Chapter 70: You're the Real Sixth!


"I heard you right, must this have come from the mouth of a celebrity?!"

"Damn, it's the first time I've heard someone say that a star is a ~ ordinary job!"

"Poof! I have said it a long time ago, Su Ming is different from other stars, he has no shelf, he is really living like an ordinary person,

is the same as the most absurd sentence of a sober person in "Dispel Sorrow", Su Ming is more sober than other celebrities, and he is also more sober than most ordinary people!"

"Indeed, Su Ming is so right!

"It's the first time I've watched Su Ming's live broadcast, and I think what he said is very right compared to those scientists who have made great contributions silently, as well as firefighters and so on."

"If the youth is strong, the country will be strong! This is too good!

"Damn! At first, I didn't think there was any problem with these children flocking to Su Ming, but now that I think about it, it's really scary!

When did even our young people think of celebrities as high up and above them?!"

"Damn! I thought of the previous news, a star and a scientist had the same name, and everyone rushed to welcome the star, and I was angry when I thought about it!"

"When the youth is strong, the country is strong! We must not allow our juniors to continue to be influenced by this strange atmosphere!"

"That's right! Aiming at the fact that Su Ming is transmitting correct values, he will be considered a star! From now on, Lao Tzu will only be a fan of Su Ming! Other stars, don't come to get involved!"



The barrage seemed to be shocked by Su Ming's serious speech.

In fact, many of them are as sober as Su Ming, and it is very strange why the status of celebrities has been raised to such a high level.

But they don't know how to express this meaning in good logical language.

Su Ming's words just now were perfectly expressed.

The last sentence that if the youth is strong, the country will be strong, which made them wake up to the fact that the atmosphere has penetrated into the minds of these young children.

Society needs entertainment.

But don't be entertained to death!

And then put your eyes back on the school playground.

As Su Ming's words ended.

The students were not as eager as before, but their eyes were still hot.

The next second.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

All the students had a smile on their faces at the moment, and they felt that they had benefited a lot.

Looking at these smiling faces, Su Ming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Anyway, he's already finished, but I don't know how many people can really listen.

That's all he could do.

And wait for the applause to fall.

Su Ming spoke again: "Okay classmates, so now, do you still want to ask me for autographs and group photos?"

The next second.

The word "want" sounded in unison.

In this regard, Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing.

Isn't he telling it in vain?

But in the next second, there were people among the students who kept talking.

"Brother Ming, we listened to it, but we didn't ask for it because you were a star, we wanted it because of the saying that if the youth is strong, the country is strong! These views you just said have helped us too much. "

"It's true that most celebrities are not worthy of the word star now, but Brother Ming, you are completely worthy, I will fan you in the future!"

"Yes, without Brother Ming's words, I guess I would have to buy a concert ticket for 3,000 yuan!"

"Brother Ming, there are too many people here, and the signature is estimated to be soft, or let's just take a group photo!"

"Yes, yes, let's take a group photo!"


Listening to these words, Su Ming couldn't help but be slightly moved.


He didn't say it in vain.

And then.

After some discussion, everyone decided to take a group photo, and the signature was omitted.

After the photo was taken.

Su Ming saw that the students were still so enthusiastic, and Shen Xingxing didn't seem to want to leave, and the time was still early.

I just stayed and continued to chat with the students.

The students sat on the basketball court in a circle at this time, and Su Ming did not have the slightest shelf, and in the circle, he also sat directly on the ground like his classmates.

Such a scene is really like a bonfire party.

Of course, it's more like a scene between military training and listening to the instructor's bragging.

"Brother Ming, what is college like? I heard that college life is good!"

"Brother Ming, are there many thieves for beautiful girls in college?"

"Brother Ming, how did you chase a girl for the first time?"

"Brother Ming, I'm in my third year of high school now, I'm under a lot of pressure, and I can't study all the time, what should I do?"

"Brother Ming, there is a boy who has a crush on me, but I don't like him, how can it be better to refuse tactfully?"

"Brother Ming, I heard that you and Yang Mi Reba had an affair, is this true?

"Brother Ming, aren't you going to tomorrow's superstar in the afternoon, what song are you going to sing?"


At this time.

The students spoke freely, asking Su Ming some questions and recounting their troubles.

And for these juniors, the question.

As a person who came over, Su Ming naturally knew everything, and answered everything.

And when I heard Su Ming tell the story of how he once chased a girl.

One by one, the students listened very carefully.

Sure enough, the students were the same everywhere.

Even the high school students who are very high-ranked in this magic capital are the same.

Something else listened absent-mindedly.

When I heard that there were seniors who would experience love, they were all in good spirits.

All in all, though.

The overall atmosphere can be said to be very good.

"Hahahaha! What questions are these students asking?"

"Poof, what else could it be? These are all questions we want to ask at our age. "

"Sure enough, it's good to be young!"

"Thank you Su Ming for letting me relive campus life again!"


At this time, the barrage seems to be very lively.

For many questions from the students, as people who have come over, they recalled that they were still ignorant back then, and they really felt a lot of emotion for a while.

And before you know it,

Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has come to a terrifying 30 million!


In the blink of an eye.

It was almost 10 o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Ming didn't say anything more.

The rest of the time, I have to accompany Shen Xingxing to continue to visit the school.

After all, the purpose of coming this time is mainly to accompany the fans, so I can't digress.

And just when Su Ming was about to let the students leave one after another.

Li Dagang and several school team members were pulling small carts and carrying a bunch of goods.

