Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

196 The Beaten Immortal, Golden Horse Award, Qin Nuo Wants To Pretend To Be A Pig And Eat The Tiger?

There are still some scars on the body.

Looking at Liu Xiaoli, she felt a little distressed.

But when she thought of what happened last night, Liu's mother's expression changed.

Then he slapped Liu Yifei on the butt.


Liu Yifei muttered without even opening her eyes.

Then he pouted.

After Liu's mother saw it, she suddenly felt bad.

What the hell is this?

Xiaonizi, you are...you are~

Liu Xiaoli didn't even know what to say about her girl.

When did you two start?

They are already so skilled.

There are stress reactions.

Liu Xiaoli was so angry that she slapped Liu Yifei's butt twice.


"Liu Yifei, get up!"

Hear this.

Liu Yifei woke up immediately.

Not mentally good.

When she turned around, she saw her mother staring at her.

A sudden inspiration.

"I'm having a nightmare, right, Mom!"

"Be like you, you shameless little girl, let's see if I don't beat you to death today!"

"Mom! Stop!"

Liu Yifei quickly hid until Liu Xiaoli slapped her on the leg.

It hurts.

This shouldn't be a dream!

"Mom, don't, why are you hitting me?"

"I did not do anything?"

Mother Liu asked while chasing.

"You haven't done anything, so what are you wearing?"

Liu Yifei looked down.

A little shy.

"Mom, I'm just cosplaying, do you believe me?"

"I trust you, you are a hammer, and you still lie to me?"

"Tell you, I was here last night!"

Another slap fell on Liu Yifei's butt.

Xiao Nizi wants to cry, why are you here so late?

I'm sick, right?

Can't you go find the little old man to dance in the square when you have time?

"Mom, stop fighting, I was wrong!"

"There are two more slaps. What did you call Qin Nuo yesterday?"

"Do you still think I'm such a mother?"

Liu Yifei blushed when she heard this.

Hurry and hide.

I thought to myself.

It was just fun, I didn't know you were there.

The things mentioned above cannot be taken seriously.


Liu Xiaoli, you are so feudal!

Finally, after running for so long.

Liu Yifei was arrested anyway.

Looking at Liu Xiaoli holding a stick.

Xiao Nizi wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Qin Nuo, come and save me!"

"Help me, he dares to come and fight with me!"

Liu Yifei..."

After two days, Qin Nuo gradually recovered.

Become the invincible general again.

As for Liu Yifei’s matter.

At night, he also listened to Liu Yifei crying to him.

to be honest.

I was still a little excited. Liu Xiaoli was actually listening in the corner at that time.

In front of someone's mother, cough cough.

Qin Nuo felt a little perverted.

I comforted Xiao Nizi a few words, but didn't say anything.

As for Liu Xiaoli's intention to invite him to her house for dinner.

Qin Nuo declined because of the Golden Horse Award.

He's not stupid.

I just bullied your daughter before, and now you want to treat me to dinner.

It shouldn't be the Hongmen Banquet.

Wait and see.

At the same time, as the annual Golden Horse Awards approaches.

Netizens are also quite happy.

have a look.

There are really a lot of talents in the mainland this year.

Qin Nuo's films Tang Detective and Exploding Drummer were both shortlisted.

Two Best Directors, one Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actress Zhang Zifeng for Detective Tang were nominated.

Liao Fan, the best actor in Explosive Drummer.

Tang Tan's best supporting actor Xiao Yang.

Best Actor Wang Baoqiang.

There are also best screenplay, best film, and countless minor awards.

It can be said that Qin Nuo is lucky.

Maybe I can take home ten or eight awards!

My own children are promising, and netizens are of course highly educated.

That's not all.

Feng Xiaogang is not bad either. Although Tangshan Earthquake was suppressed by Tang Tan at the box office.


This movie can be regarded as a combination of art film and commercial film.

Feng Xiaogang felt uncomfortable because there were too many sad scenes in the movie.

How happy I am now.

Can't beat Detective Tang at the box office.

But in terms of awards, this movie was even more favored by the judges.

A total of thirteen awards were nominated.

These include Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Film, and Best Actor.

It’s even as good as Qin Nuo’s two movies in terms of winning potential.

So Feng Xiaogang started shaking again in the past two days.

It's windy when you walk.

Of course, there is also our Director Lu.

Although Director Lu’s Hoh Xil was a hit.


Everyone knows that those judges have brain problems.

Sometimes I like to give some awards to movies that beat the crowd.

By the way, I would like to ridicule the audience for their lack of discernment.


Director Lu may still win the award.

So soon the Golden Horse Awards became a hot search topic among netizens.

The idiots are all discussing who will win the grand prize.

"Let me tell you, there is no suspense about this Golden Horse Awards. The best director is either Qin Nuo or Feng Xiaogang々"!

"The Explosive Drummer got the palm tree. "The Tangshan Earthquake is not bad either."

"It has box office and depth, half and half!"

