Chapter Seventy-One: This Song Is Poisonous!

As Su Ming's voice sounded on the campus radio.

At this time, in all corners of the school, many students, teachers, and faculty members who did not know the truth were all a little stunned.

What's going on?

It's Saturday, why is the radio station still open?

Could it be that a student or a teacher ran to the radio station to laugh at themselves?

Or is it that the students who have graduated secretly ran back to school to hi, because Su Ming called himself a senior on the radio.

They didn't know what was going on, but they were all curious.

This man is going to sing?

What song is "Once You"?

Why haven't they heard of it?

And those students who were on the basketball court before were extremely shocked and at the same time extremely expectant.

Su Ming wrote it so quickly?

This is going to be sung?

At this time, Su Ming should have just arrived at the radio station, right?

"Which student went to the radio station to mistreat?"

"Isn't this interfering with the students' study breaks?"

"I have to give him a punishment!"

At this time, in the vice principal's office, the vice president was preparing to eat a freshly peeled boiled egg.

Listening to someone talking on the radio, his brow furrowed.

And just as he was about to get up halfway and prepare to go to the radio station to catch pests.

At this time, the sound of a guitar was already playing on the radio.

With this guitar sounded.

A magnificent sense of vicissitudes came to the face in an instant.


The vice-principal froze directly, then sat down again, and began to listen intently with his chin propped up.

Prelude to this song.

Doesn't seem so bad!

You can listen to "Zero Nine Zero" first, and it's not too late to catch it after listening.

And at the same time.

At this moment, on the campus playground, in the classroom, on the playground, in the dormitory, all the students were bright-eyed and began to listen carefully to the voice on the radio.

This dynamic prelude!

In the free and heroic spirit, there is an indescribable sense of precipitation of the years!

Absolutely good!

Even the aunt in the cafeteria, the security guard at the door, and the owner of the supermarket at the door are all listening quietly at the moment.

Not sure why.

How can this prelude have the urge to resign?

And as the guitar melody gradually accelerates, it changes from plucking the strings to strumming the strings.

After a momentary pause.

Su Ming's voice finally sounded.

"I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword

See how prosperous the world is."

The first two lines are sung.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but tremble.

Even the figure of the vice principal who was eating a boiled egg was a meal,

The first two lyrics are amazing!

Dream of going to the end of the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world.

Isn't that what the students are thinking at the moment?

Or is this exactly what everyone thinks when they are younger?

And adding a Zeng character directly becomes the perspective of a person who has come over.


The students couldn't help but be immersed in the song.

And the faculty and staff, who have been here for a long time, have already found a trace of resonance.

Su Ming continued to sing.

"Young hearts are always a little frivolous

Now you call the world home


The girl who once made you feel distressed

Now it is gone


Love always makes you yearn and feel annoyed

It has left you bruised all over your body


As the lyrics melody progresses.

At this moment, the vice principal couldn't eat half of the hard-boiled eggs.

Some memories that had been sealed for a long time slowly emerged from his mind.

At that time, he had just passed the hard third year of high school, and entered the university with a longing, and the four years of college life made him angular and unaccustomed to all the injustices in the world, either criticizing this or that.

At that time, he felt that everything in the world was black and white.

At the same time, he is also very firm that as long as he works hard, he will be able to live the life he wants in the future and fulfill the dream in his heart.

I remember that at that time, he was still a literary and artistic youth, thinking that he could become famous and world-renowned with his works in the future.

But when he walked out of the ivory tower of the university with a dream.

All illusions have been brutally wiped out by reality.

His literary works are thrown into the trash like garbage.

At that time, he stubbornly thought that he was a talented person, even if he couldn't afford to eat, so he let the girl he loved live with him in a damp and cramped basement rental room, and he didn't want to look for a job in another direction.

In addition to sleeping all day, he plays games, and from time to time scolds those who can't appreciate his talent.

Faced with his self-defeating choice.

Later, the girl he loved so much and was willing to accompany her to endure hardships left.

At that time, he once thought that she was simply disgusted with poverty and loved rich.

Later, his life began to become a complete mess.

He was confused, he was unwilling, but he seemed powerless.

Eventually, he compromised with life.

Time flies.

Now he has changed from a thin teenager to a middle-aged man with a big belly and a little greasy.

Although he is now the vice-principal in the eyes of many people.

But who knows the difficulties?

The most obvious changes over the years do not come from physical appearance, nor from changes in money, material and social status.

It's who he is now.

I have long lost the courage to "go to the end of the world with a sword"!

And at the moment, it's not just him.

All the faculty and staff on campus now remember the self-confident and ambitious self when they were young.

Not long since.

Didn't they ever dream of being a doctor, a policeman, a musician, a scientist?

But now, the burden of life is weighed down.

As long as you can afford to raise a family.

Compromise you want!

The original light in their eyes has long since disappeared.

And Su Ming's song seems to flicker the light that has long been extinguished again.

Before I knew it, tears were already rolling in my eyes.

This song is so well written!


Walk on the road to courage


As the chorus sounded.

Emotion, heroism, regret, free and easy, all kinds of moods are intertwined in this chorus.

It's as if all emotions have found an outlet.

Their tears could no longer be controlled.

In the cafeteria, looking at the aunt who was cooking, the uncle who cooked cried one by one.

The security booth looked at the security guard at the door with ruddy eyes.

Outside the school gate, I looked at the hesitation in the eyes of the supermarket owner when he was in a daze.

