Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

108 Yang Mi’S Thoughts, The Celebration Banquet Started, Feng Xiaogang Actually Came!

"Whatever you want, but my requirements won't change!"

Qin Nuo didn’t reveal it either.

"But let me tell you, although the investment in this movie is not large, I feel that the box office will be very good. The most important thing is that this is also a series of movies!"

"The benefits created are at least one billion!"

Yang Mi finally couldn't bear it after hearing this.

Another movie series, one billion, what kind of concept is this, more valuable than her company.

"I'll go back and discuss this. It doesn't matter if I say it alone!"

"Go, Yang Mi." Qin Nuo glanced at the bedroom door, which was tightly closed, and then held Yang Mi in his arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, you really want Shishi to hear you!"

When Yang Mi heard this, she stopped talking, but her body was still struggling. Qin Nuo saw this and slapped the woman on the face.

"Don't move around. Let me remind you, it's best not to trust your agent or your capital. The only one you can trust these days is yourself.

"Let me enter Jiahang, and we can slowly kick them away. Then this Jiahang will be yours alone. It's easy for them to bully you, but it's also easy for me to bully them!"

Qin Nuo is not kidding either.

Yang Mi doesn't have many resources and her connections are average.

It would not be difficult for Zeng Jia to take advantage of Yang Mi if she still had the capital.

But it would be different if it were Qin Nuo.

The resources and connections he has at his disposal can crush those people.

If you dare to be disobedient, it will be easy to play without you.

When he got anxious, he directly poached Jiahang, but those people had nothing to do.

At that time, they will be left with an empty shell company, causing them to lose all their money.

Qin Nuo said so much, but Yang Mi is not stupid either.

If capital is a wolf, then Qin Nuo is a tiger.

Even if the wolf is driven away, the tiger will still be around.

Wouldn't it be easier to eat her?

You think I'm so stupid.

"Qin Nuo, do you think I don't know how to count? Even if we drive them away and only you and me are left, wouldn't it be easier for you to swallow me up? How can I resist with a small art of 27 people?"

"Drive the wolf away and drive away the tiger. If you drive away the wolf, you will be left with a more powerful tiger. I will make a wedding dress for you!"

"But what if this tiger doesn't eat people?"

Qin Nuo hugged Yang Mi tighter and stretched his right hand from his waist.

"You, don't

"Think about it, it won't do me any good if I swallow you, and even if you swallow you, so what, at worst, it will be the same if you leave it to your children in the future!"

"Let me go, who wants to have children with you!"

Yang Mi's face turned red and she wanted to break free.

But he couldn't get enough energy, so he could only rely on Qin Nuo.

The two chatted for a while, but Yang Mi couldn't bear it anymore and said

"Liu Shishi is still here. How about you let me go back and think about it?"


Qin Nuo let her go, and Yang Mi immediately took her bag and ran away without even saying a word to Qin Nuo.

Looking at Yang Mi's embarrassed back, Qin Nuo smiled happily.

He can guarantee that Yang Mi has an 80% chance of agreeing.

The reason is that in many aspects, at least by cooperating with him, Yang Mi will have a lot of room for development, and the two of them also understand each other.

The basis of trust is.

The last point is that of men and women.

Qin Nuo could also tell that Yang Mi was interested in him.

"I'll go, no wonder you ran so fast, this woman almost left the field."

Qin Nuo took a look at his pants and shook his head.

"Shishi, are you ready to change?"

"Wait a minute, this uniform is from my middle school, it's a bit too small!"

On the other side, Yang Mi left Qin Nuo's house and quickly arrived at her car.

Panting, he quickly took out his bag and found a pack of napkins.

"What a bad guy, that guy probably didn't notice~!"

Yang Mi muttered

After cleaning up, she didn't leave.

He held the steering wheel and looked ahead, thinking about Qin Nuo's words.

Qin Nuo was right, her relationship with Zeng Jia and her former assistant was getting worse and worse.

The reason is simple. Yang Mi is still young and still has the opportunity to climb up.

But Jiahang was dragging her back.

Jiahang has recently recruited a lot of people, and it is obvious that they want Yang Mi to take charge of them.

Anyway, it’s all artists from my own family who can do whatever they can.

