Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

129 The Third Master Grabbed The Script And Wang Lin Cried. There Is Also Cao Mengde Living In Qin N

Qin Nuo looked on and laughed loudly.

"Sit down, Duling!"

“Not sitting”

Chen Duling whispered something in Liu Shishi's ear.

"Let me get you a cushion!"

When he passed by Qin Nuo, he gave him a fierce look.

You guy just spank me.

Even Du Ling, who is so young, can do it.

Don't worry about others saying you're a pervert.

Qin Nuo curled his lips and didn't take it to heart.

This girl only has a lot of flesh on her buttocks, so if you don't hit her there, hit her somewhere.

the other side.

Qin Nuo was quite happy, but Wang Linke was troubled to death.

He knew that choosing a Chinese partner was the most appropriate choice.

The script is good and inspirational, and the box office is not low.

With Qin Nuo, it's not a big problem if it's 3 to 4 billion.

There are not many movies in China that can exceed 400 million yuan, so this resume is barely enough.

But he was unwilling to do so.

It was like having a bowl of rice and a little lamb in front of him.

Although rice is also filling.

Roasted whole lamb is more fragrant and delicious, although the method is indeed a bit cumbersome.

But he couldn't help it.

I had no choice but to come to the chairman's office.

"Third Master, I really can't make a decision, can you help me?"

Wang Lin took out two scripts.

After the third master saw it, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, Qin Nuo, this guy really gives you face. With two scripts, you have a lot of face~"

"Third Master, stop talking. It's not just for your sake, but Director Qin is really good at what he does! He's a decent man!"

"But it also posed a problem for me."

"Oh, is the subject matter bad?"

Wang Lin shook his head.

"It's not Third Master. You will know after reading it. Brother Qin is really attentive this time."

"No problem, just wait for me"

The third master picked up the script and started reading it. Wang Lin next to him waited quietly without saying anything.

Two hours later.

The third master closed the script and breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought to myself. ,


If I had known that Qin Nuo was so talented, why didn't I do it myself?

Such a good script gives others an advantage.

He was also moved by watching this interstellar travel.

If you can participate, you can hand in a perfect answer sheet.

This is also a big qualification for him.

Chinese science fiction movies are really bad.

There are people above who can't stand it.

"Wang Lin, you got an advantage and behaved well. You probably fell in love with the Qin Nuo science fiction script.

"Yes, Third Master."

Wang Lin nodded.

"But I really can't handle Third Master's investment of 300 million. You tell me which one I should choose!"

The third master put the script aside and touched his nose.

Thinking in my heart.

If you think about it from Wang Lin's perspective, as a person in the system, you need to be stable.

The first script is good, if Qin Nuo comes to shoot it.

The quality is guaranteed, and his resume is considered passable.

But if it were from his own perspective.

The third master wanted to film Interstellar, but Wang Lin did not have the authority to mobilize an investment of 300 million.

He serves as the chairman of Huaying.

he can.

He can even help Qin Nuo save resources. There are many big scenes in Interstellar.

Just those hundreds of acres of cornfield.

If Qin Nuo does it, it will take at least a few months.

If it had been him, he could have done it within a few days with just one phone call.

He can even apply for some aerospace assistance and technical support.

Of course Qin Nuo is one of the leading directors in China.

If you really come to your door with a script.

Even after discussing with above, we will not refuse.

But it was still much slower than him.

The more Mr. San thought about it, the more excited he became, and he even wanted to call Qin Nuo right away.

Stop playing around and let the labor and management come back to make movies.

What's the point of a martial arts movie?

Hard science fiction is the real romance for men

Then I thought about robbing my own people.

It doesn’t sound good to say it out loud...

"Ahem..." Third Master coughed twice and said.

"How about Xiao Lin, just use the first script. I don't think it's a big problem.

"Third Master, actually I still want to make a science fiction film, how about I go and have some connections."

Wang Lin gritted his teeth.

"Isn't it just 300 million? I'm willing to risk it!"


"Xiao Lin, it's better to be steady. If something goes wrong, it will be difficult for you to think about one step."

It's not a joke, if Wang Lin really messed up this 300 million investment.

It's basically impossible to be in his position again.

Although there are profits and losses in making movies, the hole of 300 million is too big.

The higher-ups are also afraid that if Wang Lin becomes the chairman, Huaying will collapse within a few years.

Why don't you cry to death.

"Third Master~"

Wang Lin's eyes were firm.

"I'm not afraid. I believe in Qin Nuo. If it succeeds this time, nothing will be a problem."

"If I fail, it means that I am not suitable for this position and my destiny is not mine.

"I've been playing it safe for half my life, this time I want to take a gamble!"

Even though Wang Lin has been in the system for so long, he looks like his edges have been smoothed.

But twenty years ago he was also a young man in his prime.

There are countless dreams hidden in my heart.

Making a movie that shocked China is one of them.

Now the opportunity to realize his dream is right in front of him, and he doesn't want to miss it.

This time is the perfect opportunity.

Wang Lin looked at Third Master and asked.

"Third Master, you will help me, right?"

Third Master... let me help you with a hammer."

