Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

128 Chen Duling, Who Was Punished, Was Dragged Out By Qin Nuo To Parade In The Streets!

But now domestic 3D is basically shoddy.

All use 2D to 3D technology.

What can I say? It’s not that this method cannot be used.

In fact, many 3D movies are converted from 2D to 3D.

But if you don’t have enough money, the things you shoot will be a pile of rubbish.

It's better to just use 2D.

But if you are willing to spend money, it will be no different from real 3D.

Ordinary people can't see it anyway.

"Boss, because of Avatar last year, there are indeed more 3D screens in China, accounting for about 15%!"

"A little less~" Qin Nuo shook his head.

He remembered that in his previous life, the number of 3D products in China accounted for about 50%.

"Boss, what I mean is that now that the domestic market is good, should your movie be launched?"

"Otherwise, there are dozens of people in our studio, and we really have nothing to do."

Sister Hong was helpless.

There's no way she can put her skills to use.

After being stimulated by Qin Nuo last time.

Sister Hong seems to be on hormones every day and is full of energy.

I want to rejuvenate my career.

But their studio is really busy, except for focusing on the shooting of Xiu Chun Dao.

The whole studio is fine.

It's really okay.

These past few days, Sister Hong has been sitting in the office in a daze at work. She has been in a daze all morning.

The same goes for everyone else.

There are few things to do, a lot of money, and a free job.

It makes Sister Hong feel unhappy all day long.

"Haha, Sister Hong, if you say that again, I will reduce your salary, you are so busy!"

"Boss, every second counts. Now entertainment companies are developing, we can't stand still!"

Sister Hong said anxiously.

"How about I go to the school and bring back some good seedlings?"

Sister Hong 27 thought that it would be okay anyway, so she might as well sign some artists.

Qin Nuo’s studio has no shortage of resources.

Even very wealthy.

Many second-tier stars in the entertainment industry want to join their studio, but Qin Nuo doesn't like those old-timers.

All declined.

Now the only artist in the company is Gao Yuanyuan.

But this doesn’t count in Sister Hong’s opinion.

Da Meiyuan is probably just Qin Nuo's little lover.

"No, our studio rarely does artist economics."

“It’s profitable!”

"The money is coming too slowly..." Qin Nuo waved his hand.

"You don't have to worry, my movie should be shot this month, and his project will be announced later."

"Don't look at how free you are now. I'm afraid you'll have to work overtime in a few months!"

"That's good!"

When Sister Hong heard this, she was not only unhappy, but also very excited.

"Then I'll go down first. Boss, remember to let me know as soon as the movie starts shooting."

"no problem"

Sister Hong got a satisfactory answer and left the office happily.

Qin Nuo looked at the woman's back and shook his head.

This man must be given hope.

Only those who have hope will struggle.

This was not the case when Sister Hong first came to the studio.

I just complete my work every day and wish I could have as much leisure as possible.

Now, it's as if I've been injected with chicken blood, and I feel windy when I walk.

It looks like I want to conquer the whole world.

"Boss, are you tired? How about I give you a squeeze on your shoulders!"

Seeing his cousin leaving, the assistant came over happily.


Enjoying Chen Duling's massage, Qin Nuo closed his eyes and said after a while.

"Du Ling, you've done a good job as an assistant. How about I give you a salary increase?"

"Okay, okay, thank you boss"

"Well, really

Chen Duling was very happy when she heard Qin Nuo's praise.

"What happened last night is all thanks to you. Otherwise, your boss would never have thought of such a good auction item."

Hearing this, Chen Duling's smile suddenly froze on his face.

Qin Nuo turned around and looked at the assistant with a smile and asked

"Du Ling, are you testing your boss' on-the-spot reaction ability?"

"This~that is not..."

Chen Duling looked at Qin Nuo's smile as if he were looking at a devil's face.

The boss knows.

How could he know?

Has the boss been lying to me since yesterday?

Let me let my guard down.

That's for sure.

She is still a little girl.

Why are you doing this to me...

"Boss, my cousin has something to do with me, I'm leaving first!"

Chen Duling ran away without saying a word.

But Qin Nuo was already ready to hold Xiao Nizi's hand.

He pulled her back.

"Want to run away? Xiaonizi, if you dare to cheat your boss, I won't deal with you today!"

Chen Duling wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Boss, I was wrong. Seeing as I'm still a little kid, please forgive me once!"

"I don't dare anymore~"


Qin Nuo picked up the assistant and placed him on the table.

Chen Duling seemed to have thought of what would happen and kept struggling.

"Boss, don't make my mistake!"

"too late."

Bang! Qin Nuo slapped Chen Duling's butt mercilessly.

"Trick your boss, little girl is so brave"

Bang, another slap.

"You even accept other people's things privately, and you think I don't know!"


"Did you secretly drink my water last time and your lipstick got stuck on it? You pretended I didn't see it!"

Chen Duling kept struggling and begging for mercy.

But Qin Nuo didn't care at all.

Slap after slap on her body.

This little girl thought that what she did was hidden and not discovered.

In fact, from Qin Nuo's point of view, it shouldn't be too obvious.

I thought it was nothing, just a little girl.


He didn't expect that he would be tricked in a big way this time. If he doesn't deal with it properly, he will be punished.