Looking at this thing, the students' eyes lit up one by one, and their faces were looking forward to it.

Just now, Su Ming said that it was rare to meet them once.

wanted to give them gifts, so he whispered a few words to Li Dagang and them, and then asked Li Dagang and a few others to buy them.

Now the gift has arrived.

Seeing so much of this directly raises the expectations of students.

There are several small carts, and the piles of things are getting high.

It can't be a tablet or something, right?

That's too precious, how embarrassing is it?(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

And Su Ming didn't sell it.

"Students, the wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country, and the strength of the youth is the strength of the country. "

"Senior has nothing to give you, but after thinking about it, this gift is still the most suitable. "

"At your age, wisdom is more important than anything else. "

Su Ming took the small cart, pulled it to the middle of the crowd, and said with a smile to everyone

Then I lifted the cloth on the top of the cart and looked at it.

This is a brand-new "Wu Nian College Entrance Examination Simulation"!!


The smiles of the students instantly shifted to the barrage crowd.

"Poofhahahaha! Su Ming, the sixth old!"

"Su Ming is really inappropriate, give this gift?"

"The wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country, is the wisdom here actually used like this? I laughed numbly!"

"It's got to be you, Su Ming!"

"Hahahaha, the sixth is the sixth, but the words are not rough, brothers, at their age, this gift is really the best!"

"Run, kids!"


The students on the field looked at the stack of five or three at this moment, and their brows were tightly wrinkled together.

They want to run.

But I feel that running now is a little disrespectful to Su Ming.

"Dagang, Xingxing, come, help send it. "

"Don't rob the big guy, everyone has a share, but remember to see if it's suitable for you, take science for science, don't take the wrong one." "

"If you feel that you are not good at any subject, you can also take one more copy of that subject, don't be embarrassed!"

"Thanks... Thank you, Brother Ming!"

"Brother Xie Ming!"


Su Ming smiled, and quickly began to distribute.

The students also cooperated with each other and smiled and expressed their gratitude to Su Ming.

Wait for everything to be finished.

Su Ming was really satisfied in his heart.

As the saying goes, giving people roses has a lingering fragrance.

If this can help the students to improve even a little bit, then he will be very happy.

Of course.

Su Ming was happy.

The students didn't seem to be very happy.

"Brother Ming, the Internet says that you can write a song in ten minutes, can you write a campus song?"

At this time, one of the students in the student group opened his mouth, which instantly made the atmosphere lively again.

"That's right, Brother Ming, it is said on the Internet that you are talented, can you write campus songs?"

"yes, it's okay to listen to a song that suits us. "

"Don't be embarrassed for Brother Ming, it's another price to write a song, or let's refund Wusan and buy Brother Ming to write a song, right?"


For a while, the students' emotions were high again.

And for the students this question.

Su Ming didn't want to refuse at all.

Campus songs, it's easy to say.

But after thinking about some of the questions the students just asked.

A song came to his mind.

That song might be better for them.

"Of course it's no problem writing songs. "

"Dagang, Xingxing, can you enter your school's radio station now?

Su Ming said with a smile, and then looked at Shen Xingxing and Li Dagang on the side.

As soon as this remark came out.

It shocked the students and stunned them on the spot.

Then there was a cheer.

Su Ming actually agreed?!

And Su Ming also asked about the radio station, is it possible to sing now?

Thinking of this, someone immediately spoke.

"Brother Ming, I'm from the campus radio station, I have the key, I'll take you there now!"

"The equipment can be used, it's Saturday, feel free to use it!"

Since there is a person from the radio station to lead the way.

Then there is no need to say anything.

Just go and you're done!

As for the students, Su Ming let them disperse first.

Just wait for the song on the radio.

At this time, the barrage saw that Su Ming was going to write a song again, and he seemed to be a little nervous.

"What's the situation? Su Ming agreed to write a song?"

"What the hell is he writing songs, does he really have to think about it?"

"Poof! The old audience is used to it, Su Ming is a musical pervert! As long as it's about songs, there's nothing he can't write!"

"Isn't Su Ming going to participate in tomorrow's superstar in the afternoon, even if he writes a song, he won't keep this song for the afternoon?"

"That's it, Hua Chenyu is going to take Wang Quan and Wang Qu's father to the stage in the afternoon, doesn't he have any pressure at all?"

"In my opinion, Su Ming probably wrote a good song to Old Xue Ziqi, and let them suppress the archmage when the time comes. "

"It seems to make sense to say this! I wonder what song Su Ming will write later?"

"But how do I feel that Su Ming is not in a hurry at all, at this point in time, the other guests should be ready to record, why is he still staying at school like no one?"


For Su Ming's operation, the barrage is simply outrageous.

But the old audience seems to have become a little numb, and now they are looking forward to what song Su Ming will write this time?

And then on the other side.

Following the announcer, Su Ming and Shen Xingxing soon came to the broadcasting room.

There are a lot of music equipment inside.

"Brother Ming, this is all the stuff in it, see if there is anyone who needs my assistance. "

The announcer looked at Su Ming at this time and asked.

Su Ming waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, just tell me where the button to open the mic is." "

He can do it alone.

And when everything is debugged.

Su Ming's voice sounded on the campus radio.

This song is for all the juniors who are still in high school, high school is the best time in your youth, and the seniors hope that you can cherish the present

You may not be able to fully understand this song yet, but you will definitely be able to in the future. "

"The name of this song is called, "Once Upon a Time" Three!".

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