Seeing that Ye Cheng didn't say or do anything, Wu Jin finally no longer doubted, his face was filled with unconcealed excitement, and the whole person was going to faint.

Unexpectedly, when he hit the wall everywhere and was about to mortgage the house he lived in, Ye Cheng was born, and he directly invested [-] million to invest in his movie.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would have been dreaming because he was! Now that the film's funding problem has finally been resolved, the long-standing problem in his heart can finally be put down.

Thinking of this, Wu Jin's face was full of surprise, and he gave Ye Cheng a letter of confidence.

"Brother Ye, thank you for appreciating my films and investing in my films. I would like to invite you out for a drink now!"

"I've already set up a private room in Lanjue, this time I'm the host, you must come here."

After sending the message, Wu Jin stared at the phone screen tightly, waiting for Ye Cheng's response.

This time, Ye Cheng took action at his most difficult time and helped him a lot. Wu Jing now has a strong urge to invite Ye Cheng to come out and talk about the great cause of film together.

"Okay, I also want to chat with Mr. Wu Jin, wait a moment, I'll come right over."

Seeing that Wu Jin invited him out for a drink, Ye Cheng agreed without hesitation.

After returning to Weixin, Ye Cheng turned off his phone and drove directly to the Blue Jue Bar.

After explaining his intention to the waiter, Ye Cheng, led by the waiter, came to the private room that Wu Jin had ordered.

"Brother Ye, you are here!"

After Ye Cheng walked into the room, Wu Jin quickly stood up, then rushed to Ye Cheng with a look of excitement, and held his hand.

After being held by Wu Jin, the expression on Ye Cheng's face immediately froze, he did not expect Wu Jin to be so happy.

"Mr. Wu Jin, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ye Cheng smiled shyly, took out his hand without leaving a trace, and said politely.

"Oh, don't call me teacher, I can't stand it, you can just call me by my name or Xiao Wu!"

Wu Jin waved his hands again and again, looking flattered.

This time Ye Cheng helped him so much, he really didn't dare to care for him.

"How can this work? You are older than me, and you are my senior in the entertainment industry. I will call you Angkor!"

Ye Cheng was very modest and said politely.

"Okay! Come on, Brother Ye, let's sit down and drink!"

Wu Jin was very happy when he heard this, and immediately made a gesture of invitation, and politely greeted Ye Cheng to sit down:

"Brother Ye, thanks to you this time, you don't know how many closed doors I had in the entertainment industry before, brother!"

Wu Jin enthusiastically poured a glass of wine into Ye Cheng's quilt, and babbled in his mouth: "Those film and television company bosses all think that my "Wolf Warrior 2" is not worth investing in, and they also say that after this film is released, it will definitely lose money ."

"Brother, my heart is bitter. I have no money for half of the film. Fortunately, I met you. Come, let's have a drink!"

After speaking, Wu Jin was very excited, and filled another glass of wine to have a toast with Ye Cheng.

"Angkor, you don't have to belittle yourself, I appreciate your movie very much. They all say that the plot of your pure man's movie is very old-fashioned, but I think that if a movie of this style is made well and put on the market, Easier to explode!"

Ye Cheng drank a glass of wine and said with a serious expression.

"Really, Brother Ye sees the same thing as my hero!"

Wu Jin was a little moved when he heard it, and then he thought of something, and said with a look of grief and indignation: "The film market is now rampant with small meat, and the capital in the circle also loves small meat, so that the whole movie is now a yin and yang strange mother. gun!"

"I think this kind of film market is deformed, and it is extremely unfavorable to the long-term development of the film market!"

"So I have always had the idea of ​​changing the status quo of the film industry. I want to make a pure man movie with a bloody man as the protagonist, to promote the bloody spirit of our bloody man and the feelings of family and country!"

"However, no one agrees with my idea, and I hit a wall everywhere. Fortunately, I met Brother Ye, you invested so much money in my movie without saying a word!"

Speaking of this, Wu Jin's eyes were full of excitement, and he sighed with emotion: "Brother Ye, you are really my confidant!"

body 89 Ye Cheng's brain was watted?

"Angkor, you are too polite. I only invested money for you because I admire your ability. You don't need to have such a lot of psychological pressure."

Ye Cheng said calmly: "When the time comes, we must finish the filming of this movie and slap those who look down on you in the face!"

"Well, Brother Ye, you are right, this time we must make this movie, and we will take a sigh of relief for ourselves if we don't do anything else!"

Wu Jin took a sip of wine, his blood surged, and he said arrogantly.

"Brother Ye, the total investment of our "Wolf Warrior 2" this time is 3 million yuan, and my side made up [-] million yuan, and your side directly contributed [-] million yuan, accounting for one-third of the total investment. of two."

"Brother, if you can help me in the snow, I won't care about you so much. When the movie is released, 70% of the net profit at the box office will be given to you."

Wu Jin paused, and finally spoke out what was in his heart.

"Angkor, you have given too much. If you do this, you will suffer a lot!"

Ye Cheng did a little calculation in his heart, and felt that Wu Jin's box office share was too much.

According to the proportion of investment, in the end, he can only receive more than 60% of the net profit at most, but Wu Jin is very generous and directly gave 0%.

"How could it be, if you don't help me invest this time, this movie will not be made at all, so don't hold back, that's the decision!"

Wu Jin waved his hand with a very firm attitude.

"Uh, okay, Angkor, then I'll be disrespectful!"

Seeing that it was not easy to make a decision, Ye Cheng had no choice but to agree.

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