So he simply looked at Liu Feifei and asked, "Feifei, what do you think is a good name?"

Liu Feifei smiled and said, "I listen to you!"

Lin Mo was speechless.Scratched his head, he was suddenly enlightened--now.Said, "Then call it, F"_"

The others were taken aback.Not too many.On the contrary, Liu Feifei asked the doubts in their hearts, "Brother Mo, why do you want Q to be called m. F_?"

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth is exposed = a charming smile

"Because of Murphy, come on"

As soon as these words came out, the three made an "Oh" sound, and then looked at Liu Feifei with a smile!

Chapter 125: The big guy is awesome!

Don't worry, it won't be too late to tell me when "Qin Shimingqi" is a big hit."

Zhou Jianguo smiled, he was really anxious, but this time he called Lin Mo. In fact, there were other things that Lin Mo did not sign on the manuscript of "Qin Shimingyue", so he made a special call Come in!

Lin Mo thought for a while - down.return

s, let’s call it Effie””

Zhou Jianguo murmured, "Ai Fei. Love Liu Feifei. Oh~ I understand. Hehe!"

After Zhou Jianguo got Lin Mo's pseudonym

"Qin Shimingqi" began to be officially released in China"

At the same time, Sakura Country's Weekly Boys' branch in Huaxia also released the content of the new season of "The Prince of Tennis"!

In order to break into the Huaxia market, they even did not hesitate to clear a few popular little fresh meat in China to play the live-action version of "The Prince of Tennis". Not only Fan 18 Chenchen and the others worked hard to promote it, but Weekly Youth also spent a lot of money on publicity. Build momentum and try to win the Chinese market in one fell swoop!

Under their vigorous publicity, "The Prince of Tennis" is huge.Not only on Weibo, but even in the circle of friends. All the major web pages are traces of their promotion!

In the end, even the boss of the General Administration of Optoelectronics knew about this.As a leader in optoelectronics.When you see your own culture being exported crazily by others, you are naturally so angry that you can't help but swear.

"Decisive China. No one can draw a decent-=point comic, and it's being invaded by the comic culture in a bomb land like the Sakura Country. It's a shame."

"Download the documents for me, and take the leaders of all parties in the domestic animation industry. Gather me, hold a meeting, and hold a meeting 1."

The boss got angry and scared the people below to get in touch⊥

On the second day, all the leading figures in the domestic comic industry

guy.They all gathered in the conference room of the General Administration of Light!

All the leaders are very puzzled and don't know what the big boss has called Taijia to do!

I saw the boss sitting on the head seat and said quietly. "There's something that annoys me recently. What the hell is "Prince of Tennis"? It dares to openly and boldly come to China and sell it on the land"

Everyone listens.No one dares to speak!

The big man was suddenly furious. "If you don't die in silence, you will explode in silence! I see what cartoons you draw with the expressions on your face that you are all about to die. Let's go home and grow sweet potatoes."

Then someone whispered

, "It's not that we don't want to draw. It's that there are no excellent comics in China at all. How do you want us to fight against Sakura Country?"

The big guy doesn't know much about the comics industry, but he has heard a little about the powerhouse of Sakura Nation's animation, so he snorted angrily: _"Are we just sitting still?

At this time, Zhou Jianguo, who participated in the meeting, saw that the time was ripe, and he stood up, "Who said that there are no excellent comic works in China? I have a copy in my hand, you can take a look, it is definitely not worse than the cherry blossom country, it can be Better to say yes!"

Zhou Jianguo sent a copy to each of the leading bigwigs⊥

Qin Shimingyue, this name made all the leading heads stunned and opened the comics.The strong atmosphere of the ancient heaven is blowing towards the face, making people feel as if they have returned to the turbulent and magnificent world of the ancient heaven.”

What followed Tianming's ups and downs made everyone worried, and a hundred schools of thought contended.The magnificent world slowly unfolds with the fate of dawn⊥

I can see that the leaders are extremely shocked. This is not only excellent, it is simply a masterpiece⊥

But here are all old foxes. _Although the heart is extremely shocked, but the surface is still the same!

They are quietly observing the expression of the boss,

I saw the big guy flip it around a few times, but didn't take a serious look at it at all, which made the corners of their mouths can't help showing = Siyin pitiful smile

Zhou Jianguo saw it in his eyes, and he secretly cried in his heart. He didn't expect that the gangster Guangxu didn't understand comics at all, and he didn't expect these guys to be in the face of foreign cultural invasion.Still thinking about fighting in the nest!

Sure enough, one of the big guys said, "What an excellent comic. I think it's very ordinary, it's the most ordinary level of our company⊥."

Another boss also went on to say s "It's the most familiar level in your company: in our company, it's just rotten. The opportunity to sign a contract.

I won't be able to get it"

"Hmph, our company doesn't even look at this kind of work, and throws it into the trash.

All ghostly leaders, - one ratio = - one can be degraded

Zhou Jianguo was so angry that his face was ashen._ stood up on the spot and pointed at the crowd excitedly, "You bastards. Talking against your conscience, Huaxia is because you bastards are there, so the comics industry can't develop at all.

Unexpectedly, the other dragon heads had secretly smug expressions on their faces. It didn't matter that they were hanging up high.No one cares about Zhou Jianguo, who is too angry.”

The big butthead looked at Zhou Jianguo who was angry. He really didn't know whether this cartoon was good or bad, and the picture of the secret mama made him unable to watch it at all, but the signature caught his attention."


Tai Lao seemed to think of someone and asked, "Zhou Jianguo. Who is the author of this comic?"

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