Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

107 A Movie Tailor-Made For Liu Shishi, Preparations Before Swallowing Jiahang!

"Qin Nuo, I'm very sad when you say that. Have you forgotten how I helped you when you invested in your first movie?"

"Sister Mi, are you sure you want me to tell you!?"

"Tch, stop talking nonsense!"

Yang Mi couldn't help but said:

"You will take me with you in the next movie. If you get involved with that woman Liu Yifei again, believe it or not, I will ask Reba to break off the relationship with you."

"It just so happens that Yang Mi, I have long disliked that little girl Reba," Liu Shishi said quickly

Yang Mi was very angry when she heard this. Now is the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Why did you fall out so quickly?

"Liu Shishi, don't worry now. We can discuss Reba's matter after Liu Yifei is driven away."

After hearing this, Liu Shishi thought about it for a while.

Now I am cooperating with Yang Mi first, and Liu Yifei left...

Kick Yang Mi away again.

"Qin Nuo, are you really so cruel? You would rather give it to an outsider than to me?"

Liu Shishi was very sad. In less than three seconds, tears flowed out of her eyes.

He looked like he was crying.

"Did you really lie to me before?"

"Hey Shishi, you don't have to be like this." Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

Good guy, if you have such acting skills when filming.

I have been looking for you for a long time. Do you want to shed tears in three seconds?

Why is it that when it comes to filming a movie, my eyes become so numb?

"Qin Nuo, Jiahang is your strategic partner. You can't favor one over the other." "In the worst case, I'll introduce you to two little sisters. I promise they are very tender."

"607" Go to hell with Yang Mi!"

Qin Nuo didn't want to talk, but the two women wouldn't let him go at all. They pestered him from morning to night. If you don't say anything today.

We won't leave.

After dinner in the evening and Qin Nuo took a shower, the two women were still on the sofa.

"Hey, aren't you? You're not leaving yet!"

"Not leaving"

"Not leaving"

Qin Nuo….…”

Seeing the persistence of the two women, Qin Nuo knew that he would really die if he didn't come out.

After taking a look at Liu Shishi, Qin Nuo really had a headache. Liu Shishi was actually not suitable for acting in movies.

This woman's eyes are really empty.

Acting in TV dramas is okay and my acting skills are adequate, but movies are different.

Many times in movies, the camera is directly focused on the actor's face, and any subtle expression will be magnified at this time.

In other words, film is a crude art.

Liu Shishi's eyes are really not suitable for the big screen.

But Qin Nuo still wanted to give Liu Shishi some compensation. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally thought of a movie.

The leading role in it is very suitable for Liu Shishi.

"Liu Shishi, come here!" Qin Nuo waved.

Upon seeing this, Liu Shishi stood up immediately and came to Qin Nuo's side, her eyes full of surprise.

Qin Nuo held her hand and said seriously.

"You really want to be in a movie?"

"Of course I do, Qin Nuo, don't even think about leaving me!"

"How could I leave you?" Qin Nuo was also drunk.

I think I won't give you a chance to reply.

"Well, I do have a heroine in the script in my mind who is perfect for you! It's a martial arts movie, are you willing to star in it?"

"No problem, I do!" Liu Shishi didn't expect Qin Nuo to really agree. She was very excited and hugged Qin Nuo's waist.

"Qin Nuo, you are so kind~"

Touching this girl's head, Qin Nuo secretly said in his heart, I wouldn't be so good, if you, this girl, hadn't been pestering me.

You have to follow me when you go to the toilet, otherwise, I won't bother to care about you.

That’s right, the movie Qin Nuo thought of was Xiuchundao in the past life!

This movie can be said to be the last martial arts movie in the previous life.

It tells the story of the late Ming Dynasty, after Emperor Chongzhen ascended the throne, the great eunuch Wei Zhongxian and his gang were destroyed.

And Jin Yiwei Shen Lian, Lu Jianxing and Jin Yichuan were forced to be involved in this political incident. The story of the three brothers sharing the joys and sorrows.

