Then arrange Li Li and Wuxue to go directly to buy some shops that sell comics, and set up a comic magazine sales point for Dragon Soul comics.

After Lin Mo arranged, the three of them went to the execution with enthusiasm!

Finally, after everything is ready, "Naruto" is on sale in the 720-style – yqqlm

At the same time, "Hell Teacher" also began to be released at almost the same time 1

"Hell Teacher" has attracted a lot of attention due to a lot of publicity before its release.So as soon as it was put on the shelves, it has already achieved very good results!

Unlike "Naruto", there was almost no publicity in the early stage.Nobody cares about this comic.So Westerners are not at all = on the same level!

Naruto can't even compare to the most common manga!

The newly established exclusive sales point of Dragon Soul Comics has no sales at all - z points, - this book has not been sold!

This made Li Li and Wang Xue, who were squatting at the point of sale, can only look at the ocean and sigh, and their confidence was eroded little by little!

At this time, the fat man who led the crooked melon cracked date invited by = group to sell comics at the door.Had the same problem!

Fat man

Pulled one after another middle school student patiently to explain to them how great Naruto ≥ is. But those middle school students looked at him like an idiot one by one. They were super tight and hid far away, which made him want to hit people!

But he didn't give up, and kept selling comics to the middle school students who came to class in the morning. ,

And the other people he invited have long since given up, all of them are inactive, and they don't even bother to sell.The drooping group of people squatted on the edge of the curb.

If it wasn't for the fat man's promise, it would be sold or not.All give them two thousand Sakura coins a day.They are long gone!

Fat man can't stand it

Annoyingly caught a chubby dick and frantically promoted L

Little Fatty = - I want to go.But being held by the fat man, he almost fell to his knees!

Qisheng Zilong was helpless and had no choice but to say, "I'll give you this comic because of your fat life 4, I won't charge you for it""

"Little Fatty was speechless. Because it was about to go to class, he hurriedly put the "Hoo Ying Huan" that Fatty handed over into his schoolbag and hurried into the school!

Fat Dragon used the same trick and gave away several comics for free.Some of them were even stuffed into someone's schoolbag!

The fat man was full of enthusiasm.It's exhausted now

, After the distribution in the morning, he let the few people who invited him continue to stay here. , he returned to the company in despair 1

At this time _ Li Li and Wu Xue also returned and looked at each other.Without speaking, you can guess the other party's bleak status quo.

They went to Lin Mo's office together.Weakly reported to Lin Mo the morning battle situation.

Lin Mo finished listening.I don’t mind saying that I know it⊥

The three of them were stunned.Isn't Lin Mo worried at all?

Besides, Liu Feifei next to her also looked calm and she couldn't see anything wrong.

At this time, L Linmo still had the mind to call Dao Jing.. to ask about the shooting situation of the wolf.By the way, I instructed = the problem of his shooting, there is talk and laughter 1

The three of them looked at the fat man for a while, after Lin Mo finished the phone call, he couldn't help but ask, "Ma'am, don't you worry at all, there is no poisonous way out. We just sit and wait for death. ?"

Lin Mo smiled slightly, "Didn't you send a few copies out? That's enough!"

Fatty looked at Lin Mo suspiciously for a while. Is it enough to send a few copies out?

The other two were also full of doubts in their hearts, but they didn't dare to take much time.

Can't stop sighing.If such a good manga were buried.That would be a pity 1

And at this time, the middle school that Fatty Long was selling just now!

In a certain classroom, Little Fatty took out the book "Naruto" from the schoolbag that was given by the fat man Long Qiang. Bored, he was going to open it and send it out during the break.

His deskmate saw Xiao Pangdun take out a comic that he had never seen before, so he couldn't help but proudly took out the one he just grabbed this morning

"A fat man has no money to buy it

Well, hum, my dad

But people who know Teen Weekly, gave it to me directly _ a poor man like you is only worthy of reading those poor comics.”

Little Fatty rolled his eyes at him. He took care of him.This guy has money and power to pay for his family.Look down on his ordinary deskmate all day long!

Little Fatty opened the book of "Naruto" that was forcibly given to himself!

After watching it for a while, there was a "huh" sound.

Ninja World"

It made him seem to have opened a magical door to a wonderful world of ninjas."

After Naruto appeared, he was even more amused by Naruto's amusing appearance.


And Naruto's life experience, and the cool Sasuke made him want to watch it!

= While watching, = said in admiration, "Qi_ is really wonderful."

This made the rich tablemate who was watching "Hell Teacher" couldn't help but look at him.Disdainful.

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