"Tai Shi Ming Yue" is on fire

The pseudonym Aifei has also become popular.”

Everyone wants to know.can

Who is this domestic cartoonist who draws such a high level?

Finally someone broke the news that Ai Fei was actually Lin Mo, and the pseudonym meant to love Liu Feifei L

This news caused a great uproar like a deep sea bomb exploded!

Ai Fei ascended to the top of the Weibo search list with lightning speed.

Almost all netizens were shocked

"My God, Aifei is Lin Mo

"Unbelievable, as an entertainment star, Lin Mo has drawn master-level comics."

"As a domestic comic

The milestone "Qin Shimingqi" .. it turned out to be from my idol Lin Mo, what a surprise!_"

"Evil ah... how can there be such a perfect man!,"


Not only the netizens were shocked, but also the big stars and the tycoons were shocked too!

Han Hong called Lin Mo the light of the Chinese!

Wang Fei said that Lin Mo is really amazing.I don't know if I have a chance to work with him!

There are also many people who are full of the pen name Aifei.Interested, I didn't expect Lin Mo to confess Liu under his pseudonym so bluntly

Feifei L

For a time, the love story of Liu Feifei and Lin Mo was once again excavated by various media and became the talk of many netizens.

Everyone likes the warm and beautiful love between the two, and they envy Liu Feifei for being able to meet such a perfect man who loves her deeply!

At this time, Lin Mo, who was far away in the country of cherry blossoms.I also suddenly found that my reputation has been increasing.

At the same time, he also received calls from many friends in China.

The first person to call was Gu Jianguo, and as soon as the call was made, he was so excited that he didn't look like a cartoonist at all!

he is excited

Tell Lin Mo, "Qin Shi Mingyue" has become too explosive in China. It is completely crushed

Their company also fought a beautiful turnaround because of "Qin Shi Mingyue", which made the Toei Painting Society of Sakura Country go back!

Lin Mo didn't feel much when he heard it because all of this was within his expectations. Today is the first step in his plan to attack the Huaguo animation, and the real killer move is still underway!

The anime industry of Sakura Country is waiting to meet the strong wind (Zhao De's), let it be cold!_

Zhou Jianguo naturally didn't know what Lin Mo was thinking, and he finally expressed his most sincere thanks to Lin Mo

, and told Lin Mo, "Qin Shiming's dividends will soon be credited to his account!

Immediately afterwards, Mr. He, Mr. Huang, Da Mi, and others also called to express their congratulations."

The happiest are naturally Peng Peng and Zifeng.Both of them are faithful

Fans, they are naturally very happy that "Qin Shi Mingyue" is a big hit.Calling Daddy so handsome on the phone⊥

Beside Lin Mo, Liu Feifei looked at Lin Mo, who was busy answering the phone, with a smile on her face. She stopped in admiration. She felt that Lin Mo's strength made her feel a sense of crisis.

Chapter 127: No one watched "Naruto"?

comics, so they're even more repulsive!

Therefore, no store owner is willing to publish the publication of Heiyan Company this time.

Even if Wang Xue proposed to give them more dividends, they were not interested.

They are more willing to buy the largest manga club in Sakura Country.The comics of Shonen Weekly, especially the recently very popular comic "Hell Teacher"⊥

The trio of Li Li returned from a loss, and Fatty couldn't help cursing.

"It's a goddamn eyeless manga, no one intends to sell such a comic book?⊥"

Li Li was also very angry, "There will always be two days that you will regret it. I beg us to sell the comics to you","

Lin Mo was not angry.Such a result was as early as he expected, and he lightly

"Don't worry, since they don't want to put it on the shelves. Then we will sell it ourselves

. Sell it yourself?

Everyone was stunned. Although Li Li and Fatty have been in the comics industry for many years, they have no sales experience!

But Lin Mo's arrangement gave them some confidence L;

Lin Mo asked Fatty to invite: some people, go to Getaizhong

The door of learning sells L

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