angry, because she believes in Lin Mo⊥

Sure enough, she explained before asking Lin Mo, _ "Feifei. I just helped a few of them heal their pain. You won't be jealous!"

It turned out to be a cure. Liu Feifei knew a lot about Lin Moqiang's medical skills, so there was no doubt about it!

Liu Feifei smiled too politely, "How can you be jealous_ They are all my 41-7 good sisters, you must do your best to cure them."

Lin Mo hasn't answered yet.. The five girls stepped forward to say hello, and Liu Feifei also greeted L warmly.

Several of them praised Lin Mo's medical skills


This makes Liu Feifei quite proud

After a few chats, they plan to leave. After all, it is extremely impolite to affect the conversation between the couple!

Before Zhao Xiaodao left, he couldn't help but look at Lin Mo.I really envy the two of them for such a firm love and letter to each other EL

What about the other four girls, especially Nini.The loss that can't be hidden on the face

After the five daughters left, Liu Feifei started to leave the channel, I think it's boring, and Xiaobai is not here, I guess it won't be so exciting."

Lin Mo pretended to be angry

Said, "How dare you mention Xiaobai Shu to me!"

I didn't expect Liu Feifei to deliberately say 1 I think Xiao Baichen is very powerful, although he is still a little worse than you, you won't be jealous!"

Lin Mo's heart is slightly - surprised that this little girl has learned to fight against me, but this little girl should be very surprised when she knows that I am Xiao Baike.

I don't know how she will react, but now is not the time to let her know."

Lin Mo continued to pretend to be angry and replied, "I'm jealous, I feel like I'm all with guilt on my head now.

Chapter 141: Fishing Master

And many viewers still waited from noon =- until now, the live broadcast room finally opened!

"Finally turned on the lights, I've been waiting so hard, "Qin Shimingyue> I've read it all for me⊥"

"What the hell happened at noon, director, you won't tell us, I greet your ancestors, the eighteenth generation L"

"Seeing the four goddesses jumping around, something very cool must have happened at noon."

_ ".."

The audience is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. They are discussing the noon thing!

due to four women

The dishes ordered by the guests were all fish, so everyone in the mushroom house decided to have a whole fish feast in the evening!

The four girls heard it~ and cheered happily

Since the whole fish feast is going to be done, the next step is to fish⊥

Teacher He asked Lin Mo and Pender to take the four goddesses to fish in the fish pond!

The two of them set off with a basket and came to the fish pond behind the mushroom house. The water in the fish pond was very shallow, so they decided to use the most primitive way to fish, that is, they aimed at the fish with the basket. Position. Cover the basket and catch the fish

The four goddesses are also the

to appear very excited

Just arrived at the fish pond.One by one they rolled up their trouser legs.Ignore the muddy fish pond and go to the fish pond to catch fish!

There were a lot of fish in the fish pond, scurrying around under their feet. It made them feel itchy.

They saw fish.They desperately put the basket on it, but when they reached out and touched the basket, it was empty b⊥

Failed several times in a row.Watching the big fish slip away in their hands

They couldn't get angry, so they decided to form a group, rush the fish to a position 1 and then cover it with a basket!

I didn't expect this to make the fish run away⊥

Fish are more nimble in the water than they think 1

No--a few of them will sweat profusely, but they can only look at the fish and sigh. Looking at the plump big fish, they look helpless!

Zhiba couldn't help but Ye Cao said, "This is too difficult~_⊥"

Zhao Xiaodao was also angry and suggested. "Why don't we use fishing nets. - Pull the net over, you will definitely catch a lot of big fish!_"

The other three women agreed to use fishing nets to catch fish.

But he was rejected by Lin Mo. He said,

"It is very easy to catch fish with fishing nets. But those fish are injured when they are caught by the net. The police and us can't eat so much. If they are released again, the dangers are likely to die!"

Hearing what Lin Mo said, the four female guests also gave up the plan, but they were quite distressed that they could not catch fish!

Lin Mo took Zhao Xiaokai's basket and walked towards the center of the fish pond.

Unexpectedly, the fish seemed to recognize the master and followed at Lin Mo's feet.

Lin Mo naturally knew that this was because of his charm card.The comfortable breath made the fishes couldn't help being attracted

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