at Lolo, he was waiting for Lolo’s decision, because after signing Li Chaoyue at the beginning, Huo Ran said that, no matter what kind of personnel changes in the future, Lolo said Forget it, I will never make another decision.

And Luo Luo originally wanted to go abroad, but now he has stayed. This time, he has to listen to Luo Luo.

Even if Huo Ran really wants to sign Wang Chenkun.

Wang Chenkun didn’t say a word, sitting in a chair. He didn’t have much expectations for signing with Luo Fan Media. Huo Ran could give him this opportunity, he was already very grateful, what else could he ask for?

For a long time, it was Luo Luo’s first words: “Kun Kun, what are you doing this time?”

Luo Luo asked knowingly that the opportunity was won by herself. She had seen Wang Chenkun before and knew that he was also talented, so he was still willing to give Wang Chenkun a chance.

“I am here to sign Luofan Media, if you are willing to give me this opportunity.” Wang Chenkun is also very sincere.

He knew that this was his last chance. If Luo Luo refused him in the end, there would be no chance again. He might be facing a career change, just like Li Chaoyue in the past.

Luo Luo was silent for a while, looking at Wang Chenkun. This was not a reason. She hoped that Wang Chenkun would show her own attitude, not just the official far-fetched reason.

If this is the case, Luo Luo would rather not sign the contract, just like signing Li Chaoyue at the beginning. If Huo Ran could listen to Luo Luo, and later sign Li Chaoyue, there won’t be so many things now, he I won’t waste too much thought on Li Chaoyue.

Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to settle down. Obviously, now Wang Chenkun also needs to settle down.

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