He thought silently, why didn't this kid listen to advice?

I didn’t see that labor and management also wanted to try it.

At worst, I will support you if you turn around.

This position is probably yours too.

You can grab this script no matter what, you are usually so clever.

Why did he become a fool at the critical moment?

"Wang Lin, Third Master, I am too old to make two movies. This time is really useless.

"Most of my life has passed by in a blink of an eye. What a pity!"

Wang Lin was a little surprised when he heard this. We were having such a good chat.

Why do you lament life?

Let's settle the matter in front of me first and I'll have plenty of time to chat with you.

He was about to bring the topic back.

Suddenly I saw the third master's hand on the interstellar crossing script.

Now Wang Lin finally understood.

The look in the eyes of the third master in front of him was also a little unkind.

"Damn it, you said so much about co-writing just to steal my script. Third Master, you are going too far!"

"You also rob your subordinates' things? Do you still want to lose face?"

Wang Lin was furious.

He knew that Third Master had climbed up step by step from the bottom.

It does have a bit of shamelessness to it.

But I didn't expect it to be so shameless.

Steal my stuff!!!

The Third Master also discovered something was wrong with Wang Lin.

After hesitating for a moment, he gave up.

Open the drawer directly and put the script in.

There wasn't even an expression on his face.

If you don't come to me, forget it. If you come to me, then don't blame me...

Don't worry, kid, if you want to be in charge later.

Third Master, I will definitely vote for you!

"Xiao Lin, go out."

Hand him the Chinese partner's script.

"This script is good, and I have agreed to the investment. You will prepare this for your next movie!"

"Do it well, Third Master will take good care of you!"

Wang Lin was about to cry, but he didn't expect that he would be robbed by his old boss.

"Third Master, it won't sound good if this matter gets told."

"It's okay. Third Master, I will quit in a few years. It doesn't sound good, so just don't listen.

"Besides, there are only two of us here, how dare you tell us?"


Wang Lin

Old boy, don't force me?

I'll tell you if I'm in a hurry, Han Sanpin's most popular script is "The Servant".

I won't guarantee you a good night's sleep.

"Third Master, if you don't like this, we will film Interstellar. You will be responsible for the big things and leave the small things to me."

“As long as you rank first as a producer, I’ll be ranked second!”

Wang Lin really has no choice. It seems that the third master is determined to rob him today.

He didn't dare to fall out.

Then you have to settle for the next best thing and get involved yourself.

Although it is not as big as taking the sole credit.

But if you shoot it well, the effect will be great.

And this way he can be less stressed, after all, there is the third master walking in front.

And the old guy in front of me has a lot of face.

The support you get during filming can also increase a lot. ,

Whether it’s technology or other aspects, the higher authorities will give the green light!

Although Zhang Weiping is a troll.

However, the nickname of Mountain Eagle is quite vivid.

Viewed from above, the mountain eagle is the anchor of the entertainment industry.

"…"This is it~"

"Third Master, please imagine that you are getting older. There are a lot of trivial things to prepare for this movie, which is very energy-consuming."

"It's a small thing for me, so you can take it easy, right?"

The Third Master thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

In addition, the script that cheated this guy, if he is not allowed to participate.

Looking back, it wouldn't sound good if this kid only spread the word when his brain got hot.

"Okay, I'll leave the little things to you."

"You go find Qin Nuo and let him pick up girls on the set. It's more important to do business.

"I'll take the script to discuss with the superiors and try to get more resources!"

Wang Lin nodded.

"No problem, leave it to me, Master!"

After discussing it, the two quickly took action.

Wang Lin asked his assistant to book the flight tickets and hurried to Hengdian.

The third master also walked towards the Ministry of Culture holding the script and smiling.

People like the Ministry of Culture need to be involved in this matter.

If they also supported it, it would be much easier to film the movie.

On the other side, (Zhao Qian's) Qin Nuo doesn't know about this yet.

He was filming another famous scene of Ding Xiu.

Under the lens.

Ding Xiu, played by Qin Nuo, slowly walked out of the room holding Tang Yan.

Tang Yan was disheveled, and his snow-white thighs were exposed to the air.

In the yard, Jin Yichuan, played by Huang Xiaoming, watched this scene with a wonderful expression on his face.

Resentment, confusion, humiliation.

Qin Nuo threw Zhang Yan, played by Tang Yan, out.

Huang Xiaoming quickly caught it.

Tears flowed from his eyes while holding her.

Seeing this scene, Ding Xiu, played by Qin Nuo, not only had no sympathy but a smile on his face.

mockingly. ,

"You have good taste~"

He glanced at Tang Yan on the ground.

"That woman... is very moist!"

When Huang Xiaoming heard this, anger overwhelmed him.

He took out the embroidered spring knife from his arms.

The silver-white blade shines in the night light!

The bloodshot eyes were like a sharp blade scratching Qin Nuo's body.

"Kah, this one passes, perfect!"

Qin Nuo also laughed. He also laughed very happily when watching this plot in his previous life.

I feel even more excited when I perform today.

Sure enough, there is a Cao Mengde hidden in every man's heart.


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