Afraid of going to heaven.

Qin Nuo was taking care of Chen Duling when Sister Hong came back.

Her tablet landed in Qin Nuo's office.

But as soon as he reached the door, he heard slaps coming from inside.

There was also the cry of mercy from the unlucky child at home.

Sister Hong shook her head.

Leaning against the door.

This girl deserves it. Does she really look like our boss?

And show off to her.

How smart you are.

Don't even think about it, if Qin Nuo is that stupid.

The more you can hang out in the entertainment industry, a place where people can eat people, the better.

"Just take it as a lesson, little Duling. From now on, let's see if you still dare to be smart!"

At noon the next day, Qin Nuo returned to the crew, followed by Chen Duling.

Along the way, the crew looked at Qin Nuo and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Fan, how about lunch!"

"Hello Director Qin, what are you doing?"

Liao Fan looked at the clothes Chen Duling was wearing and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

But Qin Nuo didn't care at all and continued walking forward.

"Old Sun, you are eating."

"Yes, boss!" But Lao Sun looked behind him and almost spit out the food in his mouth.

What is this little girl doing?

Chen Duling's face turned red with embarrassment, and she covered her face and did not dare to look at Sun Wen.

"It's okay, Duling did a good job, I gave her some clothes as a reward!"

Sun Wen twitched his lips, is this a reward?

I saw Xiao Nizi wearing a white T-shirt, which was nothing.

But there were a few big characters written in front of him.

"Boss, I was wrong, I never dare to do it again!"

Whoever sees this will be unhappy.

"Let's go, Xiaonizi!"


Chen Duling had no choice but to cover her face and follow Qin Nuo.

"Fat Zhou, the filming of the movie went well, right?"

"all the best!"

But when Fatty Zhou turned his head, he almost threw the camera away.

Du Ling, what are you doing?

He was actually taken out and paraded through the streets by Qin Nuo.

"Fat brother~" Chen Duling looked at Fatty Zhou with an aggrieved face, hoping that he would help.

If this continues, I will be completely embarrassed.

Fatty Zhou is also a decent person, and he usually likes this little girl.

He shook his head and said.

"Qin Nuo, that's alright, Du Ling is not young at all, and a little girl also wants to save face.

"Hmph, face? This girl almost lost the face of his boss!!"

Qin Nuo said angrily.

"The day before yesterday at the charity dinner, this girl deliberately didn't remind me to bring the auction items. If I hadn't caught my wits in a hurry, otherwise, it would have been a big loss..."

"Fat Zhou"

He glanced at Chen Duling behind him and gave a thumbs up.

You girl is very courageous.

How dare you play Qin Nuo like this? Even your fat brother doesn't dare to do this.


Chen Duling smiled coquettishly, how could she have known that Qin Nuo could find out.

Thought he was stupid...

"Don't worry about her. This girl is shameless. It's okay."

Boss, if you talk to me like this again, you will lose me~"

Chen Duling also has a temper. Even if he is paraded on the street, you still attack him personally.

"Then I'll change my assistant. 457's next one will be better behaved and the next one will be cuter!"

Chen Duling"

She was just talking. She didn't want to leave. Life with Qin Nuo wouldn't be too good.

Eat well, drink well, and stay in a five-star hotel.

Many bosses of entertainment companies outside were also kind to her.

If she leaves, she will be the only student who has not graduated from college.

No one even looked at her.

"Qin Nuo, you're back." Liu Shishi was quite happy to see Qin Nuo.

But his eyes changed.

Chen Duling was also stunned when he saw him behind him.

What the hell is this.

Du Ling, what did you do to your boss?

"Du Ling, what are you doing?"

"Sister Shishi, help me quickly, the boss is bullying me!"

Chen Duling knew that the relationship between Liu Shishi and Qin Nuo was not simple, and quickly asked Liu Shishi for help.

"Come on, come on, I have a shirt here, put it on"

Upon seeing this, Chen Duling quickly put on her clothes.

Along the way, she was laughed at so hard.

Others were afraid of Zhou Nuo and did not dare to help. Fortunately, Liu Shishi was on the set.

Qin Nuo didn't care after seeing it. I believe he learned a lesson from this.

This girl never dares to do anything outrageous again.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you wearing clothes~" Liu Shishi asked quickly.

"My boss forced me to wear it"

"Qin Nuo, you are going a little too far," Liu Shishi scolded.

"Although Du Ling is an assistant, you can't treat her like this!"

"Sister Shishi is right."

"Don't worry about this little girl, she is very brave."

Qin Nuo told the story about the charity night again.

After listening, Liu Shishi looked at Chen Duling.

I thought to myself, you are not being treated unfairly at all!

Qin Nuo was almost embarrassed.

"It's just a joke, Qin Nuo, you are serious."

Liu Shishi doesn't care so much, just protect her.

"We ignored Qin Nuo, who had traveled so long and sat and chatted with me.

"Okay, Sister Shishi!"

But as soon as Chen Duling sat down, his face turned red instantly.

Then it bounced up with a swish.

There are tears rolling in the eyes;.

"Um~Sister Shishi, I'd better stand!"

ps: Three, there will be two more updates later. If you like it, please support me. Thank you very much!

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