four girls

The guests were also stunned.Zhao Xiaodao couldn't help but Ye Cao said, "Tsk tsk. I didn't expect Yu Lmen also like handsome guys? L"

The other three are also amazed!

The four girls saw Lin Mo easily put the basket into the water. Then they made a gesture to let them come over.

The bold Reba touched the basket with his hand, and saw the big fish in the basket alive and kicking!

"I got it, I got it!"

Reba cheered happily!

After a while, she caught a big fat fish l

The fish twisted and twisted in her hands. I used her face

It took a lot of effort for her to hold it steady!

But she was very excited, her face flushed, she raised the fish high and shouted s

"I caught it, what a beautiful big fish, come on"

Seeing this, the other three women followed suit, and one caught two big fish.excited

They were catching big fish like little children, and they were so happy

The four of them were amazed by Lin Mo's fishing skills, it was simply effortless. - Catch one!

Reba couldn't help but ask, "How do you know so much, Brother Mo?"

Zhao Xiaodao also

He sighed, "How do I feel that you can do everything? You are so good at catching fish, you don't look like a star at all, go_"

Chen Douling continued, "I feel like an old farmer who has been catching fish for ten years!"

Lin Mo replied angrily. _“Have you ever seen such a handsome farmer?”

The four girls laughed like four blooming lilies!

But they have to admit that Lin Mo is indeed too handsome.Even they are used to seeing the little fresh meat in the entertainment circle.Can't stand the flood of girls

However, Lin Mo is already famous. They can only look at the mountains.


In the laughter and laughter of several people, Peng Peng's fish basket is already full of big self!

Enough for them to have a sumptuous whole fish feast at night.

So they are also reluctantly preparing to go home!

Did not expect this time.However, Lin Mo found that Zifeng, who was beside him, was flushed and seemed uncomfortable!

He quickly put down the fish basket.Hold Zifeng to the side of the = Taishu L

When everyone was still in a daze, they only heard Lin Mo say, "1 The sun is too big and Zifeng may suffer from heat stroke! 2"

Zifeng is already groggy at this time_l.

The crowd suddenly panicked.Zhao Xiaodao asked worriedly, "Then what should I do?

Lin Mo couldn't handle that much anymore. _Take off his T-shirt, revealing his muscular body.Then handed the T-shirt to Zhao Xiaodao,

"You quickly go to the fish pond to get your clothes wet⊥"

Zhao Xiaodao didn't even care about appreciating Lin Mo's figure, so he quickly followed Lin Mo's words.

Lin Mo used his thumb to press the patient's Renzhong, Hegu and other acupuncture points.

He took the wet clothes that Zhao Xiaodao handed over and wiped them on Zifeng's forehead, neck and other parts, and then put the wet clothes on Zifeng's forehead.


Zifeng gradually (was Zhao) sober up, price L

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief"

Reba couldn't help but said, "Fortunately there is Lin Mo, otherwise we don't know what to do"

Chen Douling's eyes were also full of admiration, "Lin Mo is not only powerful in medicine, but also so attentive. He found that something was wrong with Zifeng.. Otherwise, it will be difficult to do when it becomes serious!"

When several people sighed at Lin Mo's attentiveness and medical worship.This time Ben noticed that Lin Mo was shirtless.Showing a slender and fit body⊥

Can not help but pretty face slightly red, intentionally or unintentionally steal

Looking at Lin Mo's body, once again Jiang Mu Liu Feifei⊥

Such a strong body. : Feifei thinks it's hard not to have sex."

Chapter 142: Whole Fish Feast

Prevent situations like Zifeng heatstroke from happening again!

Lin Mo made a lot of ice cream.Peng Peng came in and saw it.asked curiously.

"Daddy makes so much ice cream, do you want to switch to selling ice cream?"

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