Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

220 Box Office Of 4.2 Billion! ! ! The Scarf Exploded. Qin Nuo Returned To China And Was Greeted By

Qin Nuo is making waves and is still very popular in China.

Every day someone posts the single-day box office of Interstellar overseas.

From ten million to more than ten million.

to more than 20 million.

At its peak, the overseas single-day box office reached 30 million!

This is much more exciting than watching a young lady dance.

Think about 30 million US dollars, that’s 200 million dollars in one day!!!

Qin Nuo has two small goals a day!


"Why doesn't it work? Qin Nuo doesn't last long."

"I've been doing highlights for more than a week, but now I'm making $10 million a day!"

"It's not even close to 300 million U.S. dollars. It's just a little bit short. This foreign guy is too disrespectful."

"I agree, is someone bullying Qin Nuo? Then we must help!"

"Who, who bullies Qin Nuo and seeks death?"

"Brother, scarf, come out!"


"what's up?"

"Holy shit, let's see who dares to do it!"

Some people with a little knowledge got drunk looking at these idiots.

These guys are okay with chatting.

In other respects it's just rubbish.

Qin Nuo is not alone, Fox is behind.

Who has nothing to bully him?

Didn’t you see that ten days ago, everyone in the world was running away with their tail between their legs?

Do you really think world-class media groups are joking?

"Okay, a bunch of mentally retarded people, do you think this is a country with so many people?"

"Some places abroad only have a few people, and the box office is not long-lasting!"

"That's right, 27 brothers, let's go out for a walk. We are famous for our long-lasting domestic box office!"

"You think the population of more than one billion is a joke!"

"The box office explosion usually only lasts for a few days. Besides, the results are not bad now, so 350 million is not a big problem!"

"Enough is enough, enough is enough. Counting domestic production, Qin Nuo's movie is worth almost 600 million US dollars!"

"Forty-two billion yuan, you can't even put it in your house, so what else are you thinking about?"

Brother, I'm still a little angry. Do you look down on me?

But look at the box office numbers later.


Really surprised.

At the time of drawing, it was really around 350 million.

Including domestic ones, that's almost 600 million US dollars.

4.2 billion RMB!!!!

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

4.2 billion!!!

What was our total domestic box office last year?

One hundred and seventeen billion.

A movie of Qin Nuo is equivalent to more than a quarter!!!

Suddenly everyone felt their knees were a little weak!

Don’t look at how happy people call Qin Dog Qin Dog on the Internet.

I guess I would have to kneel down if we really meet...

The same goes for people in the industry. They can get more accurate figures than netizens.

Indeed, the more accurate you are, the more powerful you can appreciate Qin Nuo.

This is really a battle to become a god,

$600 million.

Now ranked first in the global box office!

Of course it may be exceeded.

But at least now he is number one!

Some entertainment companies are frantically inquiring about Qin Nuo's next movie.

The little assistant at home has been tortured almost crazy.

They are all big shots in the entertainment industry.

They dare not offend.

I can only say it in a good voice.

There are also celebrities in the industry.

This time, no matter how big the deal is, in front of a box office of more than 4 billion.

They all have to lower their heads.

It turns out that you don’t have to go to Hollywood, you can just go to China and come to Magic City.

As long as I can star in Qin Nuo's movie,

They can also show their faces in front of the entire Blue Star!

Who is not excited?

Not to mention the salary.

Even if you post it upside down, they still have to act.

Look how popular those leading actors are!

This time, the two little assistants had a lot more gifts.

But every day is so busy.

There are countless celebrities in the industry who want to connect with Qin Nuo through the two of them.

Although I know the possibility is very small,

But what if?


"Boy, tell me, why don't you tell me?"

The third master crossed his legs and was in a very good mood.

Yesterday he was called again by the higher-ups.

The big guys praised him well.

Interstellar was a huge hit abroad.

The third master’s contribution is also great.

It has been decided that he will continue to work for another five years.

How can you think of retiring before you turn sixty?

Keep up the good work!

Make more contributions to China’s film industry.

Wang Lin couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Han Sanpin's appearance.

What am I doing???

I have been busy for more than a year.

He was half-dead from exhaustion and asked the third master to work for another five years.

Then the hammer I toss about!

I worked for this guy for free.

"Third Master, okay, I'm just blind, Qin Nuo must be great."

"We made a lot of money this time, at least 50 million US dollars!"

"That's right!" The third master nodded with a smile on his face.

Although Huaying makes money is a trivial matter.

But so much money is not a political achievement.

You can't lose money every year.

"But give Qin Nuo 60% of the money earned abroad. How about we get 40%!"

Wang Lin was stunned for a moment.

Then he nodded.

Indeed, to be honest, Huaying did not make much impact abroad this time.

