Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

219 Global Attacks To Smear, Deng Wen Shows Cruel Hands! The Sex Case Nearly Ruined Prometheus! Qin

"Then promoting Chinese movies, that's no problem.

"This is acceptable!"

Jeff nodded, this doesn't matter.

"What else? Are you all idiots except Jones?"

"Jeff, you can let the movie's leading actors participate in more activities, road shows, and variety show recordings!"

"Increase the film's exposure!"

"Passed, next one!"

"To put pressure on theaters, Qin is an outsider anyway!"

"Pass, next one!"

"I checked, Qin Nuo seems to have a lot of scandals in China, we can use this to attack Qin!"


"Do you have shit in your head? What does that mean in Hollywood?"

"Do you want Qin Nuo to be more popular???"

"Jeff, I checked that the filming of this movie was very intense, and the actors had to shoot for more than ten hours every day!

"This is abuse!"

"This proposal is good, approved!"

Universal moves quickly,

The next day there were a lot of interstellar scandals in the newspapers

[Exposed, there was mistreatment of employees during the filming of Interstellar, and they worked intensively for fifteen hours!]

[The post-production staff are overwhelmed!]

[Interstellar is great, but it has serious racial discrimination. Why are the entire spaceship full of yellow "283" people!]

【Qin Nuo is a typical nationalist!】

【The unknown side of Qin!】


At the same time, the starring role of Prometheus has also begun to perform in various theaters.

Participated in many variety shows and accepted interviews from reporters.

"Here? Okay!"

Qin Nuo signed his name.

"Miss, where's yours?"

"Is it okay here?"

In the theater, a beautiful Yangma was very bold.

Others have their signatures on the shoulder straps, but they don’t wear them at all.

Just let Qin Nuo write on it!

When the melon-eating people around saw it, they started to boo.

The United States is different from China.

People here understand everything.

Anyway, it’s more fun to play.

As a normal man, Qin Nuo couldn't help but take a look.

not bad.


The beauty was a little disappointed.

But Qin Nuo's actions in the next second made her scream.

Qin Nuo took off his T-shirt directly.

Revealing his muscular upper body.

The chest muscles and abdominal muscles look very beautiful.

It's like it was carved.

Sign your name on your T-shirt and hand it to this bold beauty.

"Is this ok?"

"Okay, okay! Qin, I love you!"

Dayang Ma couldn't help but hug Qin Nuo hard.

Not far away, Liu Yifei had almost torn the book open.

She felt green on top of her head.

A bit heavy.

"Shameless foreigner! Even more shameless than Zhang Ziyi!"

Zhang Ziyi turned her head and looked at Liu Yifei when she heard this.

"What a fart are you looking at!"

Liu Yifei ignored the woman and continued to sign.

But the veins on his hands popped out.

"That's it. Thank you for your support. I like your enthusiasm!"

After speaking, Qin Nuo quickly left with the three of them.

The audience in the United States is much crazier than in China.

Qin Nuo signed several names after that.

I was drained of a lot of oil.

Slip away!

Just got in the car

"Boss, there are some negative news about the movie and you appearing online and in newspapers!"


Sister Hong quickly handed the tablet and newspaper to Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo frowned as he watched.

Needless to say, he knew who did it.

Give me Deng Wendi’s number.

The call just came through.

Deng Wendi spoke first before Qin Nuo could speak.

"I already know the matter, don't worry, leave it to me!"

"That guy Jeff thinks too much. Universal can't compare to Fox!"

Qin Nuo hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

This is the benefit of being backed by a large company.

It would be really difficult to handle this matter if he did it by himself.

Universal is really treacherous.

The issue of race was deliberately avoided.

They have been promoting that Interstellar is a Chinese movie.

The director is Chinese and the actors are Chinese.

At first the audience didn't care, but after listening too much they felt uncomfortable.

It's like having an outsider come to stay in your home for two days,

It was nothing.

But the people next to me kept saying what was wrong with this person, what was wrong with him.

If you talk too much, you will have a bad impression of this person.

And mistreating employees.

Qin Nuo does not deny this.

According to the laws here in the United States, it is indeed true.

But it's none of their business.

Besides, it’s not like I didn’t get overtime pay.

These people just want to discredit the movie.

Label Interstellar a movie of blood and tears.

Next work!

"Don't worry about them, why don't we continue to promote it? Deng Wendi is better than us!"


the other side.

Deng Wendi sat in the office, his eyes dazed.

There was a hint of danger in his narrow eyes.

It is true that she is more anxious than Qin Nuo.

Even if Qin Nuo is affected, the most he can do is get less money.

