Ye Cheng knew that Yang Mi was not optimistic about the movie "Wolf Warrior 2", so if she told her to invest in this movie, she would definitely be angry, or even very worried.

So, Ye Cheng made a random excuse to put Yang Mi away.

Investing in movies is not... a small amount, starting at least tens of millions. Although Ye Cheng has a mine in his family, the money is all his father's. Yang Mi doesn't think Ye Cheng can spend so much money.

"I don't have any money, joke! I only have hundreds of millions in cash in my bank card, do I want to tell you?"

Ye Cheng knew what Yang Mi meant when he saw Yang Mi's expression, and slandered inwardly.

Sure enough, after Yang Mi heard Ye Cheng's words, she immediately felt relieved, no longer hesitated, and replied, "Well, since this is the case, I will give you Wu Jin's Weixin now."

"Well, you can send it to me."

Soon, Yang Mi sent Wu Jin's Weixin, and Ye Cheng directly added his Weixin.

When she added Wu Jin's Weixin, the note she filled in was "Brother Reba, Ye Cheng."

These words

Here, in order to solve the film funding gap, Wu Jin spent a lot of time to get the boss of an entertainment company to agree to come out and have dinner with him.

Wolf Warrior 2 has been filmed now, but the follow-up funds can't keep up. Wu Jin must solve this problem now, otherwise this movie that cost him countless hard work will be forfeited.

This time, Wu Jin wanted to euphemistically tell this boss about the investment in the movie when he was having dinner, but he waited for several hours in the company, and the boss disappeared.

That's right, Wu Jin was released as a pigeon again.

"Hey, I didn't expect it would be so difficult to find an investment for a movie."

"Forget it, I'll still mortgage my house, I just don't know how to tell my wife!"

Wu Jin sighed and looked extremely frustrated. For this movie, it can be said that it has spent countless efforts, but now the situation is still difficult and difficult.

At this moment, he even paid attention to the mortgage of the house at home.


At this time, just when Wu Jin was distressed, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

Wu Jin took out his mobile phone and saw that he had received a notification to add friends on his Weixin.

Body 88 I will invest 2 million for you!

"Brother Reba, Ye Cheng"

Wu Jin's expression was stunned for a moment, and his face was full of doubts: "Why did he add me?"

Ye Cheng is a little famous recently, a frequent visitor on the hot search list for scarves, Wu Jin has long heard of Ye Cheng's name.

However, he and Ye Cheng didn't have any intersection before, so he didn't know what he did with himself.

With curiosity, Wu Jin clicked through.

After all, the entertainment industry is a place where relationships and people are sophisticated. One more friend is better than one more enemy.

"Mr. Wu Jin, hello, I'm Ye Cheng, I got your WeChat account from my good friend Yang Mi, and added your WeChat account."

As soon as Wu Jin's side passed, Ye Cheng immediately sent a Weixin with a polite attitude.

"Hello, Ye Cheng, do you have anything to do with me?"

Wu Jin replied.

"That's it, I saw on the Internet that your film encountered a financial bottleneck. I am willing to invest in your film."

Ye Cheng didn't hide it, and directly explained his purpose.

"You're not kidding, you're really willing to invest in my movie"

After Wu Jin saw the news, the casual expression on his face immediately froze.

Immediately after that, there was a look of ecstasy that could not be concealed on his face! He didn't expect Ye Cheng to invest in his movie! If it was true, Ye Cheng was the first one who wanted to give him after he had run into countless obstacles. People who invest in movies.

Ye Cheng replied clearly: "I'm not kidding, I'm very optimistic about your film, and I'm really willing to invest in your film."

Wu Jin watched it, his eyes widened, and with incomparable excitement, he sent a letter to Ye Cheng: "Thank you for your willingness to invest in my film, my current funding gap is [-] million, you can invest a few thousand in me. Ten thousand"

Wu Jin asked subconsciously, because he thought that even if Ye Cheng was rich, it would be impossible to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in his films.

"Is there a gap of [-] million, then I will directly invest [-] million for you, so that the movie budget is a little more, and you can make the movie better."

Ye Cheng didn't hesitate and planned to give Ye Cheng [-] million funds.

"Brother [-] million leaves, you make fun of me, brother"

Seeing Ye Chenghui's Weixin, Wu Jin's mouth opened in shock, and he could put an egg.

I saw him sighing towards the screen, and then wiping the screen with his hands vigorously to confirm whether Ye Cheng made a typo.

After confirming that Ye Cheng did not make a mistake, Wu Jinxin was shocked, then thought of something, and asked worriedly: "It's not that I don't believe you, can you give so much money?"

Ye Cheng was amused by Wu Jin's Weixin, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't watch the joke, and I can take out the money. As long as you make the movie well, you can talk about money and anything."

He didn't expect Wu Jin to have such a big reaction when he heard that he was going to invest [-] million for him.

In fact, this is also very understandable. You must know that before Jin asked others to invest tens of millions, he asked his grandfather to tell his grandmother, and others were unwilling to vote.

Now that Ye Cheng has directly invested [-] million to invest in his film, he would be surprised.

"Really? Great! Brother Ye, you have helped me a lot!"

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