Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

With 197,000 People Picking Up The Airport, Qin Nuo Is Extremely Popular In Wanwan. Reporters And Fa

I have to say that Chinese entertainment reporters are really talented.

Crouching dragons and phoenix chicks are everywhere.

Qin Nuo didn't say a word when he came.

Others can also make circles for him and post them online.

[Shocked, Qin Nuo is aiming for the Golden Horse Award, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, the plan is very big! 】

[The domineering spirit of a king, with strong confidence in every step, I am Qin Nuo, the Golden Horse Award winner!]

[Disdain? The real king is very contemptuous when faced with provocation. What should Feng Xiaogang do? 】



Internet trolls were also attracted by this title.

Then clicked in.

After a while, I started to curse my mother on the Internet.

These reporters are really going too far these days.

He is no longer even a human being.

In the past, whenever I wrote a story, I had to bring a picture.

Now you don’t even need pictures when making up stories!

It’s just hard-coded!

Are you going to die or not?

"Kill these reporters, waste my two minutes, Qin Nuo didn't say a word, you guys have been analyzing here for a long time!"

"I suggest that they be humanely destroyed directly, and you don't even need to show your face for the sake of some traffic!"

"I agree, I was so excited, but I didn't expect it to be a bunch of bullshit, all made up.

"Damn it, you reporters should be sent to Feizhou to mine!"

A group of netizens were filled with indignation on their scarves, accusing reporters of their shameless behavior.

But these guys didn't care.

Anyway, I eat the traffic, so I can scold you as you like.

Besides, it’s not our fault.

Whose name is Qin Nuo? If he doesn’t accept interviews, what should he do if he doesn’t edit?

Feng Xiaogang was also cursing when he saw it.

He is ready to fight Qin Nuo.

But I didn’t expect that all this was made up by reporters.

Qin Nuo didn't say a word.

How to spray this.


"Honey, let's go too, to this reporter's eyelash store!"

Feng Xiaogang put down his phone and said angrily.

"Let me just say, Qin Nuo is such a good young man."

"How could someone who is so humble and kind do such arrogant things?"

Xu Fan had a smile on his face.

"It must have been made up by these 553 paparazzi."

Feng Xiaogang......"

He wondered if he should just go without his wife.

It feels a bit dangerous.

Qin Nuo turned out to be humble, kind... and a good person in Xu Fan's eyes~

Humility is a hammer.

Kind ass.

This guy Qin Nuo is cunning, cunning, and shameless.

He cheated me out of a million dollars before and he still hasn’t paid me back.

Feng Xiaogang was really worried that his head would turn green.

Two hours later.

The plane landed in a curve.

As soon as he got off the plane, Qin Nuo saw a huge crowd of people surrounding him.

There are many reporters.

There are many fans behind.

"Qin Nuo, look here, he's so handsome!"

"Yes, Director Qin is so handsome. He is so talented and yet so handsome. I like him!"

"Don't squeeze me, don't squeeze me, Qin Nuo, can you sign your name for me?"

"I also want!"

When Qin Nuo saw this scene, he really wanted to fly back right away!

This is so scary!

The place was packed with at least a thousand people.

If you didn't pay attention to this.

One person stepped on him.

Then we can have dinner that night.

The two women were also frightened.

Chen Duling asked hurriedly.

"Boss, did you pay someone to pretend to be a fan?"

"I'll give you a hammer!" Qin Nuo's face turned dark.

"I have enough money to eat seafood. Isn't it delicious? Why should I do this for superficiality?"

"Then why are there so many people?"

Chen Duling felt strange.

Qin Nuo must have too many fans.

Not to mention Chen Duling, Nuo was just as strange.

He remembers that none of his movies were screened in Wanwan.

That’s right!

Not even one.

Mainly because there are policy reasons on Wanwan’s side.

Twenty mainland movies are introduced every year, and they have to draw lots.

Very troublesome(cheg).

Qin Nuo originally didn't like this small market, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It may not be successful yet.

He simply didn't even register his name.

But what is happening now.

Qin Nuo used to think that when she walked on a winding street, she was afraid that no one would recognize her.

"Boss, I know the reason"

Bai Lu held her cell phone.

"What is it?"

"You may not believe it when the boss says it. Is it because of piracy?"


Qin Nuo was shocked, he thought that only we had pirated copies.

I didn’t expect that Wanwan also has thick eyebrows and big eyes?

"That's right, boss, according to the investigation, boss, your pirated movies are selling very well in Wanwan.

"Some people in the industry have revealed that the three movies combined will cost at least tens of millions!"

"It can be said that basically every three people in Taiwan have watched your movie!

Hearing this, Qin felt numb.

He really didn't expect that he would be so popular in Wanwan.

The reporters and fans turned around to look at Wuyangyang.

This doesn't seem surprising.

"I am at a loss!" Qin Nuo suddenly felt that his heart ached.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

"These pirates are so shameless."