You can still prosper when you return to China.

But Deng Wendi was different.

Interstellar took a lot of hard work from Fox.

And this is her first time leading a blockbuster release.

Whether it is the group or Mercado.

It's still the 21st century people who are watching.

Failure would be a big blow to her.

"Jeff, don't blame me for being unjust if you don't stop!"

"Prometheus' butt is not as clean as you think!"

"Go, get me the people from Fox News!"

"Okay, ma'am!"

Universal was happy for less than a day.

They achieved a lead in the box office yesterday.

But he didn't expect Deng Wendi's revenge to come so quickly.

[Shocking! Prometheus director Deli is suspected of sexually assaulting a woman, and the Los Angeles police have opened a case to investigate!]

[Following reports, the incident occurred three years ago, when Deli had a relationship with a 13-year-old girl in a bar]

[After paying nearly a million in fees, the girl’s family finally chose to remain silent!]

[Following reports, Deli has been summoned by the police!]



This is not over yet, less than a day after the incident broke out.

Children's Protective Association of Los Angeles launches march,

Boycott the Prometheus movie.

The director of this film is a copper smelter and should be taken off the shelves.

More than 300 people were walking on the street.

Many marchers even ran to the door of the cinema.

Stop staff from selling movie tickets for Prometheus!

In an instant, those little things about Qin Nuo were directly covered up.

The hot spot in the entire United States is Deli.

His sexual assault case made headlines.

Children are always the most sensitive nerves in the United States.

Because there are too many things.

Therefore, the laws in the United States are quite strict on the protection of children.

This time Deng Wendi was serious.

If this is not done right, the movie will really be taken off the shelves!


People who had been running the road show all day watched Fox News in the hotel.

Smiling quite happily.

Deng Wendi, this woman is really cruel.

I'm afraid the plan has already been made, if Universal dares to take action.

Get rid of this matter immediately.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to dig out so much in one day.

Just like some domestic public relations companies.

In fact, they also have many scandals involving celebrity artists in their hands.

But keeping it secret is just waiting for a suitable opportunity to release it.

used to seek greater benefits.

I’ve seen too many things like this online.

Don't be surprised.

"This place is disgusting, that girl is thirteen years old!"

Liu Yifei looked at the news and said angrily.

"Sister Sissi is right, it's so disgusting!"

Qin Nuo and Zhang Ziyi thought it was okay.

It's not that they don't think this is the right thing to do.

Just because they understand Westerners' peeing habits.

White people develop earlier than Orientals.

Not to mention thirteen years old, there are many earlier.

But those who develop early and age quickly.

Many Ocean horses look similar to those in their 30s and 40s when they are in their twenties.

This led to some psychopathic people targeting little girls!


Why does the United States have such strict child protection laws?

It's because there are too many of these things.

That's why I'm so cruel!

Otherwise there is no deterrent effect at all.

"Okay, don't worry about him, the law will take care of him."

Qin Nuo turns off the tablet.

There was no expression on his face at all. This was none of his business. Just leave it to the police.

"This is our chance, we leave for Europe tomorrow!"


The world around the world has been devastated by sexual assault cases.

It took a lot of money to bail out Deli.

Now I no longer dare to promote movies in a high profile.

Already teetering on the edge.

If you're not careful, you may be forced to cancel the show.

I won’t be able to cry until then.

Being timid and timid!


This gave Qin Nuo and the others a chance.

Interstellar travel continues to sweep across the United States and the continent of Europa.

On the eleventh day of its release, the US single-day box office reached 22 million. Successfully climbed to the top.

The total box office in the United States also reached 120 million.

In addition to the United States, the response in other places was also very good, with 11 million in a single day.

Another nine days have passed, and the interstellar journey has almost come to an end.

After all, this movie is from China, so the sense of immersion is a problem.

There are still many people who are unwilling to go to the cinema

But the data is already very good!

It was released in the United States for 20 days, with a total box office of 165 million US dollars.

Combined with other regions, the total box office was 130 million US dollars during the 15 days of release.

The total global box office reached 295 million!

Seeing this data, Qin Nuo took a few people and went back to China directly.

This would have only cost $300 million when it was released.

Qin Nuo can stand on his head and eat shit.

Deng Wendi didn't stop him either.

This box office data is simply not very good.

Qin Nuo fought a good fight, and so did she.

I just asked Qin Nuo to come to Fox’s celebration party when the global movie is released.

ps: Additional update, I didn’t see it in the morning, there is a big boss who rewarded and reminded me to update, thank you Wu Yanzhu!

As for the ticket, you can add more if there is not much difference.

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