"I agree with the comment above. Likewise, the best movie has no suspense and is boring!"

“There is nothing to see through this year’s Golden Horse Awards!”

"Upstairs, I feel like you are in Versailles! I just like to see one of our own win the prize!"

"I agree, I like it too. Qin Nuo will definitely win the Golden Horse Award for Best Director!"

"Tch, that's not necessarily true. Feng Xiaogang is also possible. Qin Nuo is too young!"

"Hey, since when do awards depend on age? It's upstairs."

"How about I ask my eighty-year-old grandma to make a movie?"

"Aren't you being arrogant?"

"Okay, okay, we were opponents before, but now we are all quarreling with each other. Let me see, the most powerful one is Zifeng!"

"Zhang Zifeng is only sixteen years old today, and she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress!"

"If you take this, then it's okay!"

"Hey, don't tell me, it's really awesome. Now I still remember that girl's smile, because it's scary!"

"plus one!"

"plus one!"

Qin Nuo looked at the message on his scarf with a smile on his face.

This time, netizens are afraid that they are happy too soon.

Still very young.

I don’t know how dark this Golden Horse Award is.

Qin Nuo went to the Golden Horse Awards this time to watch the excitement.

Get a prize?

Are you kidding, let alone best movie, best director.

Even if he can win two small prizes this time, he will be satisfied.

After this year.

This Golden Horse Award should be renamed the Dead Horse Award.

Don’t miss this excitement.

On the other hand, the two little girls were very excited when they saw the news on the Internet.

"Boss~ You are so awesome, people say you can win a Grand Slam!"

Qin Nuo patted this girl's little butt.

"Speak nicely, why are you holding me back?"

"Disgusting, boss!"

I shook my head, I hate it when you don’t come over and hit me.

Bai Lu next to her was still a little shy even though she saw the two of them being ambiguous.

But I'm getting used to it now.

After all, she had seen and heard those things at home.

Already have antibodies.

"Boss, it's almost time, we can do it!"

"Okay, let's go!"

The three of them arrived at the airport in a car.

Unexpectedly, the place was already blocked by reporters.

However, Qin Nuo did not accept interviews from reporters this time.

the reason is simple.

Others don’t know about the situation of the Golden Horse Awards, so doesn’t he know about it?

Why do you want to be interviewed?

He rushed up and was slapped in the face.

No need.

After being sorted by the airport staff, we entered the VIP lounge.

However, Qin Nuo's approach made it difficult for reporters from afar to understand.

They really can't understand it.

Qin Nuo is the favorite for this Golden Horse Awards.

The two films combined have been nominated for more than 20 awards.

According to Qin Nuo's character, he will not let go of the eagle when he sees the rabbit.

Why don’t you blow it???

Are you still worried about not winning the prize?

Just kidding.

I really don’t know what this little kid is thinking.

"Brother Liu, what did you say about Qin Nuo? It made our trip in vain!"

The young reporter was very unhappy. The fare was very expensive.

"Feng Xiaogang even gave a victory speech on his scarf."

"They are targeting Qin Nuo overtly and covertly, why doesn't this guy respond at all?"

A group of reporters also gathered around.

"Yeah, Brother Liu, what's going on?"

"Brother Liu, you are a senior. Let me analyze it. Has Qin Nuo changed his gender?"

Brother Liu touched his bald head.

He couldn't understand it either.

He thought Qin Nuo would definitely brag about himself at this time.

So a few days ago I was asking when Qin Nuo would go to Wanwan.

Come and block him quickly. (King Nuo) Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo didn’t say a word this time, what kind of operation was this.

Is there something wrong with your body?

Don't say it's really possible.

Play with female celebrities every day.

It seems reasonable to say that my body cannot bear it.

"How did I know this?" Brother Liu looked at everyone.

"Qin Nuo's brain is a little abnormal to begin with."

"Perhaps it's because you want to show off your desires before you suppress them!"

"If you want to advance, suppress first? Director Qin has come up with a new method?"

"Don't say it, it's really possible." The reporter touched his chin.

"Maybe Director Qin has read too many online articles recently and wants to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger."

"Hey, it's quite exciting to think about the goose like this!"

"Yes, it turns out that's the case. Director Qin is just playing tricks!"

"But Director Qin seems to have made the wrong substitution. With his arrogant and domineering look, he doesn't look like a pig no matter how he pretends!"

"Tyrannosaurus rex is just about right!"

"No matter what, I'll just write it like this when I get back."

"Yes, we reporters are not in the air force. Even editors have to round him up!!!"


A group of reporters looked up.

That’s right!

This is our professional quality as entertainment reporters.

There are pictures that can be compiled.

You can compile it without pictures.

Not the Air Force!

ps: Today is guaranteed to be the fifth update, and more will be added. On the first day, please support me. Last month, there were 600,000 words, and this month it will exceed 1.2 million. This wolf is supporting a wave of "risk".

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