Zhou Jianguo took a deep breath and calmed the anger in Zi 2's heart, "The author is Lin Mo.

As soon as the words fell, the conference room was full of discussions.

"Lin Mo, it's that entertainment star Lin 457 Mo, he can draw cartoons, it's funny


"My daughter likes him the most. But I still don't believe he talks about comics."

In order to confuse the public, several leaders demeaned Lin Mo more and more.Because they know that if Zhou Jianguo really promotes this comic.Not to mention them, even "The Prince of Tennis" can't compete with the

Zhou Jianguo was directly blown up.I wish I had to overturn the table in the conference room⊥

He no longer had any hope.I comforted myself in my heart, "Forget it. Let's promote it by yourself."

Unexpectedly, at this time, Mr. Guangchu said, "Push! Give me all the power to promote Lin Mo's "Qin Shiming"

Month "1"

The other faucets were dumbfounded. Which one did the big guy sing?

Someone couldn't help it and asked. "Big guy. Why, Lin Mo's "Qin Shi Mingyue" is obviously very ordinary!"

Someone made a sound, and others followed suit.

Unexpectedly, the big hand of the light-hearted grandfather - waved I to stop the people who were gossiping,

"Although I don't understand comics. But I understand that Lin Mo is a reliable person!"

Chapter 126: Lin Mo's Killing Move

Fans of both sides began to frantically fight on Weibo.No one will let this one!

And at this moment, the General Administration of Optoelectronics took action.Support "Qin Shi Mingmu" on the official blog for the first time

It is called "Qin Shi Mingyue". It is a miracle of domestic comics. It allows us to experience the charm of ancient Chinese culture, unlike a certain country's

Finally, the official blog calls on Taijia to support the domestic boycott of foreign culture!

This official blog - out, Weibo once again exploded, 1

The fans of Qin Shi Ming Yue applauded.and

However, how could the means of the General Administration of Optoelectronics be only these, and the thunder-like means made major APPs, websites, etc. immediately shattered

The publisher of Weekly Teenager was scared to pee.Immediately use all the relationships in Huaxia, hoping to get accommodation from the General Administration of Optoelectronics, but to no avail L

This leaves them struggling to promote on some illegal websites....

Not long after that.The two comics were released at about the same time


Because "Qin Shimingyue" has done enough promotion work, it exploded after only the second listing⊥

= Time to sell out the goods at major sales outlets

Looking back

After getting first-hand data on sales.Zhou Jianguo smiled like a child"

And the bosses of other Guoman companies are looking at this transcript, and they are very jealous!

At this time, after listening to the report of his subordinates, the headquarter of the General Administration of Optoelectronics and the boss nodded with satisfaction, and couldn't help but be proud of his own vision.


"Lin Mo, you really didn't disappoint me, haha"⊥"

At the same time, he ordered that we must pay close attention to Sakura Country, lest they deal with Heiyan Company and "Qin Shimingyue 2⊥ without compromise."

"Dare to want to dump your culture on the land of China. This time, you must be drenched in blood."

It is different from the joy of the photoelectric boss.At the headquarters of Sakura Country Weekly Youth, the big guys went up one by one with solemn expressions.

They never imagined it.This time they spent too much money and a lot of energy in their plan to occupy the Chinese market.


"What is the origin of "Qin Shi Mingyue", immediately give me a thorough investigation!"

"Continue to invest more, and we must suppress the momentum of "Qin Shimingyue" for me."

Daodao orders were issued from Zhou Xianjuan's headquarters, all of which were aimed at "Qin Shimingyue"⊥

But no matter how unscrupulous they suppress, 2

Viewers rated "Qin Shi Ming Yue" as high as 9.3 on one of the most recognized rating sites!

And "Tennis Daddy" has only poor this season

4.5 points, this is still the result of Sakura Country spending a lot of money to invite the Navy drama points

"The Prince of Tennis" was completely defeated this time, and it was completely defeated.

Fan Chenchen and the others were also shocked by this result.But if you think about it carefully, with the quality of "Qin Shi Mingyue", it is also natural to carry "The Prince of Tennis"!

Their worship of Lin Mo went a step further.I finally know that since 2 and Lin Mo are separated by at least ten fan cakes, I no longer dare to criticize Lin Mo any more."

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