This cake should have belonged to Liu Shishi, but Qin Yu didn't know why he had never heard of director Lu Yang in this world.

If so, the embroidered spring knife cannot come out. In this case, Qin Nuo will help and feed the cake into Liu Shishi's mouth.

The heroine Zhou Miaotong in it is not very suitable for Liu Shishi. What she wants is the hollow feeling in your eyes.


But Qin Nuo doesn't plan to make the movie himself.

Fatty Zhou and Zhou Xiangxiang had been following him for so long and were so busy that he planned to hand over the movie to Fatty Zhou.

With Fatty Zhou's directorial skills, I believe Qin Nuo will be better than his previous films.

Liu Shishi and Qin Nuo were chatting with each other next to them, and they were about to go off.

Yang Mi clammed up on the sofa.

What about me? What about me?

Qin Nuo, have you forgotten Xia Yuhe on the Daming River?

"Qin Nuo, what about me, what about me?"

‘Oh, Yang Mi, you’re still here!’ Qin Nuo really forgot.

"You can go now. Remember to come to the celebration party tomorrow."

It was clear to Qin Nuo that although he had always wanted to break off the relationship with Liu Shishi, she refused to cooperate.

In this case, forget it.

Just keep it, it’s not that you can’t afford it.

But Yang Mi is different, Liu Shishi is one of her own.

Yang Mi? At most, she can be regarded as a partner.

Qin Nuo has never slept with Yang Mi.

"Qin Nuo, you burn bridges by crossing the river! You forgot that last time you were at home..."

"Yang Mi, don't talk nonsense, I didn't do anything! You won't get pregnant if you hug her!"

"Fuck you!" Yang Mi scolded Qin Nuo countless times in her heart, if Fatty Zhou hadn't come back that day.

Yang Mi felt that Qin Nuo would never let her go.

She was even ready to hold on to the wall tomorrow.

This guy is really not an ordinary person.

"Qin Nuo, what does Reba say!"

"Shishi, you go back to the room first, I'll have a chat with Yang Mi!" Qin Nuo patted the girl's butt drum and signaled her to go back to the room.

Liu Shishi was a little reluctant.

"Don't worry, this woman Yang Mi is very insidious, I won't fall in love with her."

"Okay then, I'll wait for you!"

Liu Shishi kissed Qin Nuo on the cheek and left the living room.

Seeing that only Qin Nuo was left, Yang Mi stopped pretending.

Holding hands, looking disdainful

"Qin Nuo, you are really shameless. How dare you say that if Fatty Zhou didn't come that day, you would let me go!"

"How do I know if it didn't happen?"

Qin Nuo came to Yang Mi.

After thinking about it, he didn't intend to leave Yang Mi behind. Now he didn't have many close friends in the entertainment industry.

Huayi, Bona, these big companies don't count.

Qin Nuo might even become their rivals and enemies one day.

Looking for them to invest now is just a helpless move.

But Jiahang is different from Tangren in that it is small and can be his partner.

It's not a novel, he alone can't defeat the group of people in the entertainment industry.

Yang Mi is a very good partner, smart, exciting, and knows how to advance and retreat.

Although her character is a bit cunning, Qin Nuo is not afraid of betraying her, and at worst, she may take her and the company with her.

"Yang Mi, it's not interesting to appear in a movie. Do you want to be the producer of this movie?"

"What? Are you serious?" Yang Mi's eyes lit up when she heard this.

The producers weren't kidding.

Although there are no rules in the entertainment industry, directors and producers play these roles.

Naturally, actors are suppressed. Let alone celebrities playing big names, they are all in small crews and they are all unknown directors.

Do you want to try acting like a big name in front of big directors and big-name producers?

I can’t kill you!

Even A-list stars are directing.

You have to be respectful in front of big-name producers.

Take Qin Nuo for example. Liu Yifei is a big name. Before filming the movie, Qin Nuo said she couldn't bring her mother.

Although Liu Yifei was very reluctant, she still had to listen to this.

There is also Deng Chao, who is now regarded as the first-class male star in the mainland.

