"It's really not good for a lousy comic, and you can still read it with such relish."

Little Fatty exclaimed from time to time.Attract the attention of classmates before and after!

What the hell is a comic.Let Xiaopangdun look so intoxicated, is it still stupid?

one of them

Little Fatty's classmate who played better, couldn't help but came over and asked

"Fatty, what comics are you, so good looking⊥"

The fat man smiled and said, "I don't know. Today, a strange uncle insisted on giving it to me. It's so fucking beautiful!"

"Isn't it 1."

That classmate and friend looked suspiciously over and looked at it together!

After a while, the classmate also exclaimed, "Damn it. It's really beautiful.

The sudden admiration and smirk of the two caught the attention of most of the classmates

They also carry a strong curiosity, = siege

Come and see "Naruto" in the hands of Xiaopangdun

They were also instantly attracted by such a masterpiece. L more and more people were attracted, and L surrounded the little chubby!

The rich tablemate looked unhappy.His newly bought "Teacher from Hell" didn't attract so many people's attention. Little Fatty took an unknown comic book that he didn't know where he got it from, but it attracted so many people's attention!

He said jealously, "Huh, what's so good-looking, it's better than "Hell Teacher", = group of guys with no taste!_"

But no one pays attention to him, 2 everyone is immersed in the wonderful world of ninjas

.There was constant laughter and exclamations.Everyone's face is full of excitement!

Is it really that beautiful?

This makes him really can't sit still _ Snatched Naruto in the hands of Xiao Chuan ⊥

This aroused anger.Everyone was staring at him fiercely!

Make him smile awkwardly.Return the comic to Little Fatty, "Let's watch it together!

The rich classmates have the advantage of the national table. L can see the cartoons in the hands of Little Fatty up close, and the more he reads, the more surprised he becomes!

Simply not too exciting. "Hell Teacher" simply can't be compared to it


At this time, the bell rang. Everyone left behind Xiao Pangdun with great reluctance, and asked in a tongue-in-cheek manner:

"Damn, fat man, where did you get such a nice comic book 2"

"Come on, we're going to buy it too!

Little Fatty replied proudly, "It's at the school gate. I see a few weird uncles selling it at the school gate!"

Chapter 128: Fire!

what is this congratulations

Let them scream oh oh oh~_

The classmates rushed in front of them and took out Sakura coins one by one.Rushing with them to buy the manga II L in their hands

Because there were too many students, they surrounded them, and one by one stretched their arms and wanted to hand them the money in their hands.

"Don't rush, don't rush, come one by one!"

They couldn't help but scream too much, and then took the money from their hands!,

Before they could distribute the comic books, the classmates couldn't help but grab it


In less than half a minute, all the comic books were robbed.

They have always been in a state of ignorance, and they don't know whether they have received more money or less money.Only know that the comic book in hand is sold out⊥

Those classmates who didn't grab it - looking annoyed, chasing after them, where can I buy this comic!

A few of them _faced blankly, _ "We don't know where to buy it either."

The students were very disappointed!

In the afternoon... the fat dragon is here!

As soon as he came, he saw the few people he invited. The people went directly to hide.

Chatting in the shade under the big tree at the gate of the school, I sighed that this is an official cartoon, s is so popular!

The fat dragon rushed over and roared.

"What are you doing, are you here to chat?".

Several people were taken aback by Fatty Dragon, and quickly said, "Sold out 1"


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