Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

188 400 Million In Ten Days, The Opportunity Has Come To Surpass The Total Box Office. Fujoy6666

【October 1st】

[No. 1 single-day box office, 46.5 million, cumulative box office 85.5 million]

[The Jinling Thirteen Hairpins ranked second in single-day box office, 41.3 million, cumulative box office...]

[Third single-day box office, 980,000, cumulative box office...]



Everyone was speechless, whether it was Xiu Chun Dao or Shi San Chai, they both made 40 million.

Even Xiuchundao reached more than 46 million in a single day.

It directly broke the single-day box office record for Chinese movies.


Totally unexpected!

This time the hype left both sides satisfied.

Some theater experts even came out to say it.

This is already the limit that Huaguo Cinema can accommodate.

Growing another million is tough.

Adding up the attendance rates of Xiuchundao and Jinling Thirteen Hairpins, the average attendance rate is over 90%.

It is difficult for this situation to happen again.

Whether it was Qin Nuo or Zhang Weiping, they saw this scene.

The two of them put aside their grudges at the same time.

At the same time, they are hyping up the single-day box office record.

Cooperation will benefit both sides, and there is no need to fight for life or death now.

Let’s talk about it after making money.

Wu Kebo from Chengtian laughed for a long time in the office when he saw this scene.

Originally, he had no intention of making money this time when he invested in Xiuchundao.

It is intended to use Qin Nuo’s reputation to give shareholders confidence.

Let them invest more money.

Develop Orange Sky.

See the potential of the domestic entertainment industry.

Now, it seems that you can not only make money like this.

And the shareholders are very happy.

I was smiling happily when the phone in my hand rang.

Wu Kebo looked at his face and raised his eyebrows.

"It's me, I'm Wu Kebo!"

"Of course, I have said long ago that the domestic entertainment industry is in a stage of rapid development."

"It will definitely happen. Chengtian will not be worse than others. I, Wu Kebo, have vision and experience."

"Okay, 500 million, be optimistic, Chengtian will definitely have a place in the future!"

Wu Kebo hung up the phone.

The smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and the board of directors saw that Xiuchundao was so enthusiastic.

He also developed a great interest in the entertainment industry.

I decided to invest 500 million and continue to work on it. I also praised Wu Kebo by the way.

As the general manager of Chengtian, he has done a solid job.

"I have the money, but what should I do?"

Wu Kebo tapped his hands lightly on the table.

Qin Nuo's face couldn't help but appear in his mind.

at the same time.

Huayi was also in jubilation.

They also invested 20% in Xiuchundao.

Although I got a high-priced ticket, I only got 20% of the investment for 25 million.

And also paid shares.

But seeing Xiuchundao explode at the box office like this.

Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun also drank happily in the same office.

"Zhong Lei, you did a good job. You grabbed 20% of the investment from Cheng Tian. This is more valuable than the deal.

"Isn't that what my elder brother trained me?"

The two raised their glasses and looked at each other with a smile.

"Brother, our company will be listed on the market soon. This Xiuchundao has made our Huayi lose face once."

"I heard that many institutions in the country are planning to make a fortune. This investment in Xiuchundao has more than just this benefit!"

Wang Zhongjun nodded.

"You are right, continue to maintain friendly relations with Qin Nuo, and when Huayi goes public, we will create a miracle."

"Okay!" Wang Zhonglei felt a little regretful after finishing speaking.

"Brother, I feel a bit pity."

"What's the pity?"

"Seeing the Xiuchundao explode makes me more confident in Qin Nuo's interstellar travel."

Wang Zhonglei sighed.

"If I had known that I would have let Qin Nuo come over sooner rather than later, if we had gone to have a good time, the Third Master wouldn't have said anything."

Hear this.

Wang Zhongjun also put the wine glass on the table.

In fact, they had the opportunity to invest in Interstellar last time.

China Film Investment invested 90%.

Not that much is needed.

Even if it's 10% or 20%, it's still fine as long as you run around.

But the two of them were worried that their money would be wasted.

Ten percent is more than 30 million.

Moreover, it is a science fiction film, and only Huayi has suffered the disadvantages of science fiction films.

So I didn’t dare to vote.

Now I have seen success three times, these four times...

"Hey, stop talking. Even if Qin Nuo's interstellar crossing fails, we must maintain a locked relationship with him!"

"Okay! Then why don't we ask him to join us when we go to the market to ring the bell?"

"This is a good suggestion. I'll leave it to you." Wang Zhongjun's eyes lit up.

"No problem, brother!"

Another day has passed, and the late-night website has updated today’s box office

【September 2nd】

[Single-day box office champion Xiuchundao, 44 ​​million, cumulative box office 129.5 million]

[The Jinling Thirteen Hairpins ranked second in single-day box office, 40.25 million, cumulative box office...]


Although there has been a slight decline, both movies still grossed over 40 million and continue to be popular.

Xiuchundao broke countless records within three days of its release.

The box office was 130 million in three days of release.

It's simply jaw-dropping.

We are getting closer and closer to Thirteen Chai's chrysanthemums, only a few tens of millions apart.

Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping felt a deep chill coming from their backs.

Run harder!

The onlookers were also very happy.

Although Xiuchundao currently leads the single-day box office, the total box office is still short by more than 60 million yuan.

After all, Jinling Thirteen Hairpins was released three days earlier.

There is still a gap.

Looking forward to the day it gets exploded

Time flies so fast, and the National Day is almost over in a blink of an eye.

There is only one day left.

Students and office workers feel as if they have gone through a lonely period.

How come nine days passed so quickly?

I haven’t finished my homework yet, and I still have to write the PPT for my work.

The last day of a long vacation always seems a bit rushed.

It went by so fast.

At the same time, the Xiuchundao crew and Thirteen Hairpin crew also concluded their road shows at the same time.

Website updates

【September 8th】

[Single-day box office champion Xiuchundao, 30.3 million, cumulative box office 390 million]

[The Jinling Thirteen Hairpins ranked second in single-day box office, 24 million, with a cumulative box office of 404 million]

[There is true love in the third world, box office 4.4 million, cumulative box office...]



Although Xiuchundao leads the entire National Day schedule, it is due to the release time.

There is still a gap of more than 10 million with Jinling Thirteen Hairpins.

It will definitely surpass Jinling Thirteen Hairpins in the future.

However, it is still a little regretful that I was not able to kill in the National Day stalls.

"Boss, why don't you continue? We are only short of more than 10 million. If there is a chance, we are just a little bit short~"

office, late night

Chen Duling sat on Qin Nuo's lap, twisting and turning.

She made a bet with her little sister that Qin Nuo would definitely surpass Zhang Yimou during the National Day holiday.

But now it seems that I am going to lose.

Constantly harassing Qin Nuo

Bai Lu next to her glanced at him, her cheeks slightly red.

The actions of the two are really a bit too ambiguous.

It looks like...

…please give me flowers…0

Last time she ran into Qin Nuo and Chen Duling doing something in the office.

How embarrassing.

But Bai Lu didn't know why, she obviously felt that this was not a good thing.

But seeing how close Chen Duling and Qin Nuo were.

There is always a little jealousy in my heart.

He quickly shook his head and focused on his work.

"Come down, really~"

Qin Nuo patted this girl’s buttocks.

After Chen Duling was developed by Qin Nuo, she became less girly.

Adds a bit of feminine charm.

Bai Lu is still there next to me, you girl, you want to make me look embarrassed.

"Boss, if I lose, it's all your fault. The difference is only over 10 million, so don't run away."

"You deserve it. Besides, there's no point in running!"

"At most, it's one to two million more. Didn't you see that it's still more than ten million short of that?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

He thought it was very good. This time Xiu Chun Dao would definitely surpass Thirteen Chai.

Just wait a few days.

Why are you still working so hard?

In addition, the National Day show was about to end, so they also dispersed early.

The same goes for Zhang Yimou.

Seeing Xiuchundao getting closer and closer to his son, he couldn't escape no matter how he ran.


Either it will be exploded today or it will be exploded tomorrow.

Sooner or later,

They simply stopped struggling.

bring it on.


So they ended up too.

Simply speaking, both sides were full during the National Day stall this time, even though there were conflicts.

But in the face of such a high box office, the two sides appear to be relatively harmonious.

"The boss is really annoying. He won't give you anything at night."

Du Ling said angrily.

Last time my lips were worn out. "

"Ha ha!"

Qin Nuo hugged the Du Ling and smiled happily as he remembered what happened last time.

Secretly whispered in her ear.

"Aren't you interested in Chanel's new bag? Otherwise"

"How about we do it again, and I'll give you a little more time this time, how about thirty minutes?"

"If you win, I'll buy it for you!"

When Xiao Nizi heard this, her eyes lit up.

That the bag is expensive is one thing.

Xiao Nizi can afford it even if her salary is not low.

But the key is that there are no channels.

This thing is a limited edition.

Qin Nuo can get it, but she doesn't have the connections.


"Of course, I keep my word."

"Okay, boss, you won't be able to hold on for thirty minutes!"

"You should worry about your words first."

"Boss, you are annoying!"

The two of them were talking quietly, and suddenly there was a burst of laughter not far away.

The two of them looked at Bai Lu.

"Ah!" Bai Lu was a little embarrassed when Qin Nuo and Qin Nuo looked at her.

"I'm sorry boss, I'm not laughing at you... it's just that this movie review is so funny!"

"sorry Sorry"

Du Ling looked at Bai Lu and squinted her eyes. This girl must be laughing at her.

I thought to myself.

You thought you could run away.

My mother came here like this back then.

Just wait for me.

Even if you can run.

On the day you leave your job, I will also drug you and send it to your boss’s bed…………

Qin Nuo didn't think too much and asked with a smile.

"What movie review is so funny? Show me."

Qin Nuo patted Du Ling's butt and motioned for her to get off.

Bai Lu blushed when she heard this.

This movie review is a little bit different.

Fujoshi are very popular recently...

ps: More updates are coming. The author is true to his word. There are still five chapters left. Do you want to add two more updates? There are more than 20,000 words today, so everyone is excited.

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