You still have to put yourself down in front of Qin Nuo.

The dream of many actors is to become a producer and director.

Yang Mi naturally had this idea too.

"Are you serious? You didn't lie to me!"

"Of course I won't lie to you, but there are conditions!"

Yang Mi was very confused when she heard this and hesitated for a while before saying.

"I can give it to you, when do you want it?"

She also figured it out, she didn't hate Qin Nuo, she didn't give it to anyone...

I see Qin Nuo and Liu Shishi quarreling with each other every day.

I also have needs.

"What the hell?"

"Don't you want me?"

"Hey, Yang Mi"

Qin Nuo looked disdainful.

"You don't even look at yourself. Apart from the two lumps on your body, everything else is just average."

"It cost me tens of millions to exchange, what a joke!"

Qin Nuo was so convinced that he really thought he was thinking about problems with his lower body, although Hua Guo was director-centered when making movies.

But the producer's power is also very powerful, which will affect the operation of a crew. Qin Nuo is not stupid. You can trade such an important position with this.

Beautiful thought!

After listening to Qin Nuo's words, Yang Mi's forehead was covered with black lines, and she didn't know how many times she scolded Qin Nuo.

I have hesitated for so long...

You haven't taken your fancy yet?

If I hadn't begged you, believe it or not, I would have killed you!

His expression became cold and he asked.

"Then what do you want?"

"Find someone to help me hold 10% of Jiahang's shares on my behalf. If you are willing, we can discuss the investment in the film later!"

"What? Qin Nuo, you want to swallow me!"

Yang Mi stood up instantly. This company was the result of her years of hard work.

Qin Nuo actually fell in love with Jiahang.

"What are you thinking about? I don't like your company. It's useless if I swallow it. I just want to find a partner."

Qin Nuo said it very seriously, but he didn't think so in his heart.

If there is a chance to swallow him in the future, he will naturally not let it go.

But now is not the time.

"Yang Mi, don't you want to have sex for free? Believe it or not, if I let out the news, I don't know how many entertainment companies will give me shares, but you still don't want to!"


Yang Mi hesitated, Qin Nuo was right.

Her company is not big, and its current valuation is only a few hundred million.

There are not too many entertainment companies of this size in China.

With Qin Nuo's ability, it is not easy to set up a company like this. A Tang Detective can earn 200 million.

It’s almost half of her company’s valuation...

"But you don't need my shares, I don't have many shares," Yang Mi whispered.

"Yang Mi, this is for your own good. How many shares do you own in Jiahang? I guess you don't control it. Your previous agent and assistant have a lot in their hands!"

"I also took a lot of capital~"

"You go back and tell them to give me the shares. I will fly with Jiahang in the future and let them give up the shares."

"If there is a chance, we can work together to drive away all those people. I don't believe that your relationship with Zeng Jia and your previous assistant will be in 5.4."

so good!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid. No matter how good the brothers are, they should try not to do business together. Friendship should not be tested.

Profit corrupts everything.

He believed that the relationship between Yang Mi and Zeng Jia would be very good before, but now it is definitely not as good as before.

Zeng Jia, the general manager of Jiahang, will consider the entire company.

Yang Mi is just a shareholder and an artist.

It is normal for them to have conflicts between them.

For example, Zeng Jia definitely wants the company's artists to develop and cannot rely on Yang Mi alone.

Yang Mi will definitely be asked to bring in new people.

Is Yang Mi very willing to do this?

Are you kidding? She is also an artist and has her own needs, unless all the company's shares are in Yang Mi's hands.

Otherwise, Yang Mi will definitely be unhappy!

Sacrificing one's own popularity to make others happy is a ghost.

It is true that Yang Mi is a shareholder.

But why should she use her own interests to benefit everyone in Jiahang?

"Don't talk nonsense, Sister Zeng and I have a very good relationship!"

Yang Mi quickly explained.

"Come on, there is such a contradiction!" Qin Nuo understood when he heard this. If the relationship was really good, you should drive me away now...

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