"Tens of millions of copies were sold, and the labor and management didn't receive a penny! Damn it!"

Qin Nuo was very angry.

Tens of millions.

Even if it is a disc, give him 50 cents in copyright fees.

This is also several million.

This group of people actually didn’t give any points.

Just wait for me.

If you don't give it next time, I'll just get the anti-theft service!

"Boss, I suggest we leave quickly." Bai Lu looked at the messages on her phone.

"You have a fan club in Wanwan, and the number has even exceeded 200,000."

"Now many fans know that you are coming to Wanwan, and many of them are on their way!"

Qin Nuo“.…………

Chen Duling next to him twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at this black man.

It turns out this is only a small part.

The boss is too popular...

I've never been to Wanwan.

The popularity is actually no worse than some superstars.

"Then leave quickly! Manager Wang, have you finished combing? I'm leaving!"

The airport manager on the other side was also sweating profusely.

They had no idea that Qin Nuo would be so popular in Wanwan.

Nothing prepared.

"Wait a minute, Director Qin, I'm really sorry.

"The security team won't be here for five minutes, I'm so sorry!"

Manager Wang quickly bowed and apologized.

He couldn't afford to offend the man in front of him.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is an internationally renowned director.

What if something happened?

Even killing him wouldn't be enough.

"Please hurry up, my assistant said there are still many people on the way!"

"I know, I know, Director Qin can rest assured."

"We will definitely get you back to the hotel safely!"

After waiting for a while, more than 20 security guards finally arrived.

Escorting Qin Nuo all the way.

But the pressure is still great.

There were really too many people, so we quickly called over ten more.

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone!"

"I came in a hurry today and didn't have much preparation. I can only thank everyone for their love!"

"Director Qin, I will announce it to you!"

"I declare you too!"

"Director Qin, you are so handsome!"

"Thank you, I really know this!"

"Haha, Director Qin is so cute!"

"Director Qin, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Farewell, I like children better than monkeys!"

Qin Nuo greeted fans as he walked.

He's not a big bad guy either.

People like his movies and come all the way to pick them up at the airport.

If I look impatient again.

How sad the little sisters must be.

Try to smile as happily as possible, so that they can feel that their efforts were not in vain!

There were also many reporters coming around, making it difficult to stand.

But I still handed the microphone to Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, how many awards do you plan to win this time?"

“This time I come here mainly to participate!”

"Does Director Qin have no confidence?"

"Whatever you say, I'm mainly here to travel."

Qin Nuo's attitude towards reporters is not so good.

This group of crooked reporters has even less bottom line than the mainland reporters who use sand.

Qin Nuo doesn't rely on them for food.

So there is no need to give face at all.

The fans at the back were very happy when they heard this.

"Does Guide Qin travel? Our winding scenery is very beautiful!"

"Yes, I think you are very enthusiastic too!"

"Director Qin, you are so kind."


A road less than a few hundred meters.

Qin Nuo walked for nearly half an hour before breaking out of the encirclement.

There are just too many people.

It's hard to breathe while walking inside.

Hurry up and get in the car and disappear in a blink of an eye.

The fans at the back watched Qin Nuo go away, but they still didn't want to leave.

"Director Qin is really good, talented, handsome, and so gentle.

"Sisters are right, Director Qin is a real talent, I really like him.

"Me too, I have been a fan of Director Qin my entire life."

The reporter next to me sounded a little unhappy.

This guy Qin Nuo is not polite to them at all.

He seemed to be indifferent.

And quarrel with them.

Hearing this, he retorted.

"What a fart, this guy is just a human-faced beast.

"I don't know how many female stars there are in mainland China."

"That's right, I heard that they even sent people to the hospital as a toy, what a beast!"

"Last time I heard that Jiahang's Yang Mi and Reba were allowed to go together, how perverted!"

"What are you talking about? Slandering Director Qin."

"Is there any evidence? Are you just talking nonsense?"

The fans around him were unhappy and asked.

Journalists are not afraid either.

"Do you need evidence for this? Mainland news reports are bad!"

"That's right, you fools still think he is an idol!"

But fans are not stupid either.

"Humph, aren't mainland reporters just like you? Can you trust what they say?"

"Sisters are right, you reporters spread rumors about Jay Chou's secret marriage last time!

"The result is that it was made up"

"It sounds like farting!"

"What we said is true, Qin Nuo is not a good person to begin with."

"He's a piece of trash. He's so young. Maybe the movie was shot by someone else!"

"Damn it, you are so brave, sisters, this guy slandered Director Qin!"

"What do you think we should do!"


"These journalists deserved to die"

"That's right, if you don't do anything serious for a day, you will fool around and beat them to death!"

Seeing the crowd coming around, the Japanese reporters panicked.

"Hey, a gentleman talks but doesn't do anything, what do you want to do?"

"Yes, we are just talking"

"Stop talking, do it!"


ps. There are so few tickets today. There are only a few. Please do your best. There will be more tickets in the afternoon. Come on, come on!

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