Think of it and use it everywhere.

It was all done by Qin Nuo himself.

Including making so much money, Qin Nuo is also very courageous.

Otherwise, it would be good to earn 20 million.

"The third master is so generous, he gave away tens of millions at once~!"

"That's someone else's!"

"By the way, I heard this guy is coming back, why hasn't he arrived yet?"

"It seems like this afternoon!"

"It's time to come back!"

The third master muttered.

He was really worried that Qin Nuo would be abducted by people from Hollywood.

It's not a easy place to hang out.

It's okay to go and have some fun.

The resident gringos who don't have much talk will be angry.

the other side.

A plane flew across the sky over Shanghai.

Qin Nuo, who has been away from China for twenty-one days, will finally set foot on this rich land again.

"Why haven't you come back yet? Lao Li, your information is inaccurate!"

"Shit, it was definitely this afternoon. I spent more than five hundred yuan and asked a professional."

"But why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"Who knows, just wait"

As early as two hours ago.

A large number of reporters arrived at the Modu International Airport one after another.

One by one, they carried long guns and short cannons.

He looked excited, as if he was going to war.

More and more, and finally the staff of the Magic City Airport had to come forward.

There are so many traffic jams, which greatly affects tourists.

Even some travelers heard about it.

I'm not in a hurry to go home.

I was so lucky today to meet Qin Nuo at the airport.

It’s okay to go home anyway,

Might as well wait.

Look at this guy Qin Nuo, maybe he can get two signatures or something.

The result is that there are more and more people.

It really almost blocked the door.

"Brother Liu, is there something wrong with this flight? Why hasn't Qin Nuo arrived yet?"

"I'm so scared of you, you came back from so far away from Paris."

"Isn't it normal for flights to be delayed? Just wait."


"Director, how long does it take for the Qin Nuo flight to arrive? There are too many people. This group of reporters won't leave no matter what!"

"Yes, supervisor, don't cause trouble."

Naturally, the airport staff also like Qin Nuo.

But if something happens to so many people, they will lose their jobs!

"It's already hovering in the devil's capital. It'll be out in half an hour. Go clear it out quickly!"

"I'll go find Qin Nuo later and ask him to hurry up. I'm going to be delayed!"

"Okay, by the way, supervisor, why don't you get an autograph for me? My daughter really likes Qin Nuo!"

"And I, the supervisor, my son also likes it very much."

"The supervisor can also drive one sheep and herd two sheep. I have them too!"


It didn't take long.

Qin Nuo and his party got off the plane.

"Qin Nuo, help me get the box!" Liu Yifei said coquettishly.

"Take it yourself!" Qin Nuo took a look.

Everyone takes the wheat by themselves, you are worse than a child!"

"Damn it, straight man!"

Liu Yifei puffed her lips.

Qin Nuo ignored him at all and scolded 540. Anyway, he had a lot of quick meat.

You didn't scold me lightly last night.

You don’t have to swallow it obediently.

"Boss, Wang Lin sent an email asking you to go to the capital when you have time!"

Sister Hong was very busy and got off the plane.

I took out my notebook and looked at the email.

"I see!"

"Brother Nuo, it's so late today. Let me go to your house to sleep. I don't want to stay in a hotel."

Zhao Jinma looked cute.

Qin Nuo touched this girl's head with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, you don't have to stay in a hotel."

.....When I come back, I informed Sister Hua and she will come to pick you up."


Zhao Jin marked "......"

Several people planned to go back and have a good rest, but they had just walked out of the airport gate.

I was instantly shocked by the sight in front of me!!

Hundreds of reporters carried long guns and short cannons, and there were many people around.

If the square wasn't big enough, Qin Nuo would be a little worried that it wouldn't fit in.

There are at least a thousand people, not thousands!

"Holy shit!"

"I go!"


Several people were stunned, but not the reporters.

The moment they saw Qin Nuo and the others, they felt as if they had taken aphrodisiacs.

The reporters kept pushing forward.

Qin Nuo quickly held Liu Yifei and Maizi in her arms.

Just run inside.

I can't afford to offend so many people!

Fortunately, the airport staff responded quickly.

He immediately brought tools to protect Qin Nuo and the others.

Qin Nuo and the others were relieved.

Looking at the upright man beside him, Qin Nuo said quickly.

"Thank you, leader, thank you, leader!"

"You're welcome, Director Qin, my name is Liu Yu!"

"Director Liu, thank you!"

The two shook hands and Liu Yu felt very good about Qin Nuo.

A very humble person.

It’s hard to imagine that this is an international director.

Really too young.

ps: The second chapter has been added, it’s 20,000 words, is there any more? Bro.

Help me up, I can still do it.


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