But Yang Mi is unwilling. Bringing new people will be troublesome and will disrupt her future arrangements.

But there is no way.

The company has her shares, and there is a gambling agreement, so Zeng Jia can use this to kidnap Yang Mi.

After about ten minutes, Yang Mi finally made up her mind.

"Then let's try it. I hope Qin Nuo won't be too cruel. You can at least leave some for me. If it doesn't work, I will accept it and leave it to my children in the future!"

As the sun rises, the Magic City Hotel is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and a group of welcoming girls stand at the door of the hotel.

With a smile on his face, his rows of long legs are eye-catching.

However, few people appreciate this. A regular red carpet has been laid out at the entrance of the hotel.

Both sides of the carpet were crowded with reporters carrying long guns and short cannons.

Today is a day worth remembering in the Chinese entertainment industry. Tang Tan currently has a box office of 770 million.

It has broken the box office record set by Jiang Wen two years ago.

And it hasn't been released yet, and new box office records are still being set.

The film's celebration banquet was arranged at the Magic City Hotel.

"Xiao Li, hurry up, Xiao Ming is here."

"hurry up"

"Zhang Ziyi, the International Chapter is here too"

"There are so many big names coming to this celebration banquet!"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and shoot!"

A group of reporters were extremely excited. There were many artists and big names coming. The two sisters Bingbing had already entered.

There is also Tang Yan from the fourth Xiaohuadan in the back.

Zhang Ziyi is also famous internationally.

Huayi’s leading artist weekly news

Many, many artists who can basically be named came to this celebration banquet.

A group of reporters also had to admire Qin Nuo.

It's like there are so many artists coming together.

I'm afraid only the Spring Festival Gala can do it.

Other times, it's simply impossible.

"Brother Li, look, Feng Xiaogang is here~!"

Upon hearing this, many reporters from around also rushed over.

He just slapped Feng Xiaogang.

Good guy.

They had no idea that Feng Xiaogang would come to this celebration banquet.

A month ago, Qin Nuo and Feng Xiaogang were beaten to a bloody head.

But in the blink of an eye, Feng Xiaogang came to attend the celebration party of Qin Nuo's movie. What does this mean?

"These reporters are so annoying! Why are you filming!"

Feng Xiaogang frowned, he actually didn't really want to come.

But Wang Zhonglei said it.

There is no need to fight Qin Nuo, there is no conflict between the two.

Why bother.

They all hang out in the circle, and they don’t look up when they look down. You are the senior, so don’t argue with the juniors.

Feng Xiaogang thought about it and it was right.

He and Qin Nuo also had a friendship over the scarf.

He also wanted to see what kind of magic power Qin Nuo had and whether he had three heads and six arms!

Chen Fan next to him had a smile on his slightly charming face.

Holding Feng Xiaogang's hand, he whispered.

"Today is Qin Nuo's celebration banquet. Don't be stubborn. During the interview later, if those people say unpleasant things, just pretend you didn't hear them!"

"I see"

Soon the two came to the interview booth, and a group of reporters quickly rushed over.

Feng Xiaogang came to Qin Nuo's celebration banquet. This is big news.

The two will not fight in the hotel.

This time I really came to the right place.

There were even fewer reporters on both sides of the red carpet, and they all ran to the interview booth.

"Director Feng, why did you show up at Detective Tang's celebration party?"

"Director Feng, do you want to come and fight Qin Nuo head-on?"

"Director Feng, do you want to come to Qin Nuo to learn from me? It doesn't matter if you lose this time, just work hard next time."

Feng Xiaogang was already prepared.

He knew reporters might give him a hard time.

I didn’t expect these reporters to be so shameless!

Don’t you understand the principle of hitting someone without slapping them in the face?

And do I need to seek advice from Qin Nuo?

The labor-management earthquake movie cost more than RMB 500 million, and it would be no problem to change the schedule to RMB 600 million.

Take a hair


Chen Fan quickly grabbed Feng Xiaogang.

This guy couldn't stand it anymore and glanced at the microphone next to him several times.

It seemed that he wanted to give the reporter just a shot.

But the reporter below didn't care, and he even put his head up.

I'll give you a call. If I call you, I'll make headlines immediately.