The students couldn't help but be a little confused.

They understand the gist of the song, and the song is really good, but isn't this reaction a bit exaggerated?

Obviously, Su Ming was right.

With their current age and experience, it is true that they cannot fully understand it.

But they don't need to understand.

There are some things that can only be experienced after experiencing them.

Sooner or later, they will understand.

"This lyric is so well written!!"

"Is this a song written by a student in that class? I don't think I could write it at this age!"

"No, I'm addicted to smoking again after listening to this song. "

"The lyrics are so well written! If I had to choose again, I would never get married so early! I should travel, go to the ends of the world, see the world. "

"What the hell has this kid been through, how can he sing such a profound song? Probably not a student of our school, right?"

"If I didn't have to support my family, I really don't want to do this job!"


At this moment, all the faculty and staff of the school, with tears in their eyes, applauded and praised this song.

A strong urge to leave the job came to my heart.

Even the vice principal, now he is eating boiled eggs while hiding his face and crying.

This song is so resonant for them!

"There are sad and wonderful

Every time it's sad

Just look at the sea alone

I always think of my friends who are walking on the road

How many are healing


And as Su Ming continued to sing.

The students also seemed to vaguely understand some of the emotion in the song, and fell silent at the moment.

Maybe in the future, they will really lose the courage to fight the sword and go to the end of the world, as the song says.

But it's not a big problem, at least for now.

When you graduate from high school, you can go on a trip and see the prosperity of the world!

For example, as the lyrics say, look at the sea alone!

"Let's dry this glass

A good man's heart is like the sea

has experienced the ups and downs of life

This smile is warm and innocent

Soon 0...

As Su Ming's last sentence fell, the last sound of the guitar stopped.

Everywhere in the school, there was a burst of warm applause, which did not subside for a long time.

"Is this song really written by Brother Ming just now?

"Indeed, I saw that the cafeteria aunt was crying just now. "

"Brother Ming said that we will only understand this song in the future, but I understand it now, Brother Ming must be thinking about her first love!"

"Poof, you're so smart, you understand again?"

At this moment, those students who were originally on the basketball court spoke one after another, their faces full of shock and emotion.

They don't understand the experience in the lyrics, but they can hear the song.

And such a beautiful song, they really can't imagine that it was actually written by Su Ming in such a short time.

And for those students who didn't know the situation at all, Su Ming seemed to have become a mysterious figure they desperately wanted to know at this moment.

"I'll go! I thought it was black iron, but I didn't expect it to be a king! What grade is this?

"That's it! This song sounds so delicious! By the way, does anyone know which software can listen to this song?"

"I can't recognize the song when I listen to it, it seems that it should be a song written by this senior himself. "

"What?The song that the senior wrote himself?!Is it really fake?!"

""Once You", I can't find this song at a certain point, it should really be written by this senior himself!"

"I'm going! I'm too talented! I can't win the first place in the campus singer competition?"

"Let's go to the radio station, maybe we can block it!


And compared to the enthusiasm of the students.

At this time, the barrage is not a lot of enthusiasm.

"Damn! Su Ming's singing is too good! It's so resonant!"

"Yes, this song made me cry, it reminded me of the time I used to spend all night with my friends in an Internet café, and I remembered the first love who was willing to watch me brag and accompany me to eat at a roadside stall. "

"I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword, looking at the prosperity of the world, my young heart was always a little frivolous, and now I have made the world home,

How did Su Ming write such good lyrics, it simply wrote the current situation of countless men!"

"Don't talk about men, I also resonate with a woman, okay? Who didn't have any dreams and ambitions when they were young?!"

"The girl who once made you feel distressed is now quietly gone, yes, it's been ten years and one hundred and thirty-one days since we broke up, and I don't know how she's doing now? Yanzi, you must be very happy, right?"

"Every time I'm sad, just look at the sea, if I haven't experienced that scene, it's definitely hard to experience that feeling of decompression, Su Ming's words are really well written, I really don't know what Su Ming went through at the beginning, if only he could publish an autobiography 0.9. "

"You can always trust Su Ming's talent!"

"This song is really expensive, I am a pork seller by profession, but I don't want to be a dancer in the first place? But I have already lost the courage to dance. "

"Damn! Back then, Lao Tzu still wanted to kick Hangcheng's mother and step on the deep city vine, but now he is actually washing people's feet! I really don't want to do this job! I want to continue to walk the world!"

"Me too, being sung like this by Su Ming, I feel like I have suddenly found my young self,

Damn! Anyway, I'm an old bachelor, I won't be on this bad class, Lao Tzu is going to travel! Lao Tzu is going to Qianzang!"

"Dili1ilidili1ilidenda, this tune is so enjoyable, humming and humming, I don't want to go to this forced class!"

"Damn, this song is poisonous, I really want to quit after listening to it!"

"Poof, brothers, if you don't go to work, where can you find the money to go to the end of the world?"

"Damn, then let's continue to work, now that the global economy is in a downturn, these days, it's hard to make money, it's hard to eat!"


Obviously, although this song "Once You" did not make students feel much.

But it made these old fritters who had long been out of society feel a lot on the barrage.

It's as if the song wasn't written for students, but more like it was written for them.

Of course.

Years from now, these students will eventually become them.

And unconsciously.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is 40 million!

And on the other end.

On the campus playground at this time.

A middle-aged man wearing black-framed glasses, half-bald on the top of his head, and a slightly bloated figure was anxious, and hurriedly ran towards the radio room.

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