Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

189 Fujoshi Looks At People, Both Men And Women Are Cp! Give Me A Hot Search!

"Boss, it's better not to look at it, it actually doesn't look good!"

Qin Nuo became even more interested when he heard this.

"bring here!"

"Boss~" Bai Lu's eyes were full of begging!

"If you don't get it, believe it or not, I'll spank you!"

Bailu "......"

"Then boss, don't be angry after seeing this!"

The little ass is threatened.

Bai Lu still handed over the notebook honestly.

Qin Nuo and Chen Duling looked together.

The title of the movie review is very interesting

[Looking at Xiuchundao from another angle, the passionate brother Ding Xiu and Jin Yichuan]

【Haha, it’s time for my little fujoshi to watch a movie again!】

[The Embroidered Spring Knife has become very popular recently, and I also went to watch Little Funu. I have to say that Director Qin, no, it was Director Zhou who shot it very well. 】

[But, as we all know, my little rotten girl watches movies from a different angle than ordinary viewers!] [I’m here to teach you how to open the embroidered spring knife correctly. Ding Xiu and Jin Yichuan are definitely gay. 】

[If you don’t believe it, let’s continue reading. 】

[First, at the beginning of the play, Ding Xiu threatened Jin Yichuan with his identity as a grass bandit for the first time!]

[Most people would say that this is because Ding Xiu looks down on Jin Yichuan. 】

[But the correct interpretation should be this. 】

[I think of how joyful and wanton we were as brothers and sisters when we traveled together in the mountains, but you actually left me behind, brother. 】

[A man came to be a civil servant and had two sworn brothers from "Seven Nine Seven", and they agreed to join hands in the world? The senior brother said that he was very sad to be abandoned. 】


[Second, in the play, Ding Xiu injured Jin Yichuan and mocked Jin Yichuan as a consumption ghost. 】

[The general interpretation is that Ding Xiu is very disdainful of Jin Yichuan and thinks that he is a shame to his sect!]

[The correct interpretation should be this!]

[Senior brother is angry that this idiot, junior brother, knows that he is not in good health, but he still dares to do such things with his head at any time. 】

[If you fall ill while on a mission, isn’t it equivalent to losing your life? 】

[Senior Brother is so considerate, I’m so touched! 】

[Third, Ding Xiu asked Jin Yichuan to sell his butt]

[Ahem, this hint is very obvious, you can sell it to me...]

[Fourth, Jin Yichuan and drugstore Zhang Yan fell in love, Xiu became jealous when he saw it! 】

[You have also seen the subsequent plot. Ding Xiu pretended to be strong and strengthened the little junior sister in the pharmacy just because he was angry. 】

[Why do you want to fall in love with this woman? Do you want to abandon your senior brother? 】



[Okay, the above is the correct interpretation of Xiuchundao

[In my opinion, Ding Xiu definitely likes Jin Yichuan in the drama. Hey, Director Qin is very suitable for starring in Danmei drama]

【looking forward to!】

After Qin Nuo read it, he felt completely bad.

It feels creepy, it's summer, and my heart feels chilly.

What the hell is this angle?

It really lives up to that sentence.

Fujoshi see people as gay, and both men and women are CP.

These women are so scary.

"Wow, this movie review seems to make sense!"

But Chen Duling's eyes were shining and he turned to look at Qin Nuo.

"Boss, is that so? Did you have such an idea when you wrote the script?"

Qin Nuo…………

"I have some shitty ideas. This movie review is obviously nonsense. What kind of homosexuality is this? Can you please be normal!"

Qin Nuo was convinced.

Is there such a big difference between the perspectives of women and men?

He felt that the entire film review was bullshit.

The little assistant still thinks it makes sense.

There is a truth to the hammer.

I'm a straight man.

Straight man of steel!

Mouth, a little disappointed.

Anyway, I think it’s well written!”

Look at Bai Lu.

"Bai Lu, how about we watch Xiuchundao again tomorrow? I want to watch it again!"

"I've never seen a movie from this perspective before."


Bai Lu quickly agreed. She also wanted to watch the movie from this perspective. It would be very interesting.

But Bai Lu saw her boss's extremely dark face.

Soon he buried his little head into his less wealthy chest.

Knocking on his and Huang Xiaoming’s CP in front of Qin Nuo.

It’s really not appropriate!

Don't spank my little ass...

Although it feels a bit explosive.

But Qin Nuo also discovered something from it.

Quickly read the comments below.

This little rotten girl is so popular that the article was published less than a day ago.

The number of reads actually exceeded 100,000.

There are thousands of comments.

"Sister, is it true? I haven't seen it yet. Is it really that bad?"

"I'm asking, I don't really like fighting and killing, but after hearing what you said, I really want to watch it!"

"I've seen it. Not to mention from the perspective of young rotten girls, Ding Xiu and Jin Yichuan in the drama seem to have something special. I'm excited and want to watch it again!"

"I didn't expect it to be like this. Why didn't I think of it before? It's so frustrating. I want to watch it again!"

"Are you sisters together in Hangzhou? Let's go see Xiuchundao together tomorrow and let's have sex together."

"I'll come, I'll come!"

"And me~"

After reading it, Qin Nuo didn’t expect that these women would actually want to have sex with each other.

Want to watch it again.

Women's brain circuits are really not normal.

Especially this group of rotten girls.

Even more outrageous.

"Do you really think it makes sense? Duling, Bailu!"

Qin Nuo thought it was nonsense and wanted to hear the hidden thoughts of the two women.

"Yes, I feel that although it is a bit forced, it still makes sense."

Du Ling touched his chin and said seriously.

Bai Lu also nodded.

The boss is right.

Hearing this, Qin Nuo became interested.

Most of the box office of "Xiuchundao" was contributed by men, and the company has investigated.

More than 70% of the audience is male.

After all, it is a martial arts film, and many women are not very interested in fighting and killing.

But if I heard that this thing can also knock CP...

Maybe it can attract a wave of female moviegoers.

Although this wave will not be large.

But it burst out in an instant.

The effect is also very impressive.

"Du Ling, you might have won the bet you made with your little sister before."

"Boss, didn't you say you already lost?"

Chen Duling just acted coquettishly with Qin Nuo.

She is a fool again, there is a gap of more than 10 million.

How can one day make up for that.

It's going to take at least a few days.

"Before was before, but now is now!"

Qin Nuo raised the corners of his mouth and pointed at the screen.

"I'll harvest a bunch of money from you rotten girls tomorrow, and that should be enough."

Bai Lu reacted quickly and her eyes widened.

"Boss, what do you mean, stir up this movie review?"

Qin Nuo nodded.

"That's right, contact Sister Hong. I will see this movie review posted on the trending search for scarves tomorrow morning!"

Yes, boss!"

the next day.

Huang Xiaoming just woke up.

He got up and started exercising. He was in his thirties and had a charming baby by his side.

If you don't exercise, you can't cope with it.

This is a woman in her twenties, full of youthful vitality without cooling down or CD.

While exercising, a smile bloomed unconsciously on his face.

Yesterday he checked the box office and saw that there were more than 30 million left.

The cumulative box office has approached 400 million.

Breaking the record of the fastest breaking 200 million and breaking 300 million in history...

The 400 million record may be broken today.

He really made the right move in this move.

Follow Qin Nuo and you will have meat to eat.

"It's just a pity. Judging from the box office, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with Lao Mouzi during the nine days of National Day!"

Huang Xiaoming felt a little regretful.

The difference is more than 10 million. It would be great if it could be released one day earlier.

"Husband, come here and see, someone is knocking on your scarf!"

"What? Knock on my CP!"

Huang Xiaoming was shocked, what kind of CP do I have?

This guy Qin Nuo gave me Zhang Yan, my official partner in the drama.

That sentence is very touching...

Netizens are almost spoiled for fun.

If you want to criticize, you must also criticize Qin Nuo and Tang Yan’s CP!

Huang Xiaoming put down the barbell and came to Dabaobao.

It was strange to see her smiling happily.

Isn’t it true that people who bump into CP are very affectionate? Why does your CP feel so strange?

"Baby, what cp?"

"It's you and Qin Nuo, look, it made me laugh to death.

"Some people have analyzed the movie. In Xiuchundao, Ding Xiu, played by Qin Nuo, is full of love for his junior brother Jin Yichuan.

"And he is very jealous and will not allow you to be tainted by anyone!"


Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming was like Qin Nuo.

The flowers tightened instantly.

What the hell is this?

Why is he so full of passion?

"show me!"

"See for yourself"

Huang Xiaoming took the tablet and started reading it.

[Why did Ding Xiu call Jin Yichuan a tuberculosis ghost]

[Correct interpretation]

[Senior brother is angry that this idiot, junior brother, knows that he is not in good health, but he still dares to do such a job that makes him lose his head at any time]

[If you fall ill while on a mission, isn’t it equivalent to losing your life? 】



[Jin Yichuan and drugstore Zhang Yan fall in love, and senior brother Ding Xiu becomes jealous]

Then, Ding Xiu pretended to be strong and strengthened the little junior sister in the pharmacy just because he was angry. 】

[Why do you want to fall in love with this woman? Do you want to abandon your senior brother? 】



After reading it, Huang Xiaoming's face was as black as Qin Nuo's.

There are just too many flaws.

"Who did this? It's so boring, it's all bullshit!"

Big Baby was not happy when he heard this 5.3 and grabbed the tablet

"You're such a boring person. It's really fun."

"Qin Nuo doesn't look like you. Look at how many people liked this scarf an hour ago!"

"Not interesting!"

"Like Qin Nuo!" Huang Xiaoming felt something was wrong.

He doesn't understand Qin Nuo yet.

Absolutely straight man.

It is impossible to have such a fetish.

Why do this?

"Yeah, I just ordered it. I sent an emoji!"

Huang Xiaoming frowned, then grabbed the tablet.

"What are you doing?"

"Do not talk!"

Seeing that Huang Xiaoming was serious, Big Baby didn't dare to say anything.

After about a minute, Huang Xiaoming suddenly burst out laughing.

"I know, I know!"

"Director Qin, you are such a genius!"

"I'm old enough!"

Big Baby was very surprised, why he was a genius and asked.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain to you."

Huang Xiaoming glanced at Da Baobao.

I watched it for more than an hour and couldn't see the problem.

Even if I tell you, you don’t understand.

Go aside!

big baby...

ps The first update, please support me a lot. The author is working hard to write down the words. The rules for additional updates are the same. Today is the last day and the tickets will expire!!!

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