As journalists, this little sacrifice doesn't matter.

"Xiao Gang, calm down!"

When Feng Xiaogang heard his wife's words, he took two deep breaths and held back.

Picked up the phone and said.

"Hmph, you guys want to make me angry? That's a good idea. Yes, I lost during the Spring Festival, but so what?"

"The investment in my movie is less than 100 million, and the box office is more than 500 million. I have made a lot of money. There is no way for me to be angry!"

"But Director Feng, your opponent Qin Nuo's movie investment didn't even amount to 100 million, but the box office ended up being nearly 800 million, making twice as much as you did!"

Feng Xiaogang......

He really couldn't help it. These reporters wanted him dead.

"Humph, it's none of my business that Qin Nuo makes money. Anyway, I've made money. I'm sick if I don't tell you guys!"

Feng Xiaogang threw the microphone and turned away.

If you stay there any longer, Feng Xiaogang is afraid that he will give the reporter a beating.

"Hey, what a pity, Feng Xiaogang actually held back." Brother Liu felt a little regretful.

He is the reporter who let Feng Xiaogang break his defense just now.

I originally thought that Feng Xiaogang would be able to beat him because of his bad temper.

Unexpectedly, this old man didn't take action.

"Brother Liu is awesome!"

"Brother Liu, you are so proud of reporters!"

"I was scared when I saw Feng Xiaogang's angry look. I didn't expect you would dare to come up to me..."

One kind of reporter gave a thumbs up.

Brother Liu waved his hand, looking calm.

"It worked for everyone, and I almost made Feng Xiaogang take action. I didn't expect him to hold back, my, my, my."

"Brother Liu is already very powerful."

"Yeah, 207 Brother Liu, don't leave this afternoon, we'll treat you to dinner.

"Let's have a drink together, Brother Liu!"

"Let's talk in the afternoon. Let's talk in the afternoon."

"Brother Kai is here, stop talking nonsense and stop him quickly!"

In the hotel lobby, Qin Nuo was having sex with Wu Jin.

"Wujin, welcome welcome"

Qin Nuo had a sincere smile on his face.

There is no way, with a box office of more than 5 billion, there is no way to be insincere.

When Wu Jin came in, he saw Qin Nuo actually coming to greet him, and the smile on his face was very sincere, and he was immediately moved.

"Director Qin, congratulations on breaking the box office record, you're so awesome!"

"It's just average. I think you can make films like this in the future. Maybe it will be much higher than mine."

Qin Nuo seemed to be joking, but actually that was what he was thinking.

Wolf Warrior, more than five billion, which is equivalent to seven or eight Tang detectives.

"No, no, no, Director Qin, you think so highly of me. My next movie will have a box office of 100 million. I can laugh out loud in my dreams."

This Wu Jin is not the future Wolf Warrior.

For a director who has just hit the market, the box office of Langya is less than 10 million.

Let alone 100 million, if his next movie has a box office of 50 million, he will laugh out loud.

"Wu Jin, don't be so unsure. I see a kind of resilience and persistence in you that ordinary people don't have. You have to believe in yourself, oil! 11

When Wu Jin across from him heard this, he really wanted to bow down and bow.

If this were placed in ancient times.

When Qin Nuo said this, Wu Jin should say that he was willing to die for his lord!

His eyes were red and he couldn't say a word.

Standing aside, Xie Lan was also stunned. Qin Nuo had not looked at her since she entered the door, and she was still feeling a little bit pained.

But Xie Lan was also a little surprised to see him looking at Wu Jin like this.

After looking Wu Jin up and down for a long time, he thought to himself.

"This is how Qin Nuo saw that Wu Jin had potential. He was not very handsome or very smart, but he just had some strength. 11

"Can this take off?"

Xie Lan was a little confused, but the person who said this was Qin Nuo, who currently holds the domestic box office record.

True authority.

"Is it something I usually overlook?"

"Wu Jin, what are you doing, making others laugh?"

Qin Nuo didn't expect that with just two sentences, the big man in front of him was about to cry.

What the hell, isn’t the golden finger I traveled through time a system?

But it's a big scam...

ps: Three updates, there will be two more updates around 1 o'clock, if you like the book, please